3-22-2022A Poem by ChrisWhat will "they" tag this to be?
Chuckling here. Yeah I'm still around.
Watching all the moral(e) imperatives - operatives ...play... the consonance like shattered masonry and fractured lives - with no "wayback" machine to reDO. There ARE places where even the "roaches" fear to tread. Chris This is NOT a rant, nor an "adjustable" memory. General thoughts on the day: Ukraine?
So few ask - "Where do we bury the survivors?" but ...where? Pause and think about - what I asked. And your answer. Your life, my life ... their lives? How do we mark our ways? And who is "they". Social consequence - moral terpitudes... The Church of Our Sanctimonious Belief... gutted, shattered, burned-out rubble - our home of years ...for some - decades.... second pile to the left. And "potholes" suck! - goes without saying. Whose bodies will fill them in? Can you comprehend just how many 15,000 is? In 23 days? Perspective? And we "lost" four Marines the other day in a training exercise - four... And nothing about the "other" side... Civilians? Families? Children? And towns and cities like yours... ours... where the "roaches" are humans - parents and children scurrying in the open', through the rubble - searching for the offal that - may - give them ONE more day - just one? And "roaches" are ALWAYS stepped on... The scale - 2,500,000 - arrived to a border but how many ...didn't, couldn't, won't? Here... You had a nice looking car huh? Good payments too, not quite back breaking ...got gas? ...oh, you still have the payments anyway ...nothing changes... except - everything. You got money and empty shelves... wait - you HAD money... to bad about your IRA. Well, they did shut down the bank - before you got there. They don't update the ATMs... if the printers work - they'll show what you had. Memories hold the rest 'til there IS no one to remember... memories. Ever wonder as you lay in the dark who killed your parent(s)? But it seemed like such a "nice" and caring ...home. Why do Hospitals lie to your face? The doctors don't KNOW - but they do ...know... and some care ...in the sleepless dark, and no one ...listens... but everyone hears... and does their damnedest to not go there ...for themselves and theirs. "Keep on moving, nothing here to see." People collapse - but the line continues... "Next..." Masks WORK! But the Rotisserie Chicken smells wonderful? "Safe and Effective!" Millions DEAD. There are no vaxx injuries - the doctors say so all is an untimely coincidence - millions of them. A fourth Booster will continue what the first three didn't. And a fifth, sixth... Media doesn't lie - they just omit ...some "minor" things. Language is a fluid concept - words have whatever meaning someone else assigns. it doesn't matter anyway - who has "Standing"? For some reality has a stench - especially in the days and weeks after, BUT so do dreams... and all the years after - and daymares a draw unlike any other... getting a splinter HURTS... but bleeding out - surcease. Hungry isn't a choice of what you HAVE... it's what you haven't... and the "pain" is real and the little "you's" don't understand... but neither do you. "Energy is neither created nor destroyed." yet, the mysterious "they" turn off electricity and that they can quantitatively assign a "value" to what passes through your "home" and returns to whence it came. Cold is not a state of mind -just a state of being. Ever notice - most everyone can shiver? Chris © 2022 ChrisAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorChrisLansing, MIAbout"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so. "Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020 I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..Writing
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