Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Emi

Chapter 11


A few days later Zach couldn’t hide his shock when Gwen came to school with a black eye and firmly clenched jaw. He tried to talk with her before homeroom, but she told him the explanation would have to wait until lunch. When they finally reached the Caf Kate identified her friend’s mood at once.

“Uh oh, which lost cause was it this time?” she asked as Gwen and Zach took their seats.

Gwen’s eyes flickered.

“I thought I told you not to call people that,” she said sharply, then after a short pause sighed. “Who do you think?”

“Fireball?” Zach asked.

“Laser,” Kate said.

“Correct!” Gwen said enthusiastically. “Impressive Katie.”

“Who’s Laser?” asked Zach confused.

“I hope you never meet him,” Gwen replied. “I’d much rather deal with Fireball, at least he knows when to take off. Laser on the other hand seems to enjoy pushing me.”

“How do you mean?” he asked.

“I set limits for my powers so neither of us has more than we can handle, but he’s constantly trying to force me over that line,” Gwen answered. “He never wins, but it’s a pain just the same.”

“That explains your less than perky expression this morning,” he said.

“Sorry, in fact it’s more about my eye,” she said. “I have work tonight, I can hide most injuries, but black eyes are tough. I’ll probably have to ask Pinky for help, she’s the more experienced make-up artist.”

“I doubt your regulars will mind and they’re the better tippers anyway,” Zach said encouragingly.

“Yes, you’re right,” said Gwen with a small smile. “I guess you can’t help being image conscious when you’re a waitress.”

“Look at it this way, you are the only person I know who still looks hot with a black eye.”

Gwen reddened, Kate groaned dramatically and Zach laughed.

“Thankfully, it won’t last long,” said Gwen with a shrug. “Depending on lighting, it’ll be a sickly shade of yellow tomorrow and gone by the following day. Although, I might sleep with the lights on to speed it along.”

“You can do that?” Zach asked with a chuckle.

“I can do a lot of things when I have to,” she replied casually.

Once the initial surprise subsided Zach didn’t notice it anymore which made her less self-conscious. Work wasn’t as bad as Gwen thought, but she was still glad when her eye returned to normal. The day after her regular flesh tone reappeared they were walking to Gwen’s place from the restaurant when she abruptly stopped and stared down a street closed for roadwork.

“What’s wrong?” Zach asked searching the area.

Two large roadblocks were positioned in the road to keep cars out, but he couldn’t see any construction or damage that would warrant them. Gwen hummed thoughtfully, then started toward the barriers, Zach followed behind her aware she was up to something. He halted as she stepped through one of the blockades, literally! The thick plank of wood seemed to bend around her, then whipped back as though nothing had happened.

She gazed over her shoulder in confirmation and said, “That’s what I figured.”

Zach said nothing he could only gawk.

“It’s an illusion,” she said. “It’s not real, that’s why I didn’t go around.”

Unable to find another rational explanation he moved forward and reached out to touch one. Sure enough he grabbed no more than a handful of air, convinced, he walked to Gwen without knocking over the barrier.

“Weird,” he said candidly.

“I’ve never met an Illusionist, this should be interesting,” she said continuing up the street. “The only reason to create a barricade is to try and hide something.”

All was quiet, but Gwen hesitated as they approached the next street.

“Uh, oh,”


“Tartar sauce . . . that’s Fireball’s scent.” she replied inspecting the new road.

“He couldn’t have generated those illusions,” said Zach.

At the end of the right side street was a four way traffic stop and another set of barriers identical to those behind them. However, to their left the road seemed empty.

“You’re right, so either my nose is off or . . .” Gwen paused and turned left. “Fireball has a partner.”

They proceeded, with Gwen trying to single out the different scents. The Illusionist had to be nearby, she just needed to find out where.

“There,” she said suddenly halting.

A new smell registered, gingerbread . . . and not a single bakery on the block. Old painted brick buildings lined one side and several trees along the edge of the park seemed to watch over them from the opposite side. The scent called to her wafting out from within the trees so Gwen continued, she knew Fireball wasn’t far away, but for now her attention was elsewhere. They climbed over some bushes, catching their clothes on stray branches and thorns while the aroma of gingerbread grew stronger. She pulled some fallen wood out of the way and couldn’t believe what she found crouching behind a bush. A young girl with frizzy hair and large eyes, she couldn’t be more than six years old, but Gwen could tell she was much more than she seemed.

“Hi,” Gwen said cheerfully, bending down to her level. “I’m Gwen and this is my friend Zach, what’s your name?”

Zach cocked an eyebrow at the word friend, but then again she was talking to a kid, best to keep things simple.

The girl stared at them intently for a moment before saying, “Daddy told me not to talk to you.”

Gwen’s brain seized, daddy . . . it couldn’t be.

“You’re dad . . . does he have fiery hands?” Gwen asked calmly.

Her silence spoke volumes, so Fireball had a daughter . . . you think you know somebody.

“Okay,” Gwen said seriously. “I can tell your daddy’s nearby, why did he ask you to make those roadblocks? Is he planning to attack someone?”

“No!” she cried. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“Then what’s going on?” Gwen asked. “I can’t help otherwise.”

The little girl was taken aback, Gwen couldn’t be sure what Fireball told her, but she doubted it was anything positive.

“He . . . he’s just trying to . . .” she sputtered. “I mean . . . we don’t have any money and . . .”

Gwen’s mind jumped to her search of the area minutes earlier, there was an ATM outside a coffee shop. She glanced over the bush in front of them, they were directly across from the machine.

“Wait here,” Gwen said standing, not completely sure what she was going to do.

She started toward the road when the girl grabbed her by the leg.

“You’re not going to hurt him, right?” she asked fearfully.

Gwen smiled at her comfortingly.

“Don’t worry, I only want to talk with him,” she said soothingly.

The girl let go, Gwen stepped over the bush and into the street stopping halfway to the ATM with a deep breath . . . tartar sauce.

“All right Fireball I know you’re here,” she called out. “Let’s chat.”

Zach watched anxiously, he didn’t want her to get burned like last time. Gwen gazed around until a figure walked out of a dark corner and faced her.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the chipper light bulb,” Fireball said moving under a streetlamp.

The nickname was a new touch, but she didn’t mind, after all she used quite a few.

“Always nice to see you Fireball,” she said as if she hadn’t heard. “However, your plan tonight worries me, robbing an ATM . . . bit risky don’t you think?”

His flat expression shattered revealing one of shock and disbelief.

“Careful, Gwen,” Zach whispered.

He feared what would happen if Fireball lost his temper.

“What’s the matter?” the girl asked confused.

Zach considered telling her, but she was too young for most details so he thought it best to shorten the story.

“Gwen and your dad have met and fought before,” he said. “Last time I was there and she ended up burned.”

“Your daughter’s a cute kid,” Gwen explained. “I can see now why you’re out so often.”

Fireball’s eyes narrowed.

“Get out of my way,” he hissed.

“I can’t do that,” she replied softly. “Let me help before you do something you’ll regret.”

“I said MOVE!” Fireball shouted igniting his hands and stepping forward.

“Listen to me Fireball this is more than petty theft, if you go to jail, who’s going to take care of your daughter?” Gwen asked seriously.

With an angry roar he shot lines of fire at her causing Zach’s stomach to lurch. Gwen flung a hand in front of her and a shield of light appeared which the fire couldn’t pierce. Zach breathed with relief, looked down and realized he was alone.


He had been so worried about Gwen he hadn’t noticed the girl slip onto the sidewalk.


Zach stepped out next to her.

“Daddy why did you fight?” Lesley asked approaching her father. “She didn’t do anything.”

Fireball squirmed uncomfortably.

“Lesley not . . .”

“She wants to help,” she interrupted. “You wouldn’t have to steal anymore, why won’t you listen?”

By now the four of them had formed a small circle in the center of the street.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” Gwen asked Zach, who was standing to her right.

“Sorry, I was never good at following orders,” he replied playfully.

“What’s your deal!?” Fireball yelled at Gwen.

She had to keep Zach from getting in his face for that comment. She had him take a step back, then turned to Fireball.

“I have no deal, no motive and nothing to gain,” she told him as firmly as her voice would allow. “Trying to save Hexes from our forsaken reputation is what I do.”

“Very well,” Zach added.

“I can give you a list of people who were in the same place as you when I found them.”

“Forget it, come on Lesley,” he barked taking her by the arm.

“No!” Lesley shrieked pulling away. “No more running!”

“Baby . . .”


She tripped over her feet and landed on the asphalt. The two boys focused on her, but something else had captured Gwen’s full attention. Headlights, coming in their direction. They were approaching at a speed far beyond the limit and by the time she realized they belonged to a semi it had already shot passed a stop sign. Uh, oh.

“Guys, RUN!”

Gwen pushed Zach and Fireball toward the sidewalk, then grabbed Lesley with one arm and tossed her to Zach before returning to the middle of the road.

“Gwen?” Zach asked uncertainly.

A ring materialized on the ground around her when she held her arms out to the side. Tiny beads of light formed and gathered in her palms before Zach recognized what she was doing. She took a deep breath then swung her arms in front of her. The light that rushed from her hands started as a beam, then mushroomed creating a giant shield. The truck collided with it at full speed. Tires squealed as Gwen fought to slow the monstrous machine while the others could do nothing, but hope for her success. The closer it came the tighter Zach’s throat became. Finally no more than five feet from her the truck halted, but only from the force Gwen used, the wheels were still moving. Oh God!

“Gwen, what’s happening?” Zach yelled over the noise.

The buttons on her sleeves gave way from the energy waves her hands were emitting and diesel fuel overwhelmed her sensitive nose.

“This isn’t a runaway,” she screamed her eyes fixed in place. “Something’s wrong with the driver.”

Without a second thought Zach handed Lesley to her father and ran across the road behind Gwen.


Despite the smoke rising off the tires he raced to the driver’s side and climbed up to the door, silently praying it wasn’t locked. He grasped the handle and the door swung open to reveal a man snoring over the steering wheel. Zach shoved him aside and pulled the E break. The high pitched screech and neck snapping jolt informed him they worked. He exhaled his tension and glanced at Gwen over the dashboard. The light slowly faded and there stood Gwen panting heavily. He started to leave, but thought it better to be safe than sorry and turned off the ignition. However, not before observing a used bottle of cold medicine and an empty energy drink can. Zach shook his head, slammed the door shut and jumped off the side of the truck landing on his feet. Before he could take a step a stomach-churning thud met his ears. He hurried around the front and found Gwen collapsed with her arm over her face, still gasping for air. Zach was by her side in an instant.

“Gwen,” he whispered so quietly he was surprised she heard him.

Her skin was damp with sweat and her body wouldn’t stop shaking. She slid her arm off her eyes and reached for his face. They still contained their sparkle, but fatigue had muted them. Her hand felt warm against his cheek, he couldn’t help smiling at her as he pulled her into his arms.

“You’re trembling,” he murmured. “Are you all right?”

“It’s the adrenaline,” she replied. “Takes a while to wear off.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Oh my gosh . . . is she . . . ?”

They both glanced over as tiny Lesley ran toward them. Gwen shuffled slightly so she was sitting up when Lesley arrived beside her.

“I’m fine, Lesley,” Gwen said rubbing her head affectionately.

“Oh, good,” Lesley sighed perking up. “You were amazing!”

“Thanks,” Gwen giggled.

Fireball slowly left the sidewalk to join his daughter.

“I can’t believe what you just did,” he said standing above them.

There was an extra glint in her eyes when Gwen faced him.

“You’re wrong if you think I’m letting you walk away,” she informed him. “The two of you are coming to my place so we can work this out.”

Gwen moved her hand from Zach’s face to his shoulder and attempted to get to her feet, but failed miserably.

“All right,” she said settling on the ground. “I figured as much, we’ll have to transport.”

“Are you strong enough?” Zach immediately asked.

“It only takes a moment, I’ll be okay,” she replied.

He couldn’t avoid worrying, but she was powerful and undoubtedly able to do more than he could understand.

“Zach is there someone at the station you could call about this?” Gwen asked nodding toward the truck.

He went through the roster in his mind.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Great,” she said. “Lesley, give me a hug okay?”

Lesley hopped onto her lap and wrapped her arms around Gwen’s neck. Zach took her arm and she held her hand out to Fireball. He didn't take it, he stood there staring at her.

“Oh come on, I just saved you two I’m not about to throw that away by putting you in danger again,” she told him firmly.

He seemed to agree with her and grasped her outstretched hand. Gwen smiled kindly and breathed deeply.

“Hang on.”

© 2014 Emi

My Review

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nice chapter. this marco cat is funny.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 10, 2010
Last Updated on January 23, 2014
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance



Windsor, Canada

I've been writing since I was thirteen, it started with poetry since it was the only way for me to express my feelings at the time but since then I've moved into novels. I've been working hard on .. more..

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