Free write 1: Wonder.
A Story by Angel Marie Antoinette
Not sure if anyone will read this but I figure what the heck..these pieces I randomly find while looking for something else. This story has changed since then..but enjoy. 
Wonder was a cosmic mistake that God never took back, a child who died twice and came back, unnoticed, once because there was a mistake and twice because mistakes were not suppose to be undone. His sister, already dead begged for 10 days at the gates that her brother soul would not wander, so a lazy angel bonded them both even though there was a strict rule on such bondings. And because he had been to heaven and back enough times to never be quite human again, he came back with extra vision...he was full aware of the bond between his sister and that made it heartbreaking to see her suffer for him daily, if he hurts, she hurt 10 times as much... As far a mistakes go, he had no family and no where to go, so one so young, so he stayed in the streets folded into an alley shadow... until he passed out and woke up away from his alleyway home, away to D who fed him, but for a was so easy to surrender his body, compared to watching his sister get thrown into walls behind him, and taken...wonder could close his eyes to her but he could hear her begging and the skin slapping as she was taken rather violently...he knew the price she had paid for him in her quiet weeps...there would be no death for her as long as he was alive and that was just the price they paid. Her being his angel and him being able to see them all. So he surrendered his body and part of his soul to keep the violence down because she was really no bigger than him wings and all.. the staff she was given was nothing compared to the weapons the other angels carried and whenever there was conflict she held her staff up to block the blows. Furthermore, Wonder found over time that he was not dying anytime soon and being a sex slave was not many steps from hell itself...but the only power then both had was that they knew it, whereis most humans never saw the end until it came, they just saw that there was no end
© 2008 Angel Marie Antoinette
I wonder if the lack of a full stop at the end is supposed to heighten the efeling that "there was no end". Without a full stop. Yeah?
Wonder was a cosmic mistake that God never took back, a child who died twice and came back, unnoticed, once because there was a mistake and twice because mistakes were not suppose to be undone. His sister, already dead begged for 10 days at the gates that her brother soul would not wander, so a lazy angel bonded them both even though there was a strict rule on such bondings. And because he had been to heaven and back enough times to never be quite human again, he came back with extra vision...he was full aware of the bond between his sister and that made it heartbreaking to see her suffer for him daily, if he hurts, she hurt 10 times as much... As far a mistakes go, he had no family and no where to go, so one so young, so he stayed in the streets folded into an alley shadow... until he passed out and woke up away from his alleyway home, away to D who fed him, but for a was so easy to surrender his body, compared to watching his sister get thrown into walls behind him, and taken...wonder could close his eyes to her but he could hear her begging and the skin slapping as she was taken rather violently...he knew the price she had paid for him in her quiet weeps...there would be no death for her as long as he was alive and that was just the price they paid. Her being his angel and him being able to see them all. So he surrendered his body and part of his soul to keep the violence down because she was really no bigger than him wings and all.. the staff she was given was nothing compared to the weapons the other angels carried and whenever there was conflict she held her staff up to block the blows. Furthermore, Wonder found over time that he was not dying anytime soon and being a sex slave was not many steps from hell itself...but the only power then both had was that they knew it, whereis most humans never saw the end until it came, they just saw that there was no end
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on February 7, 2008
Angel Marie AntoinetteThe City of blah, MD
I'm 26 going on 16, not immature, just insecure like a bare foot child lost in the jungle I'm map-less, but hopeful that I'll figure it out one day, when I learn to cross that highway I call my mind .. more..