Everyone is a "native" speaker. English (American or British - and both are unique and distinct) is NOT everyone's native (first) language. Now why would I say this? especially here... now? What has that got to do with anything at all?
Each of us care albeit in our own way. And that care is expressed in how we try so damned hard to get others to "get" what we say, "get" what we write. We want others to feel what we feel or felt or thought or did in ways that we intend. Our words mirror our thoughts - and yet those thoughts are not always in our native language. Nor is OUR language always the reader's/listener's native tongue. The depth and difference of colors and meanings and shades-of-intent are not always present elsewhere - so some move to another language that more easily reflects or even allows what they want said OR heard. Few have the depth of experience or knowledge of a second or tertiary language and while they think they said something, the true shade-of-meaning wasn't quite "right". Dictionaries and online translation programs don't often express the full-flavor that may be inherent in the use of many words - let alone phrases or even author chosen combinations - in ANY language.
In many cases I feel I know what someone is trying to say and in others - well, I really haven't a clue. I read aloud and something just 'sounds' wrong. Unexpected words appear - that really don't fit my mindset... intentional? or not?; meaningful? or an oops? In some cases a clear mistake THOUGH chosen. At the very least a distraction - at worst you stop reading or listening.
There is a level of 'meanness' out here. We overlook many because we are impatient... and when its we that are somehow "imperfect" well, anger does have this habit of flaring-up.
Its little things -
the nothing things,
things that mean diddly -
and yet
- everything.
so many
- nothings -
Nothings that touched me,
paused me,
rocked my world...
so damn often.
I noticed
- but - what do you SAY
or do or
how do you BE when
its really - just - a - 'nothing'
a thought-less, unintentional,
unconscious, un-aforethought
a - nothing?
You didn't have to be
as you were...
you didn't WORK at it -
its just ...you
and now - I'm lost.
You're still here - but you're not
"Star light, star bright...
first star I see tonight -
I wish I may
I wish I might..."