"MH17..."A Poem by Chris"Who will place a marker in the field where the children are?""Who
will place a marker in the field where the children are?"
many times must “angels” fall because
of another’s decision to define their existence -
their self-worth and …humanity? -
their godliness and reverence -
their perception of personal power and purpose -
the rightness and righteousness of THEIR-alone-choice in
and with the blood, hurt, fear, tears and endings of
I know - KNOW - there WAS a
rush of “YESSS”
- and arms raised in celebration and TRIUMPH!! And
- “We SHOWED THEM!!” Glad-handing
and backslaps… yells,
catcalls and pride-full-shouts! …as
infants, children
sisters, cousins, parents - …people… fell
through and from the sky THIRTY-THREE
impacted the unyielding earth.
seen it all before …we have. Witnessed
over and over and still over again as the chosen-to-be-guilty became
memories …of
someone’s wars …of
another’s times …of
personalized slaughters by-execution-by-decapitation- by-massacre-by-bombs-by-gas-by-snipers-by-tortures- by-hangings-by-burnings-by-crucifixtions-by-hunger by
choice by
whim …by
merely existing.
seen how many mass graves discovered?
And they and
their victims were the honest sense of honor, pride,
and purpose held by …“someone”? They
were and remain HIDDEN …hidden…
hidden by purpose and choice - Hidden
because of individuals’ sense of
rightness? -for what they did? for
what was done? …yeah, right… proud and
personal monuments to their “Cause”. Even
the rivers hold their secrets while awaiting
cease of winter’s melt and spring’s flow.
we… we
memorialize the victims - plaques,
markers, …places, community
led prayers and individual remembrances, candlelight
vigils, walks …talks, poems… shared tears ribbons,
flowers, crosses, …stars… personal
“leavings” that mean something to US - and
after - well, people return and are heart-full again touched
…again through
the years - again but
nothing - nothing
ever remains of or for …the
killer, the choice-maker.
stands now Fist
to the sky Pride
a joyous shout of “IT WAS I!!” “I
DID THIS!!” …anyone? Anyone
at all?
"Who will place a marker in the field
where the children are?"
Damn them all to their hell.
PS: "What
they left behind." is a gallery of images on CNN's page.
how much goes on ‘tween the ticks’- tocks,
the feel and self sound of each pulse- beat,
of the rushing blood paused within the eyes- blink,
while the mind’s measure of our existence fractures as
the world …stops.
© 2015 ChrisAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorChrisLansing, MIAbout"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so. "Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020 I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..Writing