![]() Defender of the King chapter 6A Chapter by Davy Galloway![]() Davy continues to Waykin when she encounters a situation with the King![]()
When Davy finally woke up the sun had already rose. Davy guessed that it was eleven o'clock by where the sun was. She wanted to get to get past the castle as quickly as possible without getting noticed. Davy grabbed the book and headed to get Dixie.
Dixie whinnied as Davy approached and Davy produced a carrot for her. Davy gave Dixie a quick groom and tacked her up. Davy looked at the sun and realized it was past noon and she needed to get food. Davy lossened the saddle on Dixie and headed towards one of the inns. When Davy got inside the inn the stench of stale ale overcame her and she cringed her nose at the smell. She sat down at a table and a serf approached her. After Davy heard the specials she stuck with some bread and figured she'd go hunting later. A couple minutes later the serf brought out a bowl with bread. Davy took off the bottom of her helmet so she could eat without being identified. She ate the bread quickly and left some coins on the table and headed out. Davy mounted Dixie and headed towards Waykin. Once Davy reached the gates she entered the city after a small search by the palace guards. Davy marveled at the size of the castle as she entered. Everyone seemed to know what they were doing and everyone had a place. People race around with purpose. Davy dismounted Dixie and headed to the stable, she decided that she wanted to check out this place. Davy walked around the shops for hours until it started to get dark. As the sun slowly fell Davy headed towards the inn she saw by the stables. As she walked she passed a pasture with a beautiful black mare running around. Davy couldn't resist and walked up to the fence to watch. After watching the horse run and jump around for a couple minutes the horse stopped for it had noticed Davy. The horse stopped and stared at her. Davy stared right back. The horse stared to walk towards Davy and Davy started to walk towards the horse. The horse and Davy stopped a couple steps away from each other. They stared for a couple seconds and then Davy produced a carrot chunk, the horse perked up and ran to Davy to snatch the carrot out of Davy's hand. Davy decided to make the horse work fo the other treat, so she showed another treat and as the horse went after it Davy ran making the horse playfully chase her. After playing this chase game for a while Davy noticed an older man watching. Davy started to walk towards the older man with the horse in her heels. "How'd you do that?" The man asked. "I just offered her a carrot and she seemed happy. I'm sorry for..." Davy was cut off. "No one has ever been able to get that close to that horse." The man cut in seeming amazed. "Oh really she seems really nice" Davy said looking at the horse with some wonder. "No one has ever worked with her..." The man stopped talked when there was a loud scream nearby. Oddly Davy rushed in front of the man somewhat protective of him. She scanned the area looking for the noise when at house shattered as a giant fireball hit it. After seeing the fireball she rushed the man behind a near by wagon hoping the creature wouldn't see need to hit the wagon. Davy and the man waited there for a couple minutes until the creature came into view. It was a huge dragon like figure with black scales and wings. The creature towered over the men trying to fight it effortlessly knocking them down. Davy started to worry as the creature started to get closer. Then she realized the creature was looking for something, or someone. She immediately thought of Shade and creatures he could control. Her mind ran through the the possibilities that this thing was after her. The creature was right in front of them and swiped the wagon away. This creature was here for her. Davy pulled a sword out but the monster went for the man which took her by surprise. The man was sent flying by the features paw. After the man landed the creature was rushing towards him and Davy almost didn't have time to get to him before the creature killed him. As the creature went to smash the man Davy sent an arrow sailing into the creature's eye. The creature was stunned but still continued to go after the man. The man laid unconscious on the ground and Davy knew she needed to protect him. The creature threw a fireball at the man and Davy put a shield around himself then unleashed her magic on the creature. Davy pulled water out of the air and began to slowly drown the creature by filling its kings with the water. Davy barely had time to celebrate her victory when the king's guards were on her and hulling her to the dungeon. © 2018 Davy Galloway |
Added on February 12, 2017 Last Updated on June 18, 2018 Author