This was mentioned so off the wall that I wanted to pause and 'taste' it. What does it say for us and our perceptions? How 'jaded' we have to feel, how cheated somehow - to lose all the wonder behind-our-eyes. And yet I soooooo understand the intent... Damn.
"Perfect Is 'Boring'..."
Rainbows end-to-end Fools spitting into the wind The sharp CRAACCK of that first Bite of a cold, crisp apple... and Eve's delight... Perfect is 'boring'.
The touch of a cheek in morning's light, Looking into eyes that even god can't forget. lips softer than innocent dreams... Perfect is 'boring'.
When you KNOW it was just right THERE!!
You touched the face of God, and felt your own tears... Perfect is 'boring'.
I'm so broken even children cry and the wind's echoes just whisper within and tomorrows always come... again... "Perfect..."
I spent much of my childhood striving for perfection; until I realized I was bored, extremely bored. I spoke to a Jesuit priest with whom I often discussed/argued religion and philosophy and he just laughed and said "Perfect is boring".
It changed my entire outlook, I no longer had to be perfect. It was as wonderful a feeling as removing a pair of too restrictive shoes. Ah, sweet release!
I enjoyed your slant on the saying; perhaps I should amend it to "Human perfection is boring."?
Perfect could be the not so perfect things, the more simplier.
I love visual, soft, reminds me of sexy too....Perfect is
boring, yet we strive to be.
Perhaps we don't appreciate the beauty and magnitude of attaining "perfect" that can prevent it from boring. I have subscribed to these thoughts in the past that "perfect is boring", but your poem has inspired some deeper thought. Very well done, once again. :) Sometimes perfection can be found in the very imperfection we perceive..... :) just another thought...
A jaded perception? Perhaps perceptions protect us from memory…? Perfect, absolutely boring... I could not agree more.
This poem: further from boring than a rollar coaster ride - kept my senses sharp! I must tell you that I have several favorite parts in this work, and to list them all would only make my points get bigger and who cares about points they are just perfect~
Just to enlighten you though, in short: the craccck, the apple, the touch of God, being broken... Suppose that means I enjoyed the entire poem, great job with that.
This poem should be a submission into the Enlightenment contest for Poetic Infusion Society, if it is not already.
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..