![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by EmiChapter 3
At lunch the next day Zach walked past his usual table and went to sit with Gwen and Kate. “Mind if I join you?” he asked when he reached them. Immediately Gwen’s normal smile broadened, unlike Kate who sighed irritably. “Would you listen if I said yes?” Kate groaned. Thankfully, Gwen gave her a look that even the cutest puppy couldn’t match and Kate bit her tongue. Zach hid a grin as he took the seat across from Gwen. You would think Kate was the dominant one of the two, but a mere look from Gwen rendered her silent. “Humph, that was fast,” said Kate annoyed. “Huh?” Gwen asked. “Attention, it came within seconds of him sitting down,” Kate answered. Zach glanced around and sure enough there were several sets of eyes watching their table intently. “Just ignore them,” Gwen advised coolly. “No reason to cause trouble if they leave us alone.” Zach couldn’t think of anyone who could write off that many looks so easily. “How’s your hand?” he asked biting into a French fry. “Better,” Gwen replied poking at her salad. “I’m a quick healer.” “I hope Coach isn’t having the class play baseball again,” he said. “He told me we’d have soccer today,” she said lightly. “Oh?” “I guess he felt bad about those laps yesterday,” she answered. “I can’t understand why, he said ten.” “How many did you end up doing?” Kate asked opening her can of soda. “Er, actually I lost count,” Gwen confessed. Zach choked in shock. “Gwen,” said Kate disapprovingly. “Zach?” All three looked up to find a girl with long blond hair standing next to the table. “Oh great,” said Kate sarcastically. “Kelli with the i.” Gwen elbowed her friend playfully. “What’s up Kelli?” Zach asked. “Wouldn’t you rather sit at our table?” she asked with mock sweetness. “Claire’s planning a party for the end of the month.” “That’s cool, but I think I’ll stay here,” said Zach kindly. Defeated Kelli walked back to her table and Gwen hummed thoughtfully. “She’s pissed, isn’t she?” Kate asked. “Feels like it,” she replied lightly. “What do you mean?” Zach asked. “Call it intuition,” said Gwen coyly. Kate snorted with laughter, “Right, intuition.” “Your powers?” he asked softly. “Yes and no,” Gwen replied. “Yes, it’s a Hex thing, but it’s not exactly a power.” “More like a sixth sense,” Kate added. “Wow,” he said. Gwen appeared embarrassed, maybe he was overdoing it, but he couldn’t help it, this was a whole new world. “Do you think she’ll be a problem?” Kate asked. “Kelli? I doubt it, but I’ll keep my eyes open,” Gwen answered. “Isn’t she in your gym class?” Kate asked concerned. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
So once it was his turn he picked Gwen. She wasn’t the only one who looked shocked, the whole class was likely to trip over their fallen jaws. Gwen recovered her senses and walked over to him and the team. She stood next to him shyly as the last of the students were chosen. “Okay, who’s going to play goal?” one girl asked once the two teams were assembled. “Let useless do it,” said Brent, an infamous jock, pointing to Gwen. “Are you blind or just stupid?” Zach asked angrily. “She can’t be goalie with her injured hand.” “You’re so naïve Wallace, everyone knows she’s faking,” Brent said mulishly. Gwen gazed at her feet downhearted which irritated Zach. “I don’t, I have seen what’s under those bandages,” said Zach as evenly as he could. “I can assure you beyond a doubt she is not.” Gwen smiled gratefully and Zach took control of the conversation by saying, “Kale has good reflexes, he can take goal.” “Right.” Kale walked over to the net while everyone else took their
places on the field. The game was fairly monotonous, neither team could keep
the lead for long and stayed tied for the majority of the game. He had to give
Gwen credit, she may not be a soccer star, but at least she didn’t shy away
from the ball. Unlike some others who constantly moved in the opposite
direction. She did her best, but every time she kicked the ball it was intercepted
by the opposing team. Even with Gwen’s cheerful nature it was clear she was
frustrated, so were the other members of the team. She wasn’t the only one
failing to score, since she was the most unpopular blame automatically fell on
her. “That was wild.” he said once she was upright. “How did you do that?” “I have no idea,” Gwen laughed. “I recognized the situation I was in and remembered the move from a sports’ drink commercial, I figured I’d give it a shot. I honestly didn’t expect it to work.” “You made the best of a bad situation, and then some.” Gwen giggled, Zach glanced toward Kelli who looked angry enough to kick a kitten when Brent suddenly barged up beside them. “Impossible,” he yelled. “No normal broad could ever do that.” Gwen stopped laughing, her face turned neutral in shock, undoubtedly the closest thing to a frown she could muster. “What’s your problem?” Zach asked crossly. “Nobody with a damaged hand could pull that off,” Brent raved. “Everyone saw she only used her good hand.” Zach retorted. The class gathered around the scene making Gwen very uncomfortable. “Nobody was watching her, they were following the ball, and I’m telling you she’s faking.” he said. Before Zach could stop him Brent grabbed her hand and ripped the bandages away. Poor Gwen couldn’t hide her hand fast enough, the whole class saw her burns which were now accompanied by a pair of scratches. Zach noticed they appeared much better than they did before, but that was quickly overshadowed by rage. “Are you crazy!?” Zach hollered. “I . . . I . . .” Brent sputtered as Gwen wrapped her slightly bleeding hand in her shirt. Unlike Zach she wasn’t angry, she was embarrassed, Gwen hated being the main spectacle. This was sure to be a tall tale everyone in school would hear. “I thought . . . I mean . . . everyone said it was a lie,” said Brent who sounded truly horrified. “You just reinjured a girl’s hand because of gossip?” Zach ridiculed taking a threatening step toward him. Gwen instinctively stepped between the two, placing a hand on Zach’s chest and pushing him back slightly. “Please, don’t make this any worse,” she whispered looking at him with pleading eyes. Her touch was very gentle, but her eyes revealed the panic she felt and begged him not to make a fuss. Finally, Coach stepped in to halt the drama. “Okay, that’s enough, you okay Booker?” he asked standing next to Brent. “Yes sir, just needs to be re-bandaged,” she said calmly, with her hand still on Zach’s chest. “Fine, Wallace take her to the nurse,” he said grabbing Brent by the arm. “I’ll deal with this idiot.” “Sure, Coach,” Zach said. “Class dismissed!” Coach yelled as he dragged Brent toward the main office. © 2014 EmiReviews
6 Reviews Added on May 10, 2010 Last Updated on January 23, 2014 Tags: Urban Fantasy, Superpowers, Romance The Hex : Opposites Attract
Chapter 10
By Emi
Chapter 11
By Emi
Chapter 12
By Emi
Chapter 13
By Emi
Chapter 14
By Emi
Chapter 15
By Emi
Chapter 16
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Chapter 17
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Chapter 18
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Chapter 19
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Chapter 20
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Chapter 21
By Emi
Chapter 22
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Chapter 23
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 27
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