Some of the most beautiful flowers are weeds. I can remember discovering bind weed as a six year old, with their beautiful white trumpets. I couldn't tell the difference between a weed and a cultivated rose. They were all then flowers in God's garden. The innocence of childhood, how I wish. What I remember vividly as a child are primary colours, painting with them. The colours remain even if the innocence doesn't. The tapestry of life.
Such magical words, full of the true understanding of how it is. For me, weeds came first and keep returning.. in which case: QED -they're meant to always be. And that means you, dear Chris.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
See ya Em...
5 Years Ago
That reads strangely. Are you leaving the café or.. what?
An arching rainbow ..a weed, a flower.. tributes all to the power of LIFE.. a myriad of color, texture, ever reaching and growing. toward the fulfillment of joy and LOVE...
...and once so tight a bud. now Orchid rare, or Queen Anne's Lace like snow across that sunshine field, a warming reflection...a bouquet of beauty lifts its mysteries all counted whether wild flower...or hot house delicacy....yes,its all in the colors!!!
A weed in God's garden is tough and learns to survive through the toughest conditions. It's the neglect and oversight that gives it strength. While other plants are more delicate, and in many cases, more beautiful, weeds hold the soil in place so that these flowers can grow and thrive. Without top soil, a delicate plant could not grow. Weeds are the protectors of flowers. They are resilient and strong. We need more men to be as weeds.
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..