![]() The walkin' DudeA Poem by John![]() Ode to Stephen King, ye wordslinger, ye![]() Alas, There walks a man that wears naught but black, a raven on his shoulder dwells, sometimes a spell is cast forth from his forked tongue swaying the hearts of man and beast. Tarry not in his company, lest your mind be lost to the crimson king; nay, lost amidst the todash space between the worlds where monsters feast. Mother dearest, let me rest turn my feet from this quest That far dark tower point me away and let me live out the rest of my days. The path is dim and full of terror let not my curse be in this course but let me sleep behind closed doors. a bed may still await me yet, a lover's touch i will not forget I wish to cast away these guns but... my father's face must not be forgotten. And ka is a wheel, ever-turning -yearninng -learning © 2013 John |
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