The Lighthouse
by Angel Shadow™
You seek me out in the darkness of night
After being tossed by a relentless storm
Your soul heavy and burdened
You cling to the hope that my light will reach you in time
Holding on is the hard part
But that's your job
Mine is to guide you home
To truth
To security
To finding your own light
I can only show you where the shore is
You will have to brave the battering waves
You will be tossed and turned
But my light will shine
Guiding you
It's a lonely job
Standing strong and steady on poisoned land
Guiding the lost
Showing the way
Do you see the tears
Or do you simply see the mist that sprays from a restless ocean
Covering me
My silent tears
Does a lighthouse cry
It depends on what you see
How you see
How you interpret
The tears of the strong and steady
That simply can't be
The strong and steady don't cry
Don't feel
Don't live
And don't die
The light is only there to guide
The rest is up to you
You decide which shore to grab a piece of.
© Copyright March 2008 Angel Shadow™ All rights reserved.