Instead of being Heart-shaped with the attachment of old ropes pulling me in, near the shoreline measured by how far you can touch the waves or choosing to see it your way before I was a convict in a emotion I can't escape. Now to be laying beside (Hidden Intensity) showing how much anticipation we build, in a way the waves feature the truth that tells you about your own motives.
Away from being camouflage in perception, when can I start to believe that choosing loose cloth over a soft-suffering future can bring me happiness? I was worried that pain was much more than a colossal sensation trying to make me believe my own fears, rather be in the moments again where you taught me to tremble before the waves immersed my young soul in a world with a sense of their temporary existence matching mine. It's blurry without how to even start to trace the old outlines of our footsteps in the sand where we made insane life happen.
Climbing the same old hills that encouraged us since the beginning, how much we can see and feel the texture of a moment passing by like a falling feather. The struggle of life was nothing but our custodian to our love and arts, we both traded things and diving in the depths of mornings and swimming at nights. I finally realized what it meant to go under and when you said upon your last words " Seemingly, as far as one can tell", these present currents is what keeps me afloat.
Holding onto this life, holding onto the old ropes we used to pull ourselves in when we got to far in the open and to be offered a forever smile from your last words as I let go.