It just is what it is…
"The Cat Wants…"
How was your today? It's 1137 P.M. here - my now, as I start
this. I've just decided it really wasn't a "good" day - could have
been but …no. Do we play blame games? - is it my fault …of course it is. As
adults we lie to ourselves - we expect, believe …hope… But when even the little
things are undone - you come to realize your own value to others. Just
what their perceptions of you are OR weren't
I apologize for pausing but the silence got too
"Hallelujah… hallelujah, Hallelu-u-u-u-jah."
Singing to the choir. Living the echoes. I couldn't catch a breath
- sometimes it hurts but that's what we do …live with it.
Yep, first class feelin' sorry for myself - WHY?
Because I listened to the silence. Actually listened …into… the silence.
In the deepness - I've sat here, well into the next day now. I originally
wandered this place, then THIS site - so many …words AND wanderers. The
self's illusion came undone and I saw me. And what mattered to me didn't,
doesn't, don't, won't, …can't count in what makes up my existence. It
don't matter - but it DID …to me… some things just matter …to me, and always
have - BUT not to others - then or now or likely tomorrow …it HURTS now - the
silence is too tight.
Had to pause again.
Hey, the world's mean - nothings fair, life happens, it's all
a biatch …but, what happens when you realize its YOU that isn't anything at all
in the present of your own existence?
Ya angry yet? For me It came and went… became more of a
self-knocking thing, a why bother, care, give a damn…even try. Do you
even realize how YOU want to be treated - for real - til you understand you're
not? And then? What?