Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Emi

Chapter 5


It didn’t take Zach long to realize his promise of contemplating a relationship between them wasn’t going to be as easy to fulfill as he had hoped. It seemed like a simple problem initially, he wanted to be with her why should anything else matter. As poetic as it was, he knew it wouldn’t be good enough. Gwen had her reasons for asking this of him. He had to try to understand them and whether they were a problem for him. Okay, what were some of the things she mentioned? The harassment from Brent on the soccer field, not a problem, actually he was impressed by her maturity toward the situation. It did bring up another issue however, Gwen was very polite, but unpopular. Rumours of her being a Hex and her passive personality made her a target for bullying. Zach didn’t care what people thought of him, he had always been popular, but it wasn’t something he needed. Realistically he could deal with anything that happened at school, undoubtedly she really wanted him to consider her life after school. Not only was she a Hex, but she was a vigilante, of sorts and his entire family was in law enforcement. It was strange, almost like they were on different and similar sides at the same time.

These thoughts swirled around his head from Friday night through Saturday and he still wasn’t sure if he had accomplished anything. Late Saturday night Zach left his room and ventured to the kitchen for a snack. All this thinking was giving him a migraine, he needed a break even if it was just to make a sandwich. Butter, roast beef and lettuce, when he closed the fridge door his father entered the room.

“You’re up late.” he said walking to the fridge and grabbing the leftover meatloaf. “Got a project due?”

“No,” Zach said simply. “Just reflecting on something.”

“Animal, vegetable or mineral?” his dad asked placing the meatloaf in the microwave.

“None of the above,” he replied attempting to leave the kitchen.

“Ah, female,” said his dad closing the microwave door with a smirk.

Damn, it was days like this he really hated having a detective for a father.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” his dad said when he didn’t respond. “She have a name?”

Zach considered returning to his room without answering, but he could definitely use a second opinion. As long as he didn’t let it slip that she was a Hex there shouldn’t be a hitch.

“Gwen Booker,” he answered reluctantly.

“Haven’t heard you mention her name before, she new?” his dad asked turning on the microwave.

“No,” Zach sighed. “We’re just . . . from opposite sides of the lunch room.”

“I see,” his dad said slowly.

Zach was starting to regret his decision, time to change the discussion’s direction slightly.

“Red hair, bright eyes, maybe five five on the outside,” Zach told him, her picture clear in his mind. “Great smile . . . courteous . . . cheerful.”

Zach glanced over only to find his father staring at him intently.

“Sorry, I was waiting to hear the problem,” his dad said responding to the look on Zach’s face.

“We’re in different circles,” Zach said with a shrug. “She wanted me to think things over before we go anywhere.”

“Hmm,” said his dad. “Tell me something, would any of the girls you usually hang out with ever do that?”

“Probably not,” Zach breathed as the microwave beeped.

“Well, it sounds like you’re in the wrong circle,” his dad said taking his meatloaf and a fork and heading for the door. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have cases to look over.”

Zach would never admit his dad had a point, at least not to him, he might tell Gwen when he saw her. He still couldn’t think of a good reason to keep them apart, a change of scenery might help, thank god he had a basketball game tomorrow.

The sun had set by the time their game was over and Zach and his three friends were starving. They always went for pizza after a game, but their usual spot was closed for repairs.

“What are we supposed to do now?” Jed complained loudly.

“There are other restaurants,” Clyde reasoned. “Isn’t there an Italian place near here?”

“They’re too expensive,” said Jed.

“Its pizza,” said Dane critically. “As long as we don’t order it with lobster or filet mignon, I don’t think we’ll have to cash in our college funds.”

These were his basketball buddies, they didn’t really hangout and their constant bickering like an old married couple was probably the cause.

“Fine,” said Jed grudgingly.

They walked toward the restaurant, no one could remember its name, a couple of blocks away on Flagler. Even though he agreed to the new eatery Jed continued with his comments, his behaviour was the main reason the other players never joined them. Dane was nearly as bad, but at least he knew where to draw the line. Clyde was the odd man out, at six foot three he was a gentle giant and often tried to diffuse the many arguments that broke out between Jed and Dane. The restaurant wasn’t hard to find, it was tan brick, covered in vines with window boxes full of impatiens and a large awning with the name ‘Antonio’s’ painted across it.

“Nice,” said Zach giving the building the once over.

“The waitress’ are probably crones,” Jed griped.

Dane groaned and shoved him toward the door.

“All right,” Jed grumbled, then walked inside, the others followed.

Zach’s jaw dropped the moment he entered, behind the cash register was Kate Masterson. She appeared just as surprised to see him and nearly as pleased.

“D’you have a reservation?” she asked moodily even though the restaurant was practically empty.

“Katie, behave,” said a familiar voice from the kitchen.

Zach could’ve hit the roof. Gwen walked out of the kitchen in a black skirt and vest, white blouse, knee high boots and an apron with her pens and paper around her waist.

“Don’t mind her,” she said jokingly. “She’s been on her feet all day.”

Ever the picture of composure, he should have known she wouldn’t let a surprise visit from him faze her.

“Anyway, my name is Gwen,” she continued picking up a handful of menus. “I’ll be your server tonight.”

Zach received another major shock as she moved the menus between her hands, other than band-aids on a couple of fingers, her burn was completely healed. He would have mentioned it, but this was far from the best time to broach the subject. She led them to a booth and handed them each a menu after they had taken their seats.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Gwen asked them charmingly.

Zach nearly had to swallow his tongue, she looked amazing as a waitress.

“Four cola’s,” said Clyde.

Gwen flashed them a smile and walked back to the kitchen. Zach watched her go, her hair was pinned elegantly behind her head, but she had let a few strands hang freely.

“Crones, huh?” Dane said flippantly.

“We should try new places more often,” said Jed nearly drooling causing Zach to glare at him, though he didn’t seem to notice.

“I can’t believe out of all the restaurants in this city he had to find ours,” Kate whined as Gwen grabbed the glasses and filled them with ice.

“Some people would call that fate,” said Gwen softly.

“I’d call it a nightmare,” Kate muttered.

Gwen poured the drinks with a chuckle.

Kate shook her head annoyed, “I don’t get what you see in him,” she continued. “That mop headed moron won’t last long in our world.”

“That’s for him to decide.”

“All righty,” said Gwen when she returned with their drinks. “Drinks for four, are you ready to order or do you need another minute?”

“How much for you?” Jed asked cockily.

Zach wanted to strangle him, Gwen simply smiled.

“Sorry, I’m for display purposes only,” she replied smartly.

“In that case, we’ll have a large pizza with pepperoni and sausage,” said Clyde handing her his menu.

“Great,” Gwen said taking the rest of the menus before returning to the kitchen.

“Who are you kidding?” Dane asked curtly. “A girl like that would sooner join a convent than go out with you.”

Jed laughed him off and pulled out the last thing any of them wanted to see, a flask.

“Put that away,” Zach told him, able to speak now that Gwen was out of sight.

“Screw you,” he said pouring the contents into his cola. “It’s been a long day.”

“Then take a nap,” said Zach.

Jed ignored him and put the flask back in his pocket. Zach turned away from him and watched as Gwen seated a couple. They must have been regular customers, they talked and laughed on a more personal level than she had with the four of them.

“Why do you need a drink, we won the game?” Dane said out of the blue, bringing Zach back to the issues at his own table.

“This is my reward,” Jed replied taking a large gulp.

Zach rolled his eyes, a typical Jed response. He hated being around Jed when he drank, he could be a mean drunk if given half a chance. Zach hoped he wouldn’t be a problem for Gwen.

Before long Gwen came to their booth with a large tray in her hands.

“Okay, one large pineapple and anchovy, heavy on the Tabasco sauce,” she said placing their pepperoni pizza on the table. “Enjoy.”

With a cheerful little wink she left them and went back to work.

“That’s hot,” Jed commented nursing his drink.

“Give it up!” Dane retorted grabbing the nearest slice and taking a bite.

Jed picked up a piece and ate silently. Zach had a bad feeling about his change of tone, but if his mouth was closed he wasn’t causing trouble. Gwen stopped by during the meal to check on them, but didn’t stay long enough for Jed to swallow his mouthful of food and hit on her. Zach smirked at the displeasure on Jed’s face. By the end of their post game feast Jed’s glass was empty and Gwen came over with the check.

“Just bring the bill up to Katie when you’re ready, have a pleasant evening.”

As she walked away Jed blurted, “You got a boyfriend?”

She kept moving as if she hadn’t heard his outburst.

“Smooth,” said Dane sarcastically rising from the table.

Jed growled and slid out of the booth next to him.

“We’d better give her a good tip for putting up with this,” Clyde said as they neared the cashier’s desk.

“Agreed,” said Zach.

Dane handed Kate the bill and the four of them dug into their wallets for their share. Kate rang it up and Clyde dropped a ten in the tip jar. They were about to leave when Jed turned to Kate.

“Hey, any chance I can get the redhead’s number?” he asked in a last desperate attempt.

Kate’s eyes glinted with their customary protective attitude.

“Tough luck,” Kate grumbled glancing in Zach’s direction. “She already has her eye on a clown.”

Zach hid a grin, just what he wanted to hear. Jed stuffed his hands in his pockets and stomped out the door. As he passed by Zach could see the wheels in his head turning and that horrible feeling of foreboding knotted his chest. Jed was up to something and that could only mean trouble.

© 2014 Emi

My Review

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wow you've got me hooked with whatever Jed is planning to do! Nice chapter

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's really good so far :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

your right it is short by comparison. Thats ok it is still good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I likeit it is one of the few books that sucks me in

Posted 14 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on May 10, 2010
Last Updated on January 23, 2014
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance



Windsor, Canada

I've been writing since I was thirteen, it started with poetry since it was the only way for me to express my feelings at the time but since then I've moved into novels. I've been working hard on .. more..

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