The bad news struck me like lightening;
in shock, I collapsed to the ground.
As panic took root, my brain searched for some reason, some justice, but none could be found.
In a flash, my memories were tainted and my dreams for the future were scorched.
I was utterly hopeless, and the searing emptiness left me defeated, forlorn.
When there was no power in me
By which to rise...
From my folded position on the ground,
the strength of an officer lifted me.
My sweet child embraced me.
A righteous neighbor sheltered me.
My parents guided me.
My friends cried with me and, after crying, helped me smile again.
One by one, a million acts of kindness
renewed the hope within me.
And I, awestruck, marveled
at the glorious community.
It was then, in that ripe, restoring moment,
that the Spirit within me expanded
a larger vision of the Father's love.
I found it alive and undamaged.
My fears diminished as I witnessed
His body, His arms and feet,
move swiftly with tender grace to reach
the one, who happened to be me.
In this way,
is revealed the message
of Jesus in Galilee.
I once was lost but now am found,
because He first loved me.
The Good News is - Christ is alive!
His Spirit daily manifests in love.
Our hope, our light,
the breath that moves us,
Is the Spirit of the one true God.
they will know we are Christians
by our love, by our love.
they will know we are Christians