Defender of the king chapter 1

Defender of the king chapter 1

A Chapter by Davy Galloway

The first look into the young knight's life.

As the sunlight started to slowly rise over the horizon, Davy, the 16-year-old girl who had been training as an assassin ever since she could remember, pulled the wool covers over her head and tried to fall back asleep. She had been running place to place and telling herself it was to find work, but it was really so she could try to find her real parents. Davy never knew what happened, she was too quick to react and never got to ask the questions that really mattered. The time she could've asked the right questions, like where she came from, she spent the time running as fast as she could away from her problems. Davy wasn't sure what to do next or where to go but what she did know was that she had plenty of money so she wouldn't have to worry for a couple mounts but she needed to find some more assassin tasks when she got to her next destination.
When Davy finally awoke she laid in bed starting at the ceiling.
"Where to next?" Davy quitley said to herself. "I've heard good things about the kingdom of Waykin." Davy shook her head remembering what happened last time she was in a kingdom. "I'll just past though the city, maybe stay a night or two but then I'll leave as soon as possible." Davy thought of reasons to go into the city, she did want to get some new gloves and the money from her last assassination job could buy her a new pair of nice leather gloves. She was currently wearing gloves she found in the house of a man who she was paid to kill by the wife after she had found out that he was cheating on her. "So I'll go to the city and stay one night and one night only and that will give me time to shop and pick where I'm going next." Davy quickly sat up with jolt when she heard people talking outside. She was always on edge, sleeping with one eye open and knowing her surroundings at all times, this was part of her training. She always wanted to forget her training so she could settle down one day but then she remembered it was the man she wanted to forget not the training. Although he did do a good job on training her. He didn't just teach her how to fight; he trained her flexibility so she could easily escape tight spots, then came potion training which led to him putting different poisons in her cups so every time she drank she had to check it for any poison, he worked with her reflexes so much that she could catch daggers and arrows in her hands, her balance had been improved, but the one thing he didn't teach her was how to use her magic.
Magic had been forbidded in every kingdom, except for one but to most people that kingdom was shunned and there was only one person who was allow to have power in that kingdom anyways, the king of Malign. Anyone accused of having magic was burned at the stake or drowned because those were the only two ways people saw fit for killing whitches and warlocks. Luckily she had been able to train her magic by stealing forbidden book from the Malign King's library and learning everything she could about the craft of magic. She learned that without being trained magic would become unpredictable and hard to control. She realized that she had to tame her magic before it became uncontrollable and someone found out about it. She knew her magic was special because every spell book only explained a witch with one type of elementa, Davy on the other hand could use fire, water, earth, light and dark elementa. She never used her dark elementa though because every time she tried to use it, it became too powerful and took over her body and she would wake up in a random place, with a major headache and the feeling of having no control lingered in her body. She asked some other witches about ways to control it but every time she found a witch that would answer some questions they would make her work, often it was picking herbs, for the answer but by the time she was done with the work they assigned her the witch was tied to a burning stake. Davy tried this many times and ended with the same results; she worked really hard and got no reward. After a while she had her magic under control and she stayed in she stayed in Malign and studied how the king used his magic to try to learn more on what she could to. The only issue was the king only practiced dark magic and Davy didn't trust using her dark magic but she was still able to learn some new tricks. Although she loves staying there she ran into some issues she had to leave there abruptly.
As Davy grabbed her money bag off the dresser and deciding on weather to leave or take the book she purchased yesterday and read last night when she couldn't sleep. After a little while she left the book on top of her old undergarments. Everytime she reached a new town she would buy new underclothes and discard the old worn ones, especially because she would wear them for weeks straight and only got to wash them when she found a river or stream. She was trying to hide from certain people and she didn't need a passer by to see her in the forest or a battle and spread the word of a female knight. She was one of the only female fighters if word were to get out they would know it was her for certain and Davy was tired of running she wanted to focus on one thing, finding her birth parents. She knew that her parent could be dead but she had hope that they were out there somewhere.
Davy put on the rest of her gear and started to walk out the door. Right before stepping out of the door she looked into the mirror; she wore gear as dark as the night sky. She had two layers of gear, one was a black slim fit one that she wore under her regular gear, she had a top layer that made her chest look flat so she could pull off the identity of a man. Her black boots gave her a couple inches in height, her helmet was all black, the only thing that didn't match was her ring. She always wore the ring on a chain around her neck. She was giving the ring when she found out the person she though was her dad wasn't really her dad. She remembered that day when she questioned him and he threw the ring at her and said that she'd never find her parents. She killed her so called 'father' and took the ring on her way out. She didn't know what they looked like or what their surname was but it gave her hope that one day she would find them. The ring gave her a small hint to who her parents were since the ring had the Waykin family symbol on it. She shook her head and regained her focus from thinking of that horrid day, the day she lost it all. She looked in the mirror one last time, she smiled under her helmet knowing she looked terrifying and people would side step when they saw her and her many weapons that she carried even though most of them were hidin, then she quickly opened the door and stepped out into the dusty, crowded city.
Davy liked walking in the city, she would look at different people and wonder what it would be like if that was her life. Sometimes she would look for her parents in the streets searching for any signs of resemblance of the people to her. Little kids ran around the city playing some type of game, customers walked shop to shop looking at the different items for sale, servants were buying food for their masters, and there was a little boy. This little boy walked with a underweight grey, draft horse that had a limp. Davy would never have taken a second glance at this boy if it wasn't for the sad look on his face and the other boys making fun of him, his family and the poor horse.
"You're family can't even afford that bag of bones." Said one kid.
"How long until they have to get rid of you." Another kid chimed in.
"No one will ever buy that dirty thing." Said the fat kid.
All that horse needed was a good grooming, some food and Davy could fix that limp with her earth magic, with earth magic came the ability to heal. She was a big grey draft horse with her head held high, Davy almost immediately fell in love when she saw the hope and fearlessness in her eyes. Davy walked up to the group starling everyone. Every kid and the horse took a couple steps back.
"Mind if I pet her?" Davy asked using magic to make her voice deeper.
"S-sure" the boy stammered
"That horse is nothing but a pile of-" the boy was cut off as Davy stomped her boot on the ground releasing the trigger that sent a small dagger flying into her hands. She caught it, lunged toward the boy, pushhed him down in the dirt and pointing the knife at his throat. None of the boys had time to react because she tackled the kid in a matter of milli seconds.
"If you ever talk like that to that boy again I'll find you." Davy said through gritted teeth. By the time Davy was done saying this all the other kids, except for the one with the horse, ran. As soon as Davy released the boy from her grip he took off like an arrow speeding towards an unknown location.
"Th-thanks" Davy heard the boy stammer behind her. One thing Davy never tolerated was bullies, she was constantly bullied because she was the only girl in the assassins den. Every boy was mean to her because she was a better fighter than all of them. Whenever she won the boys would say it was because she was the masters daughter and she had special training. It was true she got special training but she was not the masters daughter. I mean she thought she was until the last day she was in the assassins den.
"No problem kid." Davy said as she walked towards the horse. She could she the fear on the kid's face as she put the knife back into her boot. She started to pet the horse, she didn't bite or kick her like her last horse. When she told her 'father' she wanted a horse he got her a wild stallion that needed to be tamed. He said that it would make her stronger and give her experience with difficult things.
"Why are you selling her she seems like a good horse." Davy asked, something had to be wrong with her for a family to get rid of this horse. She seemed like the perfect workhorse. She probably couldn't carry as much because of the limp and her being under weight but she still seemed good.
"Sh-she was in-injured last ye-year. Her le-leg was in-injured an-and she can only ho-hold a coup-couple hun-hundred pounds." When the boy finished Davy looked at him "poor kid" she thought as she watched him shaking with fear.
"What's your name kid?" Davy asked
"Henry, what's yours?" The kid said without stuttering.
"My name is Davy, how much for the horse?"
"Three gold coins or 6 silver." Henry was starting to sound more confident. Davy reached for her bag calculating how many coins she had extra to spend on the horse and a new saddle and bridle. After debating she pulled out 8 gold coins and handed them to Henry. He looked shocked, he tried to speak but his mouth couldn't form words. He started to hand Davy the rope to the horse. Davy gently took it and continued to stroke the horse's big head.
"It was only three gold coins." Henry said sounding a little confused.
"How about this you give your mom five coins for the horse and then use the rest to get something you want. Deal?"
"Really?" Henry started to smile.
"Yes, now why don't you say goodbye to her and go home?" Davy told the boy she didn't want to stay here much longer or it would get dark and she wouldn't make it very far.
"Thank you. Bye Dixie." The boy said as he hugged the horse. "Bye Davy I hope to see you again one day."
"Bye Henry, it would be nice to see you again too." Davy then turn with the horse to the leather smith. She would have to get a saddle and a bridle for the horse before she hit the road she didn't know how broke the horse was.

© 2018 Davy Galloway

Author's Note

Davy Galloway
If you see any grammar mistakes please put it in the reviews so I can fix it. Also please tell me what I could do to improve this chapter or any information I should include in this chapter or for future chapters

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Featured Review

I quite enjoyed this piece I have to say. As soon as I saw the word Assassin - I was hooked. I liked the minute detals which you added - the flexibility, the checking for poision and the catching of daggers - those details bring so much more to the able and give the reader a much better visual image on how the assasin looks.

And then comes the magic bits - fire and water - really, really cool.

Your dialogue was well presented and the whole story was a great pleasure to read and very easy on the eye. A couple of paragraphs cut separated a little to tidy it up.

Other than that - this was great work and kudos to you.


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I quite enjoyed this piece I have to say. As soon as I saw the word Assassin - I was hooked. I liked the minute detals which you added - the flexibility, the checking for poision and the catching of daggers - those details bring so much more to the able and give the reader a much better visual image on how the assasin looks.

And then comes the magic bits - fire and water - really, really cool.

Your dialogue was well presented and the whole story was a great pleasure to read and very easy on the eye. A couple of paragraphs cut separated a little to tidy it up.

Other than that - this was great work and kudos to you.


Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on November 17, 2016
Last Updated on May 8, 2018