Finding Hope.

Finding Hope.

A Story by Angela

Can a young wealthy married girl find hope amongst her grief to keep living, to survive? Or will she give in and let her dark desires take her.


Tears gently caress Evelyn's pale cheek. Life wasn't fair her heart cried. The once warm summer day turned bitter and cold. The day that once seemed so bright and had hope was now grey, and uncertain. Life didn't seem worth living, but yet she was tied to the world by an imaginary chain. "Why Aidan? Why did you go?" She whispered to the wind. She was not sure what made him leave, for he had seemed happy with the life they had made. They were young, but that was normal in most marriages of wealthy families. She loved him, and now she would be pitied and called a disgrace.

"Mommy?" Called a small voice, Evelyn looked back to see her daughter Fiona. She had the same blond hair, curls and green eyes of Aidan and it broke her heart even more. What would she tell Fiona? Daddy ran off, he might never return. Or lie, lie and hope that if he does return that she could make up a good excuse. "Mommy, where is Daddy? I can't find him." Again the small voice broke her thoughts.

Turning around she kneeled down and beckoned the little girl closer. Once the little girl was arms length she hugged her tightly. "Daddy left little dove," Evelyn said, her throat constricting with tears. Fiona pulled back, her green eyes filled with confusion.

"What do you mean left? Where has he gone? When will he be back?" The questions were fired at rapid speed, Fiona didn't understand.

"He left us, and I'm not sure where he has gone or if he will be back. I wasn't good enough for him, he may never come back," Evelyn explained, the little girl cried in her mothers arms confused and hurt. She sighed, her daughter was just as confused as she was, and no one had answers. I'm alone, what am I going to do?

"You're not alone Mommy, you have me," Fiona said, as if she heard her mothers thoughts. "Just like I'm not alone cause I have you." She smiled brightly, proud of herself.

Evelyn was speechless, what could she say to her young child after that.


© 2009 Angela

Author's Note

I will continue if you think its good enough.

My Review

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Haha. Well, aside from the fact that I think you should keep writing even if other people don't like it, as long as you do--
It was good. =) Some grammatical errors, but interesting so far. Post Part Two! =D

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Damn, this is some sad stuff! Well written and I want to know what happens next. I feel bad for the main character Evelyn which makes her very human and like-able. Keep writing and try to put a good spin on it dont let the story get stale.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on February 9, 2009



Hell, OH

I don't have a specified genre, for I write many types. I like different cultures, and I tend to write based on my moods. If I'm happy, then I will write something happy, I'm sad I'll write something .. more..