![]() Defender of the king chapter 5A Chapter by Davy Galloway![]() Davy travels to Waykin![]()
Davy made it to a small city outside the place walls before nightfall. Davy found an inn and tied Dixie outside. She walked into the tavern part of the inn. She hated inns they smelled terrible and were always loud but it would have to do for now. She walked over to the inn keeper and asked for a room and after handing him the money she grab three more coins and whispered, "There's an assassin for hire in town get the word out." The inn keeper nodded and handed her the key, with a slight tremble, and told her what room was hers.
Once Davy got to her small, dusty room she started to make a game plan for her trip. The hawk from earlier flew from her shoulder to the window sill. Davy got a little startled because the hawk had been so still this entire time she forgot about it. She got up from her seat and opened the window, the hawk let out a small noise and looked out the window. Davy knew she shouldn't keep the hawk here, it wasn't fair to the hawk. She couldn't let something else feel the caged feeling she felt. Davy stared out the window thinking that anyone in this town could be her parents, or they could be dead. She knew her mother was dead but she often forgot about that. The hawk nudged Davy's cheek as if it was trying to cheer her up. In return Davy shoved the hawk out the window, slammed the window shut and walked back to her her seat. Even if the hawk wanted to stay it would have a better life without her. Davy unfolded the map she had in her pocket and tried to figure out where she would go next. She didn't know where to go. She could go anywhere and see anything but she wanted to find a home and stay in one place even though she denied it. After a half hour of staring at a map she folded it back up and put it back in her pocket. Davy stood up and started to take her gear off. She took her helmet off and her black hair unfolded onto her back. She took the rest of her gear off and laid it on a chair. She looked at herself in the mirror, she only has on her black under armor on. She only used the gear for extra protection because if she wore it people would know she was a girl. The gear had a tighter fit but was lighter and comfortable so she tended to sleep in it so if anything happened and she had to leave quickly she'd have some gear still on. Davy laid down on the bed but felt the bed arched up a little bit under her back. Davy got up and looked under the mattress and found a dusty book with a blue gem on the cover that seemed to glow. Davy set the book on the bed and blew all the candles out but one and pick up the book. The book was covered in dust but it was the only reading material she had. She climbed into bed with the candle sitting on the night stand. She opened the book and started to read, but when she started to read she became utterly confused. Fragments of the book were in a type of code she couldn't comprehend. She flipped through the rest of the book to see if all the pages and found that some parts were in code and some parts she was able to read. She started to read the sentences she could read but then the ink started to move and it was all in code. Davy couldn't understand how a book could have magical powers. She started to flip through the book quickly looking for anything she could understand and she found it. About midway through the book there was a bold symbol that seemed to glow like the gem on the cover. She started to trace the symbol with her finger. She felt her magic being pulled and a small amount of light came to her finger tips and a small ball of light began to appear in front of her but then disappeared when she stopped pushing her magic into the symbol. Davy never heard of a spell like this. She looked down at the page and then brought out her knife, she used her magic to heat up the blade and then began to sear the symbol into her left arm. When she finished the symbol she relaxed her arm and let her skin and the knife cool down. When her skin cooled down she placed her right hand on the skin and began to trace the symbol and she feel her magic begin to be pulled out of her. The ball of light appeared again and filled the room with light. Davy stared at the ball in awe, this spell could really help her out when she needed a light. Davy found this as a small victory and decided to get rest she would need it since she would be traveling to Waykin tomorrow morning at sunrise. © 2018 Davy Galloway |
Added on December 7, 2016 Last Updated on June 17, 2018 Author