"Coming Home..."

"Coming Home..."

A Poem by Chris

Thoughts brought by msharma "Poor on Roads".


I wander the world… often - alone now.  Following paths and events, happenings as they affect people …the people that share our existence and deal with their own as well …best as they can.  Here and every …other… “here”, world-wide.  Hunger is always and ever a basic issue, being out of the weather as well.  Being cold and wet sucks - if ya been THERE, well, ya know; and if not, well, ya know too.. 


Money IS more often only a means to an end - few have more than basic needs.  Money matters in the ways it need be spent to provide for care and welfare …of family and sometimes even friends.  Many societies are lost in status - products and styles.  “Manufactured needs” - “Pretties” as I call them that really don’t matter except as social “feel-goods”.   “Pretties that make the me’s better than so many of the “you’s” that surround them” - least in their perceptions and sad minds.  Some “pretties” you couldn’t even pawn for more than a bare pennies-on-the-dollar fraction of the retail (even when on sale) price.  It's always perceptions that drive people, sigh.


Last eve I read (listened) to a newly arrived Poetess - India-based.  Msharma - her name - real or pseudo I don’t know… her work “Poor on Roads” (at Writer’s Café) brought to mind several “news” pieces I had followed as this pandemic grew and other events (Locusts, drought, floods) combined on the world stage to affect people in marginal situations.  People deeply rooted in societal events that had no means to otherwise deal and had to uproot and move or return to other places to have even a bare chance at survival.  Survival - not continue to acquire …“pretties”… and social smiles.  She described them as “poor” and yes, they ARE …poor, but that doesn’t take their heart and humanity from them - only all the others can do that.



“Coming Home…”


As we grow - we leave home

to find our own paths


to build lives

families of our own.


Our paths take us far afield,

through life

to life.


Sometimes events

- like our present -

overshadow all that is

and could be

and we need


to return to our roots

for strength,


…even nurturing ‘cause we hurt so -

hurt so physically,



and sometimes even existence

…our own existence… is threatened.


It's too easy

getting caught up in our own

…fears…  to not be aware

of life

of other’s existences

of even how they

get caught up in their …fear.


So many are so lost today...

and the tears are just so much … rainfall

…and even souls drown.



© 2020 Chris

Author's Note

Feel Free

My Review

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Dear friend
The pen picture presented by you means a lot."Coming Home", signifies all the efforts to reach the destination whatever be the present state .The message is very straight forward that it is the "needs" that make us do so.The last stanza thus sums it up more powerfully. Very well written.
Thankyou so much .

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Your words brought our humanity back into focus... I'm glad I found your words to listen to.


Home doesn't only mean for me a place or lots of memories that are now a part of my past and present. A home is also a person or more who I love and feel protected when I have them by my side. When I can touch them not psychically, but with my words and emotions. When you feel a connection that nobody can ruin and break into thousand pieces. When you feel peaceful and welcomed in that group of people or place.
Your Bee

Posted 3 Years Ago

heavy head Chris! deep musings .. the weight of the world a bit too much eh!? ;) its the struggle tho aint it?! if we "arrive" ... well ... not much left. Your prose/poem rouses empathy .. i feel your heart in this for sure... pings the conscience ... always a good deed to be done ... thank you for the reminder .. and the heads up on Msharma's poem ... going there now to check it out .. be of good cheer sir .. things are always better and brighter than we ever see.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Chris, you speak from the heart, I get that. But don’t forget we live in the moment and our present “roots” are so desperately in trouble. If we keep looking to the future then we won’t get past the present. These are our roots right now Chris and one can only hope for present solutions. You’re writing is thoughtful and from the heart. If you have traveled the world you have seen much more than I will ever see but still your writing reminds me of my own and I look forward to reading more .... I must venture off but I will definitely be back .... count on it .... XO

Posted 4 Years Ago

I like how this awesome poem urges people to return to their roots , you superbly describe how we get drawn away with life and new family and circumstances but we should gather again yes. And yes even the poor have humanity. Kudos for a great poem.

Plz pleez do read and comment my newest poem too, it's the top most one on my page.

Posted 4 Years Ago

And our souls will keep drowning in indifference...
A pleasure, as always, Chris :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

In 1961 my parents moved us to the city. I was in sixth grade. In 1968 I graduated from high school.
We only spent ten years there, but it was were I grew up. I drive by the place from time to time, but it's not the same anymore.
In 1971 my parents bought a farm in the country. Today I live in a small East Texas town. I've been here the past 31 years, but it's not home. Home is where my heart is, somewhere back in that city.
My parents have since passed as has my youngest brother. My remaining siblings have all carved their own paths in life. The bond that once held us together no longer holds.
I suppose that's our own fault as we seek out our own lives.
Life goes on, and will go on, until it doesn't.
This work of yours brought out so many sad feelings.
It's sad to think about the passing of time, and how it changes things.
We live in a new world now and can never go back to the way things were.
In some ways that's good and in others...well, it's how you look at it.
Thanks for provoking me into this state of utter nostalgic conundrum.
That probably makes no sense.

Posted 4 Years Ago

love the last stanza...yes we return home...this poem reminds me of my battle for so many years...trying to be me, my own person, without alienating myself from my family....i was accused often of doing just that...
but i just couldn't be them....wasn't in me.
such a thoughtful expression here, Chris.
as yours always are.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Sometimes family even lets us be ourselves...but not too often or we get "spoiled".
Your write just illustrates the severity of the trauma many are suffering in this cursed year of our lives. As your title states, sometimes coming home gives us the strength to heal and regather our bearings before diving into the murky pool of life once more. We do live in a self entitled existence at most times, so hopefully we can use this terrible year to develop more compassion for the plight of our fellows. A heartfelt write, Chris.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

We care...is just life has a way of slapping that leaves so many stunned and need-full of human inte.. read more
Existence, the state of living or merely getting by. The definition is the same and different for each of us. It is not for me to determine what is necessary or unnecessary for any individual or group of people. That is a responsibility I do not care to have. Humanity has lost much of its soul in today's world. Kids being sexually exploited, hunger and lack of housing is considered a norm for way too many people of the world. The "Give me culture, the It is owed to me mentality." The labeling of everyone into such minute segments, has accomplished what it was meant to do. It has splintered, fractured and jaded more than it has soothed. Those working hard to hold to the principles that allow them to believe in good and strive for goodness themselves are turning a deaf ear, just so they can hear their soul. Coming home is not just a place people live or have lived, it is the place that allows their heart to live. Our world today is far from being home

Posted 4 Years Ago

I like it Chris. No matter where you are coming from home is such a comforting feeling but in the present circumstances home doesn't feel the same anymore. I think home can almost be resented that we have become a prisoner inside it but it is a duty to protect each other and lean on one another. The suicide rate has gone through the roof which is terribly sad and it seems we're in it for the long haul. I agree that it's easy to have tunnel vision in our own situation. A kind word means more now than ever. Provocative and a great write to get the juices flowing.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on July 25, 2020
Last Updated on July 25, 2020
Tags: Poetry, Writing, CHris



Lansing, MI

"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so. "Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020 I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..

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A Poem by Chris

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