ZOOA Poem by Andrej GrilcA poem from book MarathonHomles nights swarm in tree of voices. Africa stucks into mountains of solid traps Heart is sweathing under coat. Climb and open your wound. Frozen delivery from Iceland. Muslim animals clean paws. Build a wall to save the nature. Fulfiled turmoil in eye feelds. Rilke choaks with a rib. Doors to dreem world put on exhibition. The catterpiller waits an overflight of light, To put on its face. Machines tremble arctic snow. Mangattan of faces, Half island, half world. ZOO
Potepuške noči vzrojijo iz drevja
glasov. Afrika tišči v gorovje kamnite
pasti. Srce se poti pod kožuhom. Splezaj in odpri rano. Zamrznjena dostava iz Aljaske. Muslimanske živali čistih šap. Zgradi zid, da si rešiš naravo. Zapolnjen nemir v poljih zrkel. Rilke se davi s koščico. Razstavljena vrata v svet sanj. Gosenica čaka prelet svetlobe, da si nadene obraz. Stroji tresejo ekvatorialni sneg. Manhattan obrazov, pol otok, pol svet. © 2013 Andrej Grilc |
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