"Once upon a bad time... you learned just what it takes to be you."
Sometimes you have to decide who and what you are - ya know? Sometimes you actually get asked... other times you aren't as lucky.
If U were an animal, what would U be? Who would you be?
To this question I spoke out briefly... succinctly, purposefully, reasoned-ably.
Human... Remember...
Oft forgotten just what we are - I am...
Human... Remember...
There is a darkness shared inside that leaks and leers the crooked smile and sneers all the while at any that think they touch or know the depths that we as beings go to reach the recesses abscessing within that festers and grows - our other skin.
Human... Remember...
Shattered and smashed slashed and splashed hooked and torn a s u n d e r - to maniacal dreams of empowering schemes that kill anything and take everything...
Human... Remember...
"Childe Of Night..."
Call the wolf
call again.
Watch -
soft pads pace circle pace.
Draw it CLOSE, hard breathing
eyes matched - kinship stare shared.
Acceptance... nuzzle, pinch, nip.
Growl - throat bared...
jaws close TIGHT!!
... R R R I I I I I P P P ...
Warm-wetness flowing - spraying...
at last - PEACE.
Taste... drink deep sleep.
Yes... sleep, til the morrow climbs high above all.
I like the structure - disjointed at times, free flowing at others. A bit like life and the way people are apt to behave at different times, too, I guess. We can only know, and be known, to a certain extent, and beyond that it's either guess work or memories. What a wonderful story you've told here.
The format lends alot of punch to this, but its the need to compare ones self to these words that really starts the dark side humping. Yeah...people are like that, yeah people are animals, other people, not me.....no, no...not me. I really loved this one....now I believe I will go wash the blood spatters from my face and see if mom wants to play some scrabble...lol. great job.
It speaks to me of base instincts. Good and bad, places we dare to enter and if we learn from, decide not to go back, even though it is always still tempting The fogs of life the gray places are places we just stay out of because we now we cannot see but the black and white is the reality that we must choose from. A scenario that seems surreal but is in fact real life.
chris, this is the sort of poem that must be read over and over again, for me anyway, because i love beauty, and strength, and sheer touches of amazing humanity. this is excellent.
Interesting thought, I am not sure about all of the font changes in this piece, it was distracting toward the end, and detracted from your message. I give you praise though for the patience it must have took to accomplish this.
WOW, this blew me away. Your use of all the extra stuff (italics, bold, size) was utterly amazing! While I was reading this I was thinking how much cooler it would sound as a spoken word piece!
Very, very powerful piece. :)
So..."If U were an animal, what would U be? Who would you be?"
You'd be a wolf?? *grins*
Sorry, love! Am feeling remarkably frivolous tonight! I note with interest that you would still choose to be human...thought notable also is the wolfish tendencies that you see accompanying that.
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..