i think (at least historically) it's easier for a woman than a man to lean into the place of love...a woman is naturally closer to the nest, while a man (at least historically) must always be aware of the forest
This is a gentler piece you've written today, Chris. My thoughts on are in my heart and soul. I don't know if a woman could be in love quietly, I couldn't, not when I was young. I bubbled over with it, was all giggly, wanted to talk about him all the time. I guess after 42 years of marriage, I've quieted down, and love has evolved into something different than it was in the beginning.
Thank you for writing this Chris... I know it comes from a place you hold inside.
As for the inquiry... if it was such.... there is simply a rightness to how I feel when in love... a warming knowing, that at least for now, what I'm doing feels right.
So where DO your thoughts take you? Here and there...and back again...
Are they just behind your eyes? yes...
or in your heart and soul? even more so..yes...deeply...
Do your thoughts softly stroke you in your dreams? of course....
Hold your hands, touch your cheeks? and more....
How does a woman - be - in-love ...quietly? shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
It's always a treat to hear someone with some years behind their eyes to talk as about women. Be it a man or women telling it, both I feel are of great value. Thanks for the insight.
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..