I have read a few of your glorious works so far and I am entirely taken by the way you write with such expressive and soul-touching beauty. This one, how you dance and play with emotions and the senses.. You are so truly gifted and one of the finest poets I've ever come across on this site. Thank you for sharing.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
You are welcome to pause anytime... speak your mind if so driven... nice meeting you.
"Woven nows that blend existence into futures past and presents that become..dreams and me's"-Chris, this is so uniquely, magnificently, you. Kaleidoscopic, moving in All directions and then, honing in, and perfectly, coming home....Master Class work. Kudos!
I am seemingly lost in the me's and sulfurous bleeding of syllables seen. Kept my breath the whole verse, and wove a delicious treat for my mind's eye. Superbly penned...
Very connected piece. It highlights the inner workings of us as humans... of how we live and love and become one with another... so to speak. The piece has a thread through it... if that makes sense. Good work...
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..