Selena's Challenge

Selena's Challenge

A Story by A.D. Wilson

A Harvest Moon: Animal Parade fan fiction. All characters are the property of Natsume.


   Molly had moved to the farmland near Harmonica town about a year ago.  She had settled in quite nicely and was now the proud owner of several cows, sheep, and chickens.  She still didn't know everything about farming, but she was learning more every day.  Besides, she had Finn, the Harvest Sprite, to give her advice.  The other people in town couldn't see Finn...well, she wasn't really certain if the mayor's son, Gill and the local Witch and Wizard could see Finn or not.  Molly had never brought up the subject of an invisible Harvest Sprite that followed her around, in case someone thought she was crazy.  She disn't want them to lock her up in the looney bin!  She thought about asking the Wizard, who lived in Harmonica town, about Finn because they had become fairly good friends.  Molly was developing a bit of a crush on him, to tell the truth.  He was mysterious, and she loved a good mystery.

    Early one Summer morning, Molly went to town to talk to her friend Ozzie, who ran the Fishery.  She wanted to buy a boat ticket so she could do a little fishing on Toucan Island.  As Molly headed down the wooden dock, she saw Selena flirting outrageously with Toby, one of the local fishermen.  Selena had moved to Harmonica town from Toucan Island only a short while ago.  She was a dark skinned, red-haired beauty who danced in the Brass Bar at night.  Selena always wore a revealing outfit that looked like a belly dancer costume.  Molly thought it should be illegal to show that much skin in public.  She had never really liked Selena.  She was vain, arrogant and treated most of the locals like ignorant hicks, but she loved to flirt with the men.  As Molly watched, Toby hauled a large fish out of the water near the end of the dock.  "Ooh! You are such a good fisherman, Toby."  Selena cooed, "I loved to fish back home on Toucan Island. You and I have so much in common."  Molly figured that Selena wanted something, since she was laying it on so thick with Toby.  She turned to her invisible companion, Finn, and asked "What do you think Selena wants Toby to buy for her?  She always wants something.  Goddess!  That girl is such a mooch!"  Finn just shook his head sadly.  Molly coughed politely to ge the 'lovebird's ' attention.  "Oh! I didn't see you there!" Selena pretended to be surprised and plastered on a fake smile.  "I'd better be going, Toby.  I have to practice my new dance before work.  You'll come by to watch me tonight, won't you?" Selena asked as she batted her eyelashes.  "Sure Selena, I wouldn't miss it for anything." Toby replied with a lovesick expression on his face.  After Selena walked away with an exaggerated swing to her hips, Molly turned to Toby and gave him an icy stare.  "Wipe the drool off your face, Romeo.  Just what do you think you're doing?" Molly scolded.  "I thought you and Renee were dating?" she softened her tone slightly and went on, "You know Renee is a better match for you, Toby.  I know Selena flirts a lot and she is more exotic-looking, but Renee really likes you.  She's kind and gentle, she loves to fish, and she's down to earth, just like you." Molly added with a soft note in her voice. Toby squinted at her in the bright sun, scratched his head, and seemed to come to his senses.  "You're right, Molly.  Renee is really wonderful.  I'm going to visit her right now and take her this huge fish I just caught.  Do you think she will like it?" Toby asked in a boyish, unsure voice.  "She'll love it, Toby.  Maybe you can grill it for her and have lunch together." Molly suggested.  Toby went on his way, whistling a happy tune. 

     "What am I going to do about that Selena?" Molly asked Finn, who was hovering near her shoulder.  "She flirts with all the men in town and she does nothing but cause problems.  She needs to be stopped!" Molly added passionately.  Before Finn could give any advice at all, Molly stormed down the dock toward the Brass Bar.  They were closed this early in the morning, but she hammered on the door with her fist anyway.  Hayden, the owner of the bar, opened the door with a surprised look on his face.  "What's wrong, Molly?" he asked through his bushy beard.  "I need to talk to Selena.  Now!" Molly hissed out through gritted teeth.  Hayden backed away from Molly, confused by her fury.  Molly entered the dim interior of the bar and stomped over to Selena as soon as she spottd her on the dance floor.  "Why do you always have to flirt with everyone and cause problems?!" Molly shouted.  Selena looked surprised for a moment, then gave Molly a cold stare and smugly said "It's not my fault if all the men in town are amazed with my beauty.  They must be tired of seeing all these ugly, frumpy girls in town."  Ugly?!  Frumpy?!  Now she's insulting me and all my friends.  That hag!  Selena looked Molly up and down, then shook her head sadly.  "You're so ugly and pathetic, you couldn't even get old Captain Pascal to marry you!" Selena laughed.  "Uh-oh..." Finn whispered by Molly's ear.  Molly's face twisted in fury and she shrieked "WHAT?!!"  All the guys in town like me, and it's not because I go around dressing like a tramp.  I don't have to show off all that skin to get attention.  I could marry any man in town, if I wanted."  Selena's eyes flashed at the insult.  How rude!  This was a native costume from Toucan Island.  It was part of her heritage.  The nerve of this woman!  She must really believe that she is prettier than me.  Hah!  As if every man in town was lining up to marry Molly, the frumpy farm girl.  Selena noticed the indignant look on Molly's face and realized she was serious.  She really believes she can have any man she wants.  Any man...Oh, what a wonderful idea!  Selena congratulated herself for thinking up such a wicked plan.  She would set Molly up for the ultimate failure.  "Any man, you say?" Selena asked innocently.  "I'll bet you can't get the Harvest King to marry you!" Selena crowed in triumph.  Molly was caught completely off guard.  "The Harvest King?" she spluttered, "You mean the god who lives on top of the mountain?"  Selena sneered, "What's the matter?  Don't think you're up to the challenge?"  Molly stammered, "B-but, he's a GOD!"  He's not even human!"  Selena smiled, "So what?  I'll bet I can charm him with my beauty and my dancing skills.  He won't even notice a mousey little thing like you."  Molly was suddenly angry again and snapped "Oh yes he will!  If the Harvest King has any sense and good taste, he will marry me.  We'll see who gets him first!" 


    By the time Molly reached her farmhouse, her anger had cooled down quite a bit.  However, she was now faced with the grim reality of her bet with Selena.  "What was I thinking?" she asked Finn. "I let my temper get the best of me.  Selena is so infuriating!"  Now what am I going to do?" she begged Finn.  Her Harvest Sprite companion decided to ask the Harvest Goddess and the other Sprites for advice.  "Don't worry, Molly" Finn reassured, "the Harvest Goddess will know what to do."  After Finn disappeared, Molly laid on her bed and cried out her misery.  She knew there was no way that a god could fall in love with a human.  When Finn returned, Molly had cried herself to sleep.  He gently shook her awake.  "Molly!  I got some help from everyone.  The Goddess and the Sprites told me how to reach the Harvest King on the top of the mountain, plus they told me all his favorite things!" Finn chirped in happiness. "If you take him presents every day, maybe he will start to like you." Finn suggested.  "Well," Molly told Finn, "at least Selena doesn't know what the Harvest King's favorite things are.  Hopefully, dancing isn't one of them."

    The next morning, Molly tried to prepare herself for a meeting with the Harvest King.  She had encountered him only once before, when the five Harvest Sprites rang their bells on the mountaintop to summon him.  They had needed the Harvest King's power to restore the Goddess Tree before the Harvest Goddess faded away.  Molly remembered the Harvest King had frightened her a bit.  He was so tall and powerful, and his narrow red-gold eyes had seemed cold and distant.  He had been breathtaking as he pourd life-giving energy into the dying Goddess Tree.  Molly shook her head and tried not to be overwhelmed by the task ahead of her.  She grabbed her hammer and headed to Garmon Mine.  She would have to work her way up 45 levels of the mine to reach the home of the Harvest King.

    Several back-breaking hours later, Molly emerged onto a snow-covered ledge near the mountain peak.  In the frosty air, the sweat on her body immediately began to freeze.  She hurried around the corner to where a hot spring was supposed to be located.  A handsome, well-muscled miner named Owen told her about the rejuvenating qualities of the hot spring.  Right now, Molly just wanted to wash off the sweat and dirt, and get out of the cold air.  Also, she didn't want to stink when she met the Harvest King.  Molly asked Finn, "Do you think the Harvest King will notice that my clothes are kind of dirty?"  Finn reassured her "Don't worry.  The Harvest Goddess never notices stuff like that, so I don't think he will notice it either."

    After a relaxing soak in the warm water, Molly wasn't quite as afraid to meet the Harvest King.  She quickly dressed and walked carefully up the long, narrow staircase that led to the top of the mountain.  "Somebody should put a railing on this staircase.  This is dangerous!" Molly gulped as she stared down into the chasm below.  Ferocious winds threatened to push her over the edge, but she finally reached the shrine at the top of the mountain.  "There he is!" Finn squeaked in excitement.  The Harvest King had his back turned, so Molly couldn't see his face.  His long, fiery-red hair stood out brilliantly against the long, white robes he was wearing.  The cold wind of the mountaintop constantly toyed with his hair, making it seem almost alive.  Molly slowly approached the Harvest King with an offering of an apple from her farm.  It was of the highest quality, which was called "Shining", and apparently it was one of the Harvest King's favorite presents.  In one swift movement, the Harvest King swiveled around to face Molly.  "Who are you?" he demanded in a booming voice.  Molly shrank back in fear.  He's so scary up close!   "M-my name is Molly," she stammered, "I helped the Harvest Sprites ring their bells and summon you last year."  The Harvest King seemed to study her for a moment, then shrugged and flatly stated "You humans all look the same to me."  Then he dismissed her with a wave of his hand and said "If you're not here for a reason, you shouldn't have come all the way here."  Well, he certainly is friendly.  Molly drew up her courage and presented the Harvest King with the shining apple. "I brought you a gift.  I grew this apple on my farm and thought you might like it." Molly spoke in a rush.  A slight smile turned up the corners of his mouth as he accepted the apple.  "You have good taste.  This is one of my favorites." he said.  "I want you to bring me more of these." the Harvest King commanded.  "I will create a gateway, so that you can visit me without traveling through the mine.  I know that mortals tire easily." he said as he led Molly back to the entrance to the mine.  Molly watched in awe as the Harvest King placed his hand upon a set of runes carved next to the mine entrance and caused them to glow with power.  "Whenever you wish to visit me, place your hand upon the runes near the lower mine entrance and you will be transported to my mountaintop." he explained.  "Don't forget to bring me more apples." the Harvest King commanded as Molly disappeared.

    When Molly got back home, she collapsed into bed, exhausted.  "I did it, Finn!  I made it to the mountaintop, faced the Harvest King, and gave him a present!" Molly shouted triumphantly.  "You did a great job, Molly.  I'll bet the Harvest King falls in love with you right away!" Finn cheered.  Molly laid in bed, dreamily thinking about the day.  The Harvest King had seemed so frightening, and a bit rude at first, but he really was quite handsome.  No, he was beautiful.  That is a much better word.  She remembered the striking contrast between his brilliant red hair and the whiteness of the mountain snow.  His entire body was surrounded by a glowing red-orange aura that reminded Molly of sparks in a campfire.  A wide, gold band encircled each of his powerfully muscled arms.   His perfectly sculpted chest made him look like a marble statue made into flesh.   Molly sighed at the wonderful memory.  At least he accepted my gift, and he seemed interested in seeing me again.  Maybe I actually can get a god to fall in love with me, even if he is a bit reserved.  I've always liked mysterious men.  Besides, they are more of a challenge!   Molly finally fell asleep and dreamed of becoming the Harvest King's wife.


    Molly quickly made a habit of visiting the Harvest King every day.  She took him every shining apple she could grow on her farm.  While Molly was checking her apple trees one afternoon, Finn suddenly appeared in front of her with an agitated look on his face.  He had disappeared earlier and Molly wondered what he was up to.  "Selena talked Owen into taking her through the mine to the mountaintop!" Finn wailed.  "I followed her to see if she'd made any progress with the Harvest King.  Selena danced for Owen and the Harest King.  You should have seen the look on Owen's face.  He was practically drooling!"  Finn stated in disgust.  "But the Harvest King was not impressed.  You should have heard him."  Finn did his best impression of  the Harvest King "Why are you moving in such a strange way, human?  Are you ill?"   Molly couldn't help herself.  She started to laugh, just picturing the look on Selena's face.  Finn continued his story, "Owen and Selena walked down to the upper entrance to the mine and Selena threw a fit.  She was yelling about how amazing her dancing was, and what did some dumb old Harvest King know anyway?"  Finn started to look agitated again, but continued, "Selena leaned up against the runes and said she was going back to town to work on an extra-special dance for the Harvest King.  She said he wouldn't make fun of her then.  And then she disappeared!" Finn wailed.  "She knows how to use the runes to get to the mountaintop now." he sniffled in misery.  "Poor Owen.  It took him forever to figure it out and Selena was gone by the time he got back down the mountain.  He looked so sad."  Finn added.  As Finn finished his story, Molly was truly worried about the outcome of her bet.  "Oh Finn, now she has a short-cut to the Harvest King!" Molly cried.  "But the Harvest King didn't like Selena's dancing at all." Finn reassured her.  "But Selena is cunning.  She will find a way to win the Harvest King's heart." Molly sighed.

    Now that Selena had a quick path to the Harvest King, she completely ignored poor Owen.  She worked day and night perfecting her new dance.  She vowed to create her most passionate dance ever.  When she thought the dance was nearly perfect, she tried it out at the Brass Bar one night.  Every man in town showed up, and their excited breathing quickly fogged up the windows.  Of course, the girlfriends of all these men found out about Selena's special dance and were furious!  Their hatred toward Selena quickly grew and soon, hardly any woman in town would talk to her.

    The day arrived when Selena was going to try out her new dance on the Harvest King.  She talked to her boss, Hayden, about her difficulties last time.  "Why don't you take the Harvest King one of my special cocktails? It might loosen him up." Hayden suggested.  Selena agreed, and chose a random cocktail from the list.  When she reached the mountaintop, she tried her new dance on the Hrvest King.  When she was finished, Selena stood there panting, waiting for the Harvest King's reaction. "Is this strange gyrating some sort of human ritual?  Is it some form of offering?" he asked skeptically.  Selena lost her temper and yelled "Yes it is!  I worked very hard on that dance and you don't even seem to care!"  In her frustration, Selena almost tripped over the cocktail she brought as a back-up offering.  The Harvest King noticed the drink and asked her what it was.  "I brought this for you.  I thought you might like it." she stated as she carefuly handed him the drink.  As luck would have it, the drink was an Apple Cocktail, one of the Harvest King's favorite things.  "I like this.  You have good taste.  Bring me more." he commanded.  Selena walked back to town with a smug expression on her face.  If a few Apple Cocktails is all it takes to win the Harvest King's heart, I've got Molly beaten!


    Finn found out about Selena's success with her gift and Molly was really worried now.  Molly continued to visit the Harvest King every day and bring him gifts.  When the scorching heat of Summer gave way to the crisp days of Autumn, she started bringing shining grapes instead of apples, since they were now out of season. She made sure to carefully cultivate the plants on her farm and gave them the best fertilizer.  Molly had always taken good care of the plants and animals on her farm, but she wanted to put even more love and attention into her special gifts for the Harvest King.  He actually seemed to be warming up to her lately.  At least, Molly thought he seemed to be friendlier.  He seemed to really be trying hard to understand humans and their curious ways. 

    Molly was crawling around her grape plants, giving each of them a little more fertilizer, when suddenly the Harvest King appeared right in front of her!  She was so startled, she ended up sprawling backwards into a pile of fertilizer.  Oh great, the one time he comes for a visit and I'm covered in dirt and cow dung.  "I wish to learn more about humans." the Harvest King announced without any introduction.  "Human females seem to like flowers as gifts, do they not?" he asked.  Molly got up and brushed herself off as best as she could, then replied "Yes, most women love flowers.  Some women have favorite flowers that they specially love."  The Harvest King looked puzzled, then asked "What is a 'favorite' flower?"  Molly noticed his confusion and tried to explain, "Some women like a flower because it may have special meaning to her, or it may be an exotic variety, or it may simply be her favorite color."  The Harvest King looked thoughtful for a moment, then asked "What is your favorite color?"   Molly quickly replied "Red is my favorite color,"  then added in a whisper, "that is part of the reason why I like you so much."  She felt the blush creep up her neck to her cheeks.  The Harvest King raised one eyebrow and looked at her quizzically.  He'd never seen a human turn red before.  Molly noticed his puzzled expression and quickly explained "My favorite color is red, and your hair is as red as the heart of a vocano.  It truly is beautiful..." she stammered to a halt at the look of total bewilderment on the Harvest King's face.  Then, a smile slowly spread across his perfect features.  "Beautiful is a compliment, is it not?" he asked.  Molly nodded her head 'yes', but she didn't know what to say.   How did we go from talking about flowers, to me gushing about him like an idiot?  "Thank you is the proper response, I believe?" the Harvest King asked.  Molly was surprised.  He really seemed to understand humans more every day.  She didn't know if it was because of her influence or not, but she hoped so.  "I am also fond of the color red.  The color suits you." he said and pointed to Molly.  She looked down at herself and realized he meant the red outfit she was wearing.  He noticed what I'm wearing, and he gave me a compliment.  I'm definitely rubbing off on him.  The Harvest King looked thoughtful for a moment, then seemed to reach a decision.  He stated, "I will find a rare flower for you that is as red as my hair, since you seem so fond of it.  Farewell."  The Harvest King turned away and disappeared.  Molly stood there for a moment in shock and embarrassement.  "Are you all right, Molly?" Finn asked with concern in his eyes.  Molly finally managed to reply, "He wants to find a flower as a gift for me?  I thought for sure he was digging for information about Selena."


    About a week went by with no word from the Harvest King.  Molly tried to visit him on the mountaintop, but he wasn't there.  "He must still be searching for a red flower for you." Finn told her as she walked back to the farm.  Molly hadn't realized how much she missed seeing the Harvest King every day.  "I hope he comes back soon." she sighed.  What started as an impulsive bet had grown into something more.  Molly truly cared about the Harvest King.  He filled her thoughts, her dreams, and almost every waking moment of her life.

    One crisp, Autumn morning, Molly headed out the door of her farmhouse to start her chores, and walked right into a 'wall'!  The Harvest King was standing on the doorstep, inches from the door, and she slammed right into his chest!  She recovered her balance and rubbed her sore nose.  The Harvest King affected not to notice her discomfort.  He looked down at her with a very serious expression and said, "I have searched the land, and at last I have found a flower that is worthy of you."  He hesitated, looking a bit unsure.  "He's afraid you won't like it!" Finn whispered by Molly's ear.  The Harvest King gave Finn a sharp look, then seemed to regain his confidence.  He held out his palm toward Molly.  She gasped in surprise as she caught site of the flower that rested there.  It looked a bit like the Blue Mist flowers that she often grew on her farm, but the petals weren't shaped quite the same, plus they were bright red instead of blue.  " I found this flower growing in the mountains above a place called Mineral Town." the Harvest King explained.  "These flowers are called Blue Magic.."when he saw the confused look on Molly's face, he quickly continued, "but this is a rare variety called a Red Magic flower."  Molly stared at the beautiful flower nestled in the palm of his hand, and tears began to fill her eyes.  The Harvest King noticed her tears and looked extremely worried.  "I have upset you?  I will bring you a better gift!" he declared and turned to leave.  "No, don't go!  I love your gift." Molly reassured him.  "It's beautiful, and exotic, and perfect...just like you." she added quietly.  "I'm sorry I started to cry, but I am just a bit overwhelmed by your thoughtful present." Molly whispered with a tremble in her voice.  "You must have worked very hard to find the perfect flower for me." she stopped, overcome with emotion, then bowed her head and said "Thank you for such a special gift."  The Harvest King's beautiful face shone like the sun when he smiled at Molly.  He replied, "I am pleased that you like my gift.  I would like you to visit me tomorrow at the mountaintop.  I have...missed your visits lately."  The Harvest King disappeared, leaving Molly to sort out her tangled emotions.

    Autumn 14th was the Moon-Viewing festival and Molly was really excited about it.  Everyone in town met at Flute Fields to watch the beautiful moon rise over the hills.  Some people brought food for a picnic and hot drinks in order to keep warm in the cool, Autumn air.  Molly decided their relationship had progressed enough to ask the Harvest King to the festival.   She travelled up to the mountaintop, then was suddenly unsure of herself.  Does this count as asking him out on a date?  Do gods even go out on dates? Oh well, I guess I'll find out.  "Would you like to accompany me to the Moon-Viewing festival tonight?" she asked as politely as possible.  The Harvest King scowled and coldly stated, "I have no interest in human festivals.  Besides, I am a sun god.  Why would I wish to view the moon?"  Molly was crushed.  I should have thought of that.  He probably thinks I'm an Idiot!  He looks a bit angry, too.  Now what do I do?  "I'm r-realy sorry to have bothered you," Molly stammered, "I just thought it would be romantic and I wanted to spend time with you."  The Harvest King noticed her discomfort and softened his tone, "I mean no disrespect toward your festivals, but I have no desire to leave my mountaintop and look upon the moon.  I do not understand 'romance', but possibly you can teach me in time."  Molly understood and, blushing slightly, replied, "I will teach you as much as I know about romance." Which really isn't much! This won't take long!  "Don't worry about going to the festival with me.  I'll ask my friend, Wizard, if he wants to go.  I haven't spent much time with him lately.  He spends most of his time looking at the moon and stars, so he will enjoy the Moon-Viewing festival." Molly explained.  As she turned to leave, she didn't notice the expression on the Harvest King's face.  The Wizard will accompany Molly to the Moon-Viewing festival?  What is this strange feeling?  Why do I feel resentment toward this Wizard? 

   Molly arrived at Wizard's house and knocked politely on the door.  "Enter." she heard from inside.  She stepped inside and looked around.  Wizard always had the most interesting things in his home.  Mysterious plants and herbs hung from strings attached to the walls, bookshelves lined the walls and there were more books in assorted piles around the room.  Wizard's crystal ball was sitting on a small table in the center of the room with a cloth concealing it from sight.  "Good afternoon, Molly." Wizard said as he walked down the steps leading to his powerful telescope.  "Hi Wizard, I thought I'd drop by and see if you wanted to go to the Moon-Viewing festival tonight." Molly asked.  Wizard's silvery eyebrows shot up in surprise.  "I haven't seen you in quite a while, Molly.  From what I have heard lately, you are pursuing a man quite diligently.  Shouldn't you ask him to the festival?" he asked in a hushed whisper.  Guilt flooded Molly's features but she managed to say, "I'm so sorry I haven't spent any time with you lately.  To tell you the truth, I was really developing quite a crush on you."  She looked down a her feet in embarrassment, unable to meet his eyes...those beautiful, mismatched eyes.  One eye was as golden as a harvest moon, the other was the pale green of Spring leaves.  There was an enigmatic tattoo under his right eye, it's whiteness standing out against his dark skin.  He was so mysterious and unusual.  Even his silvery-grey hair was odd, since he didn't look old.  He looked no older than Molly.  Wizard's soft voice brought her attention back to the present, "I was aware of your growing interest, but I was unable to find a solution to the problem." Problem?  My crush on him was a problem?  I guess he never really liked me...  "I was beginning to have feelings toward you, Molly" Wizard continued, "and it was distracting me from my studies. It is best if we just remain friends.  Besides, I am an immortal.  It...complicates things if we become involved with anyone."  A whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions ran through Molly.  Wizard had a crush on me, but didn't want to get involved?  He seems happy that I've found another man that I like.  Now he doesn't have to worry about me 'distracting' him.  He is an immortal?   Oh no!  He doesn't know that the 'other man' is an immortal too.  "Umm, about the other guy that I've been seeing..."

    After Molly explained her relationship with the Harvest King to Wizard, he stood lost in thought for quite a while.  "I'm not sure you have any idea what you are getting yourself into, Molly." Wizard said quietly,  "The Harvest King is an immortal, a god.  You have no idea how complicated this situation..."  "I love him!" Molly blurted out, cutting off Wizard's warning, "I wasn't sure at first, but now I realize how empty my life would be without him."  Wizard looked thoughtful again, then sighed "Sometimes these things have a way of working themselves out.  It may be written in the stars..." he trailed off.  Wizard glanced out the window and realized that night was fast approaching.  "Well, friend Molly,  I will do all I can to assist you in your pursuit of the Harvest King.  In the meantime, I suggest we head to Flute Fields so we don't miss the Moon-Viewing festival."


    On Molly's next trip to the mountaintop, she noticed the extreme difference in temperatures between the mountain and her farm in the valley below.  It was only mid-Autumn in the valley, but on the mountain, it felt like the heart of winter.  She decided to take a soak in the hot spring to warm up before taking her usual present ot the Harvest King.  "Don't look, Finn." Molly told her Sprite companion, then quickly undressed and slid into the warm, soothing water.  "Ahh, bliss!" she said to herself.  She leaned back against the edge of the hot spring and let the hot water soothe her aches and pains.  Farming was tough work!  She closed her eyes and turned her face to the sun.  She could see it's warm glow through her eyelids.  Suddenly, a shadow blocked out the brightness of the sun.  "Is is getting cloudy?" she asked Finn.  "Um...Molly, open your eyes." she heard Finn say.  She opened her eyes and was startled to see the Harvest King's face only inches from hers!  She gasped in surprise and accidentally dunked herself in her haste to back away.  Molly came up coughing and trying to wipe the water out of her eyes.  "Are you all right?" the Harvest King asked, radiating concern.  Molly tried to cover her naked body and scoot the back of the hot spring at the same time.  "You just startled me." she finally managed to say.  "Why are you trying to cover your body with your hands?" the Harvest King asked.  Oh boy, how do I explain this to a god?  "Um..most humans of the opposite gender don't see each other naked, unless they are in a serious relationship and have feelings for each other, and stuff..." she finished lamely.  The Harvest King raised an eyebrow and studied Molly intently.  "I consider our relationship to be serious, and I have feelings for you.  Would it be proper for me to join you in this naked hot spring experience?" he asked with curiosity.  What am I going to do now?  Part of me really wants him to join me...  Her imagination painted a picture of him sitting beside her in the steaming water, his naked body pressed close to hers.  Her heart began to hammer in her chest.  She was excited, but afraid at the same time.  No, not yet.  Think fast!  What should I say to him?  "Um.. I appreciate your offer, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." Molly said honestly.  "I have feelings for you too, but I would rather wait a little longer.  I'm a bit shy, especially when it comes to nudity.  I hope you don't mind." Molly explained carefully, hoping she didn't offend him.  "I understand." the Harvest King said as he gave her a slight smile, then added  "I will wait on the mountaintop until you have finished bathing."  The normally reserved god had a mischevious grin on his face as he turned away and disappeared.  "I'm going to drown myself, Finn." Molly stated, her face still red with embarrassment.


    A few days later, the Harvest King visited Molly on her farm.  He seemed very serious and Molly wondered what was wrong.  He asked her to visit him on the mountaintop at a very specific time, and all he said was "I have somehting to tell you."  He disappeared and left Molly to wonder what was going on.  "He isn't mad at me, is he?" she asked Finn.  "Do you think I offended him because I didn't want him in the hot spring with me?  Do you think he decided to marry Selena and doesn't want me bothering him any more?" Molly wailed.  "Don't worry, Molly, he didn't seem mad to me.  Maybe it is good news, not bad news." Finn added hopefully. 

   Molly knew that Selena had been boasting to everyone in town that she had the Harvest King wrapped around her finger.  Most people didn't believe her wild stories about her whirlwind romance, but a few did.  Selena had actually managed to win over some of the local girls by telling them romantic stories about the Harvest King.  Molly interrupted one such story as she walked into Sonata Tailoring one afternoon.  "...then he swept me into his arms and passionately kissed me!  His skin was as cold as the icy the mountain air and I shivered as he crushed me against his cold, hard chest."  Selena  gushed, as Candace and Luna listened, completely entranced.  Selena continued, "The Harvest King told me I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he said I'm so sexy that I make his blood boil."  Luna squealed with excitement and Candace turned red with embarrassment.  Molly turned to Finn and whispered, "Does that sound like the Harvest King to you?" Finn shook his head 'no' and looked bewildered by Selena's story.  Suddenly, Shelly, the elderly owner of the store, greeted Molly and startled the girls out of their story-telling.  Molly gave Luna and Candace a stern look, completely ignored Selena, and walked over to the shop counter.  "I'd like to buy a couple of new outfits." Molly stated.  "Alright dear, I'll show you our latest designs." Shelly said, sweet, yet professional.  "Would you like something for work, or a special occasion?" Shelly asked.  "A very special occasion." Molly said as she shot a quick smile toward Selena.  "It needs to be something I could wear in colder weather, since it's always so cold up on the mountain." Molly explained.   "And I'd like it to be red, if possible.  He likes red." Molly finished with a smug smile on her face.  I don't know if the Harvest King is about to dump me or not, but I'm going down fighting!  Finn was giggling in Molly's ear "Oooh, you should see Selena's face!"  Molly heard the door slam and knew she'd made an impression on Selena.  Molly turned back to the counter and finally chose a new work outfit, and a red, Victorian-style dress that Luna had designed.  The dress was short, but had white stockings.  Molly figured it would provide a little protection from the cold wind on the mountain.  It was also red, which was the most important thing.  The Harvest King liked red, and Molly secretly wanted to please him.  She would wear her new outfit for her special meeting with the Harvest King this evening.

   Molly reached the mountaintop just as the sun was beginning to slide below the horizon.  Sunsets were spectacular from this altitude, and Molly stood entranced, enjoying the beautiful spectacle. Suddenly, warm arms wrapped around her and a fiery lock of hair brushed past her cheek as the Harvest King leaned over her shoulder.  "Do you like watching the sun set, my love?" he asked in a throaty whisper.  Molly felt the deep rumble of his voice echoing through her chest, and shivered. "Are you cold?" he asked.  "No, I'm quite warm actually." Molly replied truthfully. " I was a bit cold before, but you are keeping me very warm now." Molly sighed as she leaned back into his welcoming embrace.   When the sun finally disappeared over the horizon, the Harvest King turned Molly around to face him.  "I have something important to ask you." he began, with a grave expression on his face.  Molly gulped and thought Here it comes.  He's going to tell me he doesn't want to see me any more.  She was taken by surprise when the Harvest King said, "We deities do not normally let humans know our names.  To share it means...sharing a special love." He paused to gather his thoughts for a moment.  "I would like you to know my true name.  Would you like to know it?" he asked, a bit unsure.  "I would be honored if you would share your true name with me." Molly replied with love in her eyes.  The Harvest King seemed overjoyed by her answer and said "On the day we swear our love to each other, I will reveal my name to you."  Does this mean he wants to marry me?   Molly felt like her stomach was filled with butterflies.  She was excited and nervous and happy all at the same time.  Before Molly could sort out her conflicting emotions, the Harvest King reached down to cup her chin in his hand.  He tipped her face up, then leaned down to place a gentle kiss upon her lips.  A tingling warmth spread throughout her body with just that light touch.  He started to pull away from Molly with a slight smile upon those perfect lips. Oh no you don't!  With surprising boldness, Molly reached up, grabbed a handfull of his hair, and pulled his face back down to hers.  She felt a scorching heat as their lips met again.  Fire seemed to race through her body, from her lips to the tips of her toes.  The normally shy Molly kissed him with a passion she didn't know she had inside of her.  Molly felt the intense heat radiating from the Harvest King's body.  She felt as if she would burst into flames at any moment.  He's a god.  Is it safe to kiss a god?  She began to shake slightly as that thought occurred to her.  The Harvest King seemed to sense her unease.  "Do not be afraid.  I will not harm you." he whispered in her ear, once their lips finally parted, "I could never harm you, my love."

    When Molly finally got home, she was too excited to sleep.  She lay awake all night thinking about the Harvest King.  She sat up in bed as she suddenly realized that Selena had lied about kissing the Harvest King!  In her story, Selena had said the Harvest King was as cold as the icy mountain air.  What a load of bull!  He radiated as much heat as a furnace!  Molly sighed as she remembered his scorching embrace and that wondrous kiss.  "Finn, how do you propose to someone?" Molly asked her Sprite companion.  Finn had been dozing nearby, but perked up at hearing the word 'propose'.  "In this town, it is traditional to give a blue feather to the one you love." Finn explained.  "I can ask the Harvest Goddess where to get one.  Do you want to marry the Harvest King? Do you?Do you?!" he asked in a rush.  Molly smiled happily at Finn and nodded her head.  "Yay!" he exclaimed, "I'll find out right now!" he shouted, and disappeared from sight. 

    It wasn't long before Finn returned with information on this mysterious blue feather.  He found out everything Molly needed to know in order to find a rare bluebird, the source of the feather.  "Oh, I'm so happy!" Finn shouted with glee as they made their way to Garmon Mine the next evening.  He was so excited, he couldn't stop flitting around Molly's head.  She ended up swatting at him like an irritating mosquito.  They reached the ledge below the mountaintop and saw the rare bluebird sitting on a rock nearby.  Before Molly could figure out a plan, Finn rushed forward in excitement and scared the bird away.  The both watched as the bluebird flew high up into the sky.  "I'm sorry, Molly.  I didn't mean to scare it away.  I'm just so happy and excited!" Finn appologized, looking utterly crushed.  "It's ok Finn, we can try again tomorrow." Molly reassured him.  Just then, a blue feather floated lazily down from the sky and landed at Molly's feet.  She picked it up and examined it.  It was a royal blue color, shading to a pale, almost electric blue at the tip.  It glowed faintly and was absolutely beautiful!  "A blue feather!  Now you can propose to the Harvest King!" Finn shouted with glee.   "Propose what?" a deep, familiar voice asked from behind Molly.  She jumped at the sound of the Harvest King's voice, feeling like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.  Molly swallowed the lump in her throat and turned around.  This is it, girl!  You can do it! Molly held the blue feather up toward the Harvest King and said "This is a special gift for you."  He looked thoughtful for a moment, then asked "Are you trying to say that you wish to marry me?"  Molly nodded her head, afraid her voice would fail her.  Finally, she managed to whisper, "You are the world to me."  A radiant smile lit up the Harvest King's face.  He swept Molly into his arms and hugged her fiercely.  "I accept your proposal, and I will love you for all eternity." the Harvest King replied, then kissed her passionately. Finn was dancing with joy behind them.  "I can wait no longer." the Harvest King suddenly said.  Molly looked surprised.  What does he want?  Hold on a minute...shouldn't that wait until our wedding night?  Shy, chaste Molly started to panic, but was relieved when the Harvest King continued, "I wish to tell you my true name....'Ignis'.  Remember, the names of deities are very important.  Names have power.  My name must come from no mortal's lips but your own."  Molly nodded her head in understanding.  "Ignis" she sighed as she nestled against his warm chest, "It's a wonderful name."

    A few days later, Molly and Ignis were married on the mountaintop.  She and Finn had travelled to the mountain in almost total darkness because Molly wanted to be married during the sunrise.  The only witnesses were the five Harvest Sprites, plus Finn who was weeping with joy.  Once they recited their vows, Ignis place a ring with a brilliant red stone on Molly's finger.  "This is the Ring of the Sun.  It is a symbol of my love for you." he said.  Their lips met as the dazzling sun rose above the horizon.  The early morning rays lit the newlyweds with their brilliance.  Molly had never been so happy in her life.  She stood, arm in arm, with her new husband and watched the sun slowly climb into the sky.  She suddently remembered something and asked "What happened to Selena?  I haven't seen her for a few days."  "I cursed her." Ignis stated bluntly.  When Molly stared at him in shock, he explained, "As you know, the human called Selena attempted to woo me.  I was rather fond of the Apple Cocktails she brought me, but that strange gyrating she called dancing simply annoyed me."  Molly tried to hide a smile as Ignis continued, "I lost my temper when she tried to propose to me."  Molly was amazed.  Selena had actually proposed to Ignis?  Curious, she asked him why he refused.  "I have watched her behavior in the village below." Ignis replied, " She treated the villagers as inferiors, she caused many disagreements, and she often had temper-tantrums like as small child. Selena cares only for herself.  She offended me with her offer of marriage....Besides, she tried to propose with feather she had dyed blue!  The nerve of that human!" Ignis fumed.  "I know she is a horrible person, but was it really necessary to curse her?" Molly asked quietly.  Ignis replied, "I do not believe she will learn unless she suffers.  My curse will stand. No one will ever love Selena until she learns to love more than just herself."  Molly felt a little bit sad for Selena, but only a little.  Selena was such a hateful, devious shrew.  Molly cuddled up next to her husband, tilted her head up to look at his beautiful face and sighed with contentment.   It's good to be the wife of a god!

   The End?

© 2011 A.D. Wilson

Author's Note

A.D. Wilson
This story probably doesn't deserve a Teen rating, since there is just some kissing, but better safe than sorry. I tried to describe most of the characters fairly well, for those of you who have never played the Harvest Moon games.

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I have never played the Harvest Moon games, but you set up the story in such a way that I was able to understand and get into it. This is beautifully written with a magical quality that I adore! Awesome!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I only skimmed this, and I'll come back later to actually read it and give an in depth review but for now...

JHGUJDFGHMFDN GNMFBJGBFMG I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!!! I love Harvest Moon, although I dont have the Animal Parade one which I need to get, and this was so entertaining and so wonderful. it was beyond adorable and so freakign sweet, and the Harvest King is so awesome. And I love his name 'Ignis'. It's a handsome name for a handsome man. I like Wizard too because he's a Wizard. And sweet. And cute. And yadayadayada. I love this. So much. SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO much. It was a wonderful story line, and wonderful dialogue, and wonderful descriptions. Wonderful everything! I'll come back some day to fully review it and read it. Eventually.(:

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 6, 2011
Last Updated on April 17, 2011
Tags: rivalry, love, fantasy, gods, farming, video games, friendship, Harvest Moon, fanfiction
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A.D. Wilson
A.D. Wilson

Dallas, TX

I decided to update my profile and switch from Lovely Lyla to my real name (my initials, actually). The picture and name fit well with my fan-fiction writing, but clashed with my horror writing. It .. more..

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