Tazer: Pro-Tech-Tor

Tazer: Pro-Tech-Tor

A Story by Angel_C

This is just a few chapters from my story Tazer, it is being written for a graphic novel. Includes Sci-fi and action as the story progress. Warning, I count these first chapters extremely boring. Oh and this isnt the whole story only a taste of what I'm w



Tazer: Pro-Tech-Tor
Chapter 1: A life worth saving.
The Year, 10 million BC.
Location, Planet Zorrgant.
                A warrior with a great passion for his work, an army official, a national hero, known for his outstanding single handed victories in conquering and destroying new planets and its inhabitants. Unbeaten in his own league of super soldiers, an object of mass destruction, starts to wonder if all he ever achieved in life is worth taking pride in or excreting the riches and fame for destroying another species’ life or sanctuary. A patriot in his friends and follower’s obscure and sadistic eyes, murderer in other species’ eyes. His world knows him as Tazer.
             “The annual parade and conference meeting is taking place in two hours sir, I advise you stop target practice, I mean for goodness sake your already a national hero and an excellent shot I don’t see your point in practicing your aiming and accuracy when you took down almost..fifty planets is it?” Tazer’s right hand assistant stated in a sarcastic tone. Tazer, who is born with a speech impediment , was the only one in his species who could not speak that much , only the odd word and name he would speak , but that was practically his vocabulary, he invented his own patented sign language to make up for his speech problem. Tazer simply stared at the target, containing several and vast amounts of holes in its body from over use, and raised his hand and signaled the number forty three. “ Ah I see sir, but I must insist you take some rest before the press conference today, you don’t want to look like your over-worked and exhausted, you have an image to keep up, and that image is ‘I AM ALWAYS READY’.” Responded his assistant. Tazer was never fond of his assistant, he didn’t need one the military just simply handed it down to him, the last master to the assistant was a high general who was assassinated in another press conference, over war with another planet. “I will have the vehicle ready and waiting for you in about half an hour sir, the prime minister wants you to be early for your next briefing, I believe he wants to discuss future business, campaigns, memorabilia’s etcetera.” His assistant informed him but Tazer preferred he walked to the congress, he was trained to run, climb and hunt down the enemy, not to ride around in some vehicle leading him to one press conference to another. “Whatever you wish sir, but if you don’t show up to this conference, I’m not going to be held responsible for your actions.” He repeated hastily, as he had to arrive early to make sure everything was in place and order for Tazer’s arrival. “So I hope to see you there in about three hours sir, til we meet again my dear sire” The assistant finished his sentence with a respectable bow to his dear master. Tazer simply raised his hand and ordered his assistant to leave. As the assistant was leaving, he closed the door and locked it shut behind him, only to hear a few gunshot’s go off inside. With a huff of air he exclaimed tragically: “Nope, I didn’t think he would show up anyway.” And drove off to the conference. Tazer shot the target once more and practiced his trick shooting, which always gave him the advantage in a gun fight. Tazer could simply throw his pistols into the air and by the time the enemy could try to fire at Tazer, Tazer would always fire first. No matter what, Tazer was truly unstoppable with his new custom made Death Diamonds, as he named them, no one really knows why but they never usually ask anyway. Tazer threw up his pistols, removed a blade from his back holster and flung it at the targets neck, just under where the chin is, and with amazing precision, he shot the falling inanimate head before it touched the ground. He placed his pistols back into his holster, sighed and walked away to his bedroom, only to find the already pressed and clean suit waiting for him on his bed.
               One thing about Tazer’s success while he was on his missions, was that he had the ability to jump two storeys high. Forget all the superheroes that can fly and shoot laser beams or vomit fire straight from their bellies, no this isn’t a superhero…this is a warrior, built only to kill any race who dare opposes to his species being the far superior race. Tazer decided today wasn’t the day to take commands, today was supposed to be his day off, the one day where nothing had the right to stop Tazer from sleeping in or lazing around all day, but apparently today must have been so important the whole world needed Tazer today.
Unhappy about his day being ruined probably by another genocide mission that won’t even matter, because the race who will probably become annihilated would never even have caused a single scar or mark on his world, but “Oh well, time to please ego’s” Tazer thought to himself, as he jumped off the other building parallel to him and began to run across the buildings. If it was one thing Tazer never gave up on, it was his exercise and he surely, on today of all days, wasn’t going to let him self lose exercise. He climbed onto sides of ten storey buildings, ignoring the by standers greetings and fan boy cheering, just wishing they would annihilate themselves that way he could run in peace. He jumped gaps with a distance of over five meter’s, not to achieve a goal, he just simply could jump that far. He slide down dome buildings, cruising like a surfer on a wave of water, only surfers had nothing on Tazer and his speed, not to mention Tazer didn’t have a board. But enough of that. Tazer arrived at the conference, people thinking he hasn’t shown up with the constant aggravated media assistants and by standers watching carefully, looking overhead hoping to catch him before he appears on stage with all the other officials. Tazer was most certainly attending, he just didn’t show himself. He climbed up the broken walls of an old factory building, looks like it was used to make perfume and other chemicals still uncertain to investigators what it was, whatever it was it must have been bad since it was closed down and a public warning was given saying any person who enters the building is risking there own life. Some say a vast amount of chemicals got mixed in together by accident and set off a chain reaction where every scientist choked on his on internal blood. But that was a century ago, surely by now everything must have went back to normal, yet officials still fear opening the factory back up. To Tazer this was simply a hideout so he could watch the parade and conference without disturbance or having to act patriotic in front of the gullible audience, waiting to hear how ‘they play an important role in being one of the far superior races in the universe, and how without them the whole planet would mean nothing’. Tazer was sick and tired of the same repeated indoctrine, so this time he decided he would watch from a fan’s point of view.
                  The crowd impatiently started chanting “TA-ZER, TA-ZER, TA-ZER.” As Tazer just nodded his head from left to right, he couldn’t believe, that many people must have thought everything he had done was for the greater good of everyone. He simply just watched as the parade carried on with people imitating legendary re-enactments of Tazer’s most famous missions, people selling Tazer hats, t-shirts, novelty Tazer glow in the dark jewellery, incredibly cheesy nightlights and umbrella’s showing that no matter what ‘Tazer will always protect you’. Tazer simply laughed at it all, remembering he came from a distant planet when he was younger; his father hid him in an ammo crate, and sent it to an army official who was his father’s best friend since the dawn of his birth. The general took him in, and raised Tazer as his own son, keeping the very secret with him til death. No one ever found out who assassinated the general, but Tazer knew, he knew well who it was. Tazer was slightly startled out of his daydream by two enormous bangs going off outside the factory walls. It was fireworks that in scripted ‘Protector of the Free’ into the clear blue sky. Yet again Tazer just shook his head in amazement at the hassle some people will go through just to send false advertisement into the hearts of the freedom blind folded audience.
              The parade had finally come to an end and everyone calmed down as the CEO of Freedom Warriors Army took the stage and welcomed everyone to the 44th annual ‘conference of freedom’ as the officials named it. “Welcome one and all of this beautiful planet called Zarrgont. We are truly the most superior race in the entire universe, thanks to our non-stop work ethic and our brave and successful league of super soldiers. And by that, you all know I mean only one hero in particular, you know him as Protector of the Free, we know him as Sergeant of the SS...But his enemies and his world’s enemies fear the name, as it rings out through their ears and leaves shivers crawling like fowl creatures down their wretched spines” He paused for dramatic effect as the crowd went into complete silence. Tazer at this moment couldn’t stand watching the CEO carry on with how great Tazer’s achievements were. No one could really blame Tazer, he had heard the same speech over twenty times right now. As Tazer carelessly sat down on a step near the window, he simply rubbed his clean shaved scalp and reached for his black, rough pony tail and ran his tired fingers through strands of rough and withered hair, and with the other hand counted; one, two, three. “TAZER!” Exclaimed the CEO as a crowd roared mighty and strong to their one hero. Their one true savior. Or at least that’s what they always thought to themselves. Tazer simply sighed and rest his head against the old blood stained wall behind him and just closed his eyes for one moment to ignore the ever growing roar of the raging crowd right outside the discarded building.
                   After two hours of non-stop bellowing, parades and public re-enactments with minor flaws, and the deafening applause from the crowd, Tazer awoke to the site of all his fans and associates taking apart the stage and setting the busy street back into what they were once before the annual meeting was even though of. Tazer staggered down the stairs while rubbing his eyes thoroughly to hide the fact that he fell asleep, as he left the building through a broken window. Taking about a few steps away from the window, Tazer bent his knee’s lowered his head and charged at the window, his main goal was to jump straight through the window without harming himself or shattering the left over pieces of glass frozen in the frame, after all he is Tazer and imperfection only means mission failed in his mind, nothing more. While charging towards the window, rapidly huffing in gulps of air as he forms a perfect 180 degree with his body, only to feel a vicious sting in his lower calf. Tazer completes the jump, ending with a military roll into ducking behind cover, he notices a small droplet of blood seeping out his workout suit. Tazer couldn’t believe his first flaw in life, was all due to a miscalculated mistake in jumping perfectly through a broken window. Tazer abruptly glided across his bald scalp, and shook his head with the disappointment reeking around his ever-blazing ego.
                       After the parade had ended, night time had fallen on the capital of Zarrgont, leaving the young and the restless to bed, and the mature to a night of celebration and merry making. “So you do show up.” Exclaimed his assistant. “Oh wait, no sorry sir but you are SIX hours late, I repeat, SIX hours late, how do YOU expect the people of Zarrgont to trust in such an irresponsible, arrogant, self-centered moron!”. Tazer simply did not enjoy hearing that, not after all he has done for the planet. It was that one insult, that only insult that erupted the destructive side of Tazer, self-centered moron. Tazer thought to himself ‘Self-centered, the b*****d thinks im self-centered, I’ll show him self-centered.’ As he abruptly grabbed his assistant by the collar, raised him to his feet, grinded his teeth, and slammed his assistant into the nearby wall, then off the metal railings used to hold up the show. “Stop this! You don’t know what you’re doing, master please!” Yelped the assistant, his voice resonated like a squirming pup deep inside Tazer’s mind as he roughly implanted his assistant straight into the pavement.
                After pushing through the constant re-appearing workers passing by with parts of the stage under their arms or over their heads, Tazer bumps into the CEO, ‘This is not what I had in mind, for today, at ALL’ thought Tazer to himself. “Ah Tazer glad I ran into you, did you catch the parade? Fantastic stuff Fantastic indeed, but I have a job for you another mission”. He rested his hand on Tazer’s shoulder as he led him to his private limo. He sat down with a smile on his face, pouring some kind of substance into a fragile crystos glass. He gestures to Tazer if he would like to join him in drinking and celebrating a moment with them. Tazer refuses the drink, he knew it had been tampered with and would make Tazer agree to any sort of talk amongst him and his associates. The CEO gulps down his beverage like a thirst stricken bear hidden up on the mountain side afraid to descend back onto low land. But suddenly, as Tazer is looking outside the window with the drunken fans laughing like maniacs and pointing towards the sky screaming tone deaf chants as they believe Tazer is watching them all, the CEO’s voice drops a few semi tones itself and is now haunting and terrifying as the next few words will change Tazer’s life drastically.
“Listen Tazer, I’m gonna cut the crap this time, and I’ll get straight to the point.” He said as he swallowed his spit, and rubbed his nose with his wrist, flaring his nostrils as he felt the bitter after taste. “This planet holds potential danger to our existence you must believe me Tazer they have to be abominated or else we ourselves will end up like our wretched inbred spawns that we call our enemies.”

© 2009 Angel_C

Author's Note

I haven't read this in a long time, so ignore spelling or grammer mistakes

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Added on May 26, 2009



Mullingar, Ireland

I live in Mullingar, Co.Westmeath, Ireland. I love thinking up and writing down ideas for stories with immense tragedy and sadness with an evil twist, or horrible incident. All in all, my writing wou.. more..

Black X Black X

A Story by Angel_C