"One Breath At A Time..."A Poem by Chris“A Christmas wish - a New Year's dream, a wistful smile to the sun's set… a bewitching hour's cast – to the sunrise - to a life's long missing… heart.”“A
Christmas wish - a
New Year's dream, a
wistful smile to the sun's set… a
bewitching hour's cast - to the sunrise - to
a life's long missing… heart.” And
the words …begin… to
fall… and
fall and fall… “One Breath At A
Time…” “With
eyes open - I've
touched, lifted and FELT life’s …soul… and
slowly, softly …inexorably felt
my own tear as
life’s crumbled 'tween my fingers' tips. I
felt the sensuous richness within EACH grain slipping by… and
all the while I
tried and tried so very hard …so
very hard… to
tightly hold life - close. I
opened my soul to could-haves and wish-it-weres and
the tears’ flow still caress my senses.” “With
eyes closed - I’ve
tasted the sense of heaven - breathed
Lifes’ scents wafting through the aerie - touched
the faces of God. I’ve
felt the sheer wonder as my inner eye watched angels
and unicorns, watched
faerie play and dance and mournings’
glories and sunsets’ sway. I
held life’s glow while
my ears listened to
music that made my world cry…” “I
wandered daydreams and nights’ dreams and
moments without DREAMS… lived
moments where breath paused - Life
paused - I
…paused… …as
Life happened… And
I remember - for those that can for those that can’t for those that won’t. I
remember people and places - that
no longer are… I’ve
left footprints …that no longer are; Life
prints fading into …“the nothing”. I’ve
been touched by so many stars and
people and
lives and
my feet, breath, eyes, hands and
being - thoughts and
words have
wandered the very world - wide and free.” “…and
I loved …you.” Chris © 2018 ChrisAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorChrisLansing, MIAbout"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so. "Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020 I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..Writing