"Morning Coffee"
Beginning a new day and sharing a cup with someone you love. This poem of yours is like a story of love shared in miniature.
"Morning Coffee
is about certainty
and attitude
about sunrise colors
reflected in eyes"
The promise of commitment as two spend moments of time together and looking at each other:
"and it's accepted.. mirrored..
held, looking back into your eyes
and the pot is poised above your cup
and the first drop hasn't fallen yet..."
I could sense the unspoken communication between the two in this poem. Desires shared and understood, maybe even acted upon. So beautiful!
" Morning coffee is the kiss I gave your soul as life rose in the sky and finally echoed in the windows of your eyes.
The total impact of this full written poem is quite strong. I read it through four times. One of the times was from end to beginning. I loved it that way too. Very fun.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Can I keep you .... please?
7 Years Ago
Your work is a model to me in it's interpretation of experiences in daily minutes. You.. read moreChris,
Your work is a model to me in it's interpretation of experiences in daily minutes. You manage to put the bridge between your experiences, to thoughts to feelings. Anyway I appreciate and enjoy your efforts a great deal.
As always,
Bless ya!
yes.. it is that first "Good Morning" that sets the tone of the day.. too often the day is rushed into.. I have come to appreciate the good morning pause..
I have been wanting to read this piece and I am, now, glad that I finally took the time. You're not going to believe this, but addiction is so strong that I, actually, smelt coffee while reading. Heck, I'm staying up all night, anyway. LOL!! Great write!!!
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..