Love and Hurt

Love and Hurt

A Poem by Anexi

Writing off the top of my head

Love can hurt,
Love can heal,
For this story I have had both feels.
I started out young,
As we all do,
To someone that claimed to be my prince in life,
But all he was, was a joker in disguise.
Six months i waited,
Single and Alone,
Till someone new did appear.
A Knight he said he was,
To protect me from my fears.
But when the danger became too great,
He took off and ran into a lake.
The third and final I pray,
Is nether prince or knight,
But a man who never asks for more.
The Demon to my Angel,
My missing piece of my life.
I love him more everyday,
And I really hope,
That this never change 

© 2012 Anexi

Author's Note

This was off the top of my head and I enjoied writing this

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I like "the Demon to my Angel" and "a joker in disguise."

Posted 11 Years Ago

Cool. "The Demon to my Angel" I like that particularly

Posted 11 Years Ago

This was great(: Really cute!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thanks glad you liked it :)
Aww!! It's so cute! ;)
*ahem* xD
I love this :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 30, 2012
Last Updated on November 30, 2012



Been a writer for a few years; mostly fan fiction and I just started writing my own stories. I'm a nice person who is still learning how to write. I love video games,reading, and music. I'm sorry if I.. more..

Writing Writing

A Poem by Anexi