![]() Chapter 6A Chapter by EmiChapter 6 Gwen left the restaurant half an hour after closing with a tired sigh. The stars above twinkled and the street lamps radiated a warm glow. She had walked this path so often she could navigate every twist, turn and shadow, leaving her mind clear to plan the rest of her night. She was so deep in thought it was awhile before she realized there was another set of footsteps in the vicinity. Gwen stopped in the middle of the street and looked around. A lone figure stepped forward, and the fact that she recognized him did not make her feel better. It was one of the guys with Zach earlier, the one who was hitting on her. “There you are,” he said in an unsettling tone. “What’s going on?” she asked refusing to let her concern enter her voice. “I don’t know who your boyfriend is, but he’s not good enough for you,” he said walking closer. Uh, oh. “You’re wrong, he’s a great guy and I care about him,” Gwen said lightly. “You deserve better.” Closer, closer, too close! Gwen backed away fearfully, there was a smell in the air and a sickening feeling told her it was alcohol. “No,” she said firmly. “Come on, babe,” he hummed putting his hands on her arms. Gwen tensed, she didn’t like his cold touch. “No!” she repeated, louder and more urgently this time. She tried to wiggle free of him without being too forceful, but he wouldn’t let go. Worry began to flood her mind when suddenly. “The lady said no.” The fear was banished and a smile returned to her lips. “Zach!” she cried relieved. The boy turned to face him still gripping one of her arms. “Where the hell did you come from?” he asked harshly. “I could tell your warped brain was up to no good, so I stuck around,” Zach said simply. Gwen yanked away from the boy and ran to Zach’s side. She hugged his arm while hiding behind his shoulder, his minty scent cleansed all else from her nose. “Wait,” he said suspiciously. “You’re her boyfriend?” “Surprise,” said Zach jeeringly. “You’re sharp as a cotton ball, Jed.” Jed’s face twisted, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a switchblade. Gwen clenched Zach’s arm startled, he gently moved her aside with a confident grin and walked toward Jed. “Just try it,” Zach prompted. Jed lunged several times, but Zach eluded him with ease. One of his, some would call futile, attempts came a little too close and Zach punched him in the jaw. Though it probably wasn’t intentional Jed’s arm spasmed from the hit and struck Zach in the face. He yelled as the blade sliced across his cheek and the two broke apart. Horrified, Gwen screamed, “Zach, shield your eyes!” Her tone convinced him not to question her ploy, he obediently hid his face. She thrust her hand into the air and in moments a blinding light filled the area like a radiant sunrise. Jed’s overly sensitive eyes burned, he dropped the knife and ran from the excruciating brightness. Gwen shut off the light with a relieved pant and Zach uncovered his eyes to look at her. The second she saw him Gwen moaned blood was sliding down his left cheek from the cut under his eye. She walked up to him with a sad smile taking a tissue out of her vest pocket. “Oh, dear,” she breathed pressing it against his face. “We better clean this so you don’t get an infection.” “I’m fine,” he said laying his hands on her waist. She took the tissue away with yet another sigh and said, “Hang on to me.” He clutched her closer confused as she placed her hands on his arms. Without warning Zach felt a strong tug in his chest and his vision was overcome by a kaleidoscope pattern so bright it burned his eyes. He felt weightless, as though, he had become a puff of air floating through the sky. The only reminder he was still flesh and bone was Gwen’s figure huddled in his arms. All of a sudden, the colours faded, gravity returned and Zach was left in a room so dark he couldn’t see Gwen even though she was facing him. “Darn, I thought I left the main lights on, one sec.” She scurried away and moments later a large, one room apartment came into sight. “You okay?” she asked. They were standing in a small kitchen just off the mudroom, a few feet from them the tile floor met a hardwood step which led to the living room. He noticed a staircase against the left wall and realized this was a loft. He leaned against the table, suddenly aware his lungs were almost empty. “Great,” he croaked. “Sorry,” she said going into the cabinets by the fridge. “Katie hates the transport too, she won’t let me use it with her.” Zach took a seat as she retrieved a first-aid kit from the cupboard. “So that’s what happens when you disappear,” he said. “Yep,” she replied bringing over the kit. “I travel through light particles, it’s much faster than walking and the ride’s not so bad after you get used to the kick.” He sat quietly as she tended to his injury. “Sorry if that stings,” she commented covering his cut with an anti-bacterial cream. “I don’t use creams with anaesthetics often, after all if you can’t feel it how do you know it’s effective?” “It’s okay,” he mumbled trying not to give away the fact that it was actually hurting more than he expected. Gwen’s smile had an almost thankful air to it, they were so close he could feel her breath on his forehead and smell garlic on her clothes. “That should do it, for now at least,” she said carefully applying a band-aid with one hand and crumpling the wrappers in the other. Zach had to take a few deep gulps as Gwen threw out the garbage, it took a lot of effort to keep from wrapping his arms around her when she stood over him. “You deal with injuries all the time, don’t you?” he asked once he had regained his composure. “Depends on your point of view,” she replied kicking the trash can cabinet closed. “More than I’d prefer . . . sure, but not enough to make me stop my nightlife.” As he was giving her answer some thought she reached into her right boot and pulled out a handful of cash. She went through the bills on the countertop before she saw the look on his face. “My tips,” she said. “I don’t like using purses, after tonight I’m sure you understand why.” Oops, he must have been staring at her during his contemplation, oh well he welcomed the interruption. “He’s on my basketball team, I don’t spend much time with him otherwise,” Zach explained. “He’s obnoxious even when he’s sober.” “Vodka,” she said quietly. “I could tell. I feel so stupid.” “Why?” he asked stunned. “I smelt it in the restaurant, but like Katie says I’m too trusting, I figured it was just his aura. I should have told Tony and had him kicked out, then none of this would have happened.” “Don’t you dare take the blame for this,” he said standing. “We’ve tried to make him stop, we even went to his parents, but his dad won’t listen without proof.” “Proof?” she said questioningly, reaching into her other boot. “Will this do?” Zach could have hit the floor, in her hand was a familiar silver flask. “What . . . how did you get your hands on this?” he asked taking it from her with a laugh. Gwen gave him a crooked smile. “He was hardly the first out of control drunk I’ve dealt with, the best idea is to remove the threat, aka the alcohol. This is the first flask I’ve grabbed, I’m used to bottles,” she said brightly. “It’s engraved too, I doubt his father will be able to shake this off.” “You’re right,” he said pocketing the flask. “Not to mention brilliant.” Zach rested his hands gently on her shoulders and gazed into her beautiful eyes. His touch was the exact opposite of Jed’s, warm and soft making her want to shiver not shriek. Her heart pounded, her face grew hot, but common sense intervened and she placed her hands on his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. “Zach I . . .” “Hey,” he interrupted moving one hand up to her face. “I did what you asked, I thought things over.” She stared up at him with large, soulful eyes, listening to him attentively. “I realize why you were worried. I could care less what anyone from school thinks and as for after school,” he paused to give her a comforting smile. “I think what you’re doing is incredible, no matter what dangers come to light I want to be there with you.” Her heart throbbed, her throat swelled until it hurt too much to speak. She could only relax her arms and nod, accepting his answer. They inched closer and closer, they could feel each others’ breath when suddenly . . . BANG! The door burst open and a young woman with straight brown hair pulled into a ponytail entered the apartment. “Gwen, sweetie!” she half wailed. They both jumped and Gwen leaned back against the counter before looking toward her visitor. “Pinky, don’t you ever knock?” she sighed. “Sorry,” she replied staring at Zach. “Who’s this?” Gwen glanced at him before answering, “My boyfriend.” “Your . . .” “Did you want something, Pink?” Gwen asked cutting her off. “Huh . . . oh right, I need milk,” Pinky said taking her eyes off of Zach. “I have baking to do and I completely ran out.” Gwen grinned and walked toward the fridge. “I didn’t mean to bother you,” she added hastily. “I was panicking and knew you usually have some.” “Relax Pinky,” Gwen said pulling an unopened milk carton off the door and bumping it shut. “Just make sure you double check those recipes, I don’t want you pounding on the door at four a.m. because you forgot something else.” “Right,” Pinky breathed accepting the milk. She gazed at Zach again who stood silently with a calm expression. “Is he from around here?” she asked Gwen, even though Zach was standing next to her. “We met at school,” Zach replied. “You got an older brother?” she asked silkily. “Pinky,” Gwen said shocked. Pinky seemed to realize that she had disturbed a special moment and her chit chat wasn’t helping. “Um, I should get going, lots to do,” she said scurrying toward the exit. “Thanks again, you’re a peach!” She rushed out of the apartment without closing the door. Gwen shuffled over with her head down, an obvious blush reaching the tips her ears and snapped the door shut, then reclined against it with her hand over her eyes. “Pinky?” Zach asked attempting to lighten the mood. “This is one of the few times I haven’t seen her wearing any, must be laundry day,” she replied with an uncomfortable laugh. “I love Pink, but that was embarrassing.” “It’s not so bad, girls have asked me that before, but unfortunately for them I only have an older sister,” he said cheerfully. Gwen looked up at him and chuckled. “Kind of killed the moment,” she said, her cheeks still warm. “This place is going to be buzzing tomorrow, they’ve never seen me with a guy.” “Guess I’m causing you trouble already,” he said guiltily. “Not at all,” she said returning to the kitchen area. “Everyone in the building knows who and what I am and unlike school it’s not frowned upon here.” “Really?” he asked surprised. Gwen nodded, “Most of the tenants are Hexes,” she explained lightly. “I see,” he said. “Sounds like a great place.” She grinned, then shrugged. Zach suddenly noticed when she smiled he wanted to smile with her, it was the kind that was both loving and contagious. “I hate to put a damper on things,” she said, rousing him from his thoughts. “It’s late and I don’t want you to get in trouble with your parents.” Zach checked the clock over the stove, he didn’t want to leave, however getting grounded did not appeal to him. “Can you walk home from Corona?” she asked kindly. Let’s see, Corona road is east of the school and his house was to the west. “I could, but . . .” he started slowly. “Probably not a good idea,” she finished nodding. “Well . . . if you tell me where you live and could handle another kick to the chest we can try transport.” Ugh. “Or the slower, easier choice, a cab.” There was no way he could take another transport, not so soon, hardly a difficult decision. “Cab,” he said candidly. “Definitely.” © 2014 Emi |
5 Reviews Added on May 10, 2010 Last Updated on January 23, 2014 Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance The Hex : Opposites Attract
Chapter 10
By Emi
Chapter 11
By Emi
Chapter 12
By Emi
Chapter 13
By Emi
Chapter 14
By Emi
Chapter 15
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Chapter 16
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Chapter 17
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Chapter 18
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Chapter 19
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Chapter 20
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Chapter 21
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Chapter 22
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Chapter 23
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 26
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