![]() Alias' StoryA Story by A.D. Wilson![]() A Resident Evil Fan-fiction from the POV of a security guard called Alias. He is mentioned in the Keeper's Diary, if you have ever played the game(s). All names and characters belong to Capcom.![]() Where am I? Who am I? I try to collect my thoughts, but it's so hard to think. I feel like my brain is full of cotton. Concentrate d****t! Alias, my name is Alias. I am, no WAS, a security guard for Umbrella Pharmaceuticals. After the accident in the lab, everything went to hell. I guess I don't have a job any more. The pay was good, but I never liked working for those jerks. The scientists always treated me like an inferior, just because I was a 'lowly' security guard. At least my buddy, Scott, always treated me like a human being. We used to get together with Steve from research and 'The Keeper' to play poker. Steve was a decent guy, for a scientist, but Keeper always accused him of cheating. I try to smile at the memory, but my face feels stiff, unresponsive. Keeper...what was his real name? It was something awful-sounding. That is why he always wanted to be called Keeper or The Keeper. I try to focus my thoughts again. The Keeper took care of the guard dogs and some of the experimental creatures kept in the basement lab. Keeper showed me some of them once. Those "Hunter" creatures really freaked me out. They looked like humanoid frogs with huge claws. Thoughts of those beady little eyes, and gaping mouths full of needle-sharp teeth kept me from sleeping for days. I look around me trying to figure out where I am. It's a small, old fashioned looking room that opens directly onto a hallway. Everything in this mansion is dark wood and wallpaper that went out of style decades ago. The house always seemed to have a faded opulence...opulence, that's a good word. I think my brain is working better. I focus on the room again. Nothing much here, just chairs and a couch. It is some sort of sitting area. This was called the Tea Room. I remember that it is just off the main Dining Room. I slowly turn to face the hallway and shuffle toward the Dining Room door on the right wall. My body feels so stiff, like my muscles have seized up. I reach for the doorknob, but my hand just brushes against it. I finally force my stiff fingers to grasp the knob, but actually turning the knob is beyond my capabilities. After a few frustrating minutes, I give up and shuffle farther down the hall. There is a door on my left, but it is also closed. Again, I force my mind to work. This door leads to that weird little room with the tiger statue with the mismatched eyes. The Keeper's room is on the left. I'm so proud of myself for remembering all of that information. The Keeper...I remember him being sick. The night of the lab accident, Scott and I put on the haz-mat suits like we were told, then went to warn The Keeper and the other staff in the mansion. I think it was too late for Keeper because he got sick a few days later. He said his skin felt grimy and itchy. Then he got a fever. Scott and I checked on him a few times, when we didn't have to wear the haz-mat suits any more. Keeper kept scratching at his infected skin and pieces of flesh were peeling off. I remember being horrified, but tried to put on a brave face. I reassured Keeper that he would feel better soon, even though I doubted it. He was starting to look like a walking corpse. The last time Scott and I went to visit Keeper, he smelled like road-kill and acted like a maniac. He couldn't speak, he just moaned and stumbled toward Scott. Before I could stop him, Keeper grabbed Scott and dug his teeth into his neck! I remember Scott screaming, then gurgling as blood sprayed over the walls and dribbled onto the carpet. I shoved Keeper away from Scott, and some of his skin peeled away from his arm at my touch. Ugh! Keeper fell to the floor in a tangle of limbs as I crouched near Scott, trying to stop the bleeding. It was too late, he twitched spazmodically, then lay still. Scott had such a look of fear and surprise frozen on his face that I wanted to cry. I wish I'd never decided to work for this damn company! I felt a tug on my leg and looked around just in time to see Keeper dig his teeth into my calf. I screamed and flailed at him, but he didn't seem to notice. When he let go and started chewing the mouthful of my flesh, I pulled my good leg back and kicked him in the face. He crashed into the side of his bed and I frantically scrambled for the doorknob. I grabbed the knob and used it to lever myself up off the floor, then hobbled out and slammed the door behind me. I heard a moan and a few thumps as Keeper beat his dead hands against the door. Then there was a bit of shuffling, and I heard meaty, tearing noises. Keeper must be eating Scott! I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go. I needed to get out of here! I limped toward the Dining Room because it led to the Main Hall of the mansion, and the front door. I got as far as the Dining Room door, near the Tea Room...I must have passed out from blood loss because that is all I remember. I focus my mind on the present as I shuffle farther down the hall, occasionally bumping into the wall. The next door on the left is the Bar. I used to love sititng in there with my friends, having a beer and listening to someone play the baby grand piano. We all had some good times. That door is closed also, so I don't even bother trying the knob. I shuffle farther along, dragging my damaged leg, heading toward the basement kitchen. I feel a bit hungry. I must be feeling better if I'm hungry, right? I hear a door open, then close, somewhere back down the hall. I hear footsteps. I bump into the wall as I try to turn around in the narrow hallway. Damn! Why am I so uncoordinated? I finally get myself pointed in the right direction and shuffle back the way I came from, toward the source of the noise. I see a man in uniform up ahead, by the Tea Room. I'm so happy to see someone alive! He must be here to rescue me! I force my body to move faster. As I approach the man, an intoxicating scent fills my nostrils. I stop and draw air into dead lungs, just to catch the scent again. The smell is wondrous, Intoxicating. The man's arm is bleeding. Warm flesh and blood! I want. I need. I hunger. A moan of anticipation escapes my lips and I force my body into jerky movement. The man hears me and turns, then gasps when he sees me. "Get back! I'm warning you!", the man says as he reaches for his gun. Oh no, we can't have any of that. My fingers cooperate enough for me to grab his hand, then pull him toward my waiting mouth. I bite savagely into his neck and relish the wonderful flavor of flesh and blood. The man gurgles a few times, then falls to the floor with a 'thump'. I kneel by his side and happily devour his warm flesh. My teeth scrape against bone, and I realize I have chewed almost completely through his neck. I will have to move to a softer area...There is a noise behind me. I slowly turn my head to see who is intruding on my feast. A woman is standing there, a look of utter horror upon her face. She is also wearing a uniform. The scent of her warm flesh assails my nostrils and I rise to my feet. She backs up, then quickly turns and runs through the door to the Dining Room. In her haste, she doesn't shut the door all the way, so I follow her. I hear the ticking of the grandfather clock echoing in the huge hall as I push the door open. I see the woman run toward a large man kneeling near the fireplace. Startled, the man jumps to his feet and yells, "Jill. look out!". He raises a huge gun toward me and then...
© 2011 A.D. WilsonAuthor's Note
Added on May 14, 2011 Last Updated on May 22, 2011 Author![]() A.D. WilsonDallas, TXAboutI decided to update my profile and switch from Lovely Lyla to my real name (my initials, actually). The picture and name fit well with my fan-fiction writing, but clashed with my horror writing. It .. more..Writing