I don’t normally give a primer in how a
work of mine needs to be… but this time - it really does matter.Please, don’t read this quietly or just
once.It is meant to be spoken with
emotion and heard behind your eyes - not merely read.Discover your voice - my voice… listen - to
what is said and HOW it’s said, and how it …can…
be said, and how each saying changes it and the understanding of it, and how
your understanding affects the timing and rhythm of the thoughts and their
flow, and how they affect our emotions.The format - placement, spacing, bold, italics, punctuation, et al
…ALL… have purpose and tonal bearings.There are NO word or grammar choice mistakes - each word (even word
repetitions - together or not) form or symbol is meant to be exactly as and where it’s at.NONE of this work is prose; it is all
a thought flow…
'Forvever...An Why...Ever...Not'
Life has no guarantees and we do not get to choose how, why, who, what, where life will play out. Your words seemed life the inner cry, the inner question of the plea for every season playing out in your experience, from the minutes once real and now gone but are our minutes really gone. I think we carry our life as a crown on our heads. This was an amazing piece Chris. It took me awhile to get my own feeling and place in this one and found that it was just permission to accept my own life and experience too.
Bless you,
oh my...reading the primer i am kind of sceered to read the poem ;} oh well....here goes good friend! mmmmm very metaphysical says i ... a train ride through the space time conundrum ... and big questions ... as all around the "I" is physical world ... i read it once sir .. i feel the angst of truth seeking ... the internal journey sparked by a heart that wants to "know" ... i feel the frustration as my pea brain wants to hold space ... understand "ocean" .. i feel a peace and calm reached in closing verse ... the "cold" is interesting ... and still with that one moment .. i feel entangled once again as "steps" are taken ... my two left feet always a problem ;)
I think your tackling a very difficult theme ...i think you have a very honest poem ... and i think you come as close as one can to sharing this huge journey inside a quark :)
What not where not y not and does it even matter...will they ever know as most don’t date or care to question...what is real to them is nothing but an illusion of the truths they choose to see...I’m glad my thoughts are free to see the things I clearly see...I’d never change I’m proud to be the me ..no matter if they do not see the me that I’ve been created to be...it’s wonderful to see the way we see...and just to be ...I love the why’s the when’s the how’s...the if not nows...🌹
Every time this is read, it has a different meaning, for each day is framed by perspectives, thoughts, and intrusions that make it a new day. This is not meant to be a dismissive comment, rather that, we all need to remember that no two days are alike. They hold all the possibilities, wants, disappointments, loves and not loves we hope for or are completely unaware that they exist. Wishing the best for your recovery.
A very thought provoking piece, kept me intrigued all the way and reading it again makes it pop out even more interesting and in-depth .i do question life often , then think about how well everything is going really so I reflect on my original thoughts.
I have read this first thing for the past few mornings Chris and see and hear something new on each reading, yet logic and reason, or lack of are my prevailing thoughts. Of life, of living, of questioning for answers that only bring more questions and the meaning and nuances we put, or miss in words.
Anything and everything are such simplistic words, until you think how they contain well, anything and everything.
What is the cost? Is it free and what is freedom? Is there always a price to pay and will we still see underneath all the labels weighing us down? "
The path we are on is the only one we can know, yet we still take wrong turns and mourn for the all that were markers of recognition until they are gone.
The end is perfect, summing up all that we thought and got right and all we got wrong.
Apologies for my review being all over the place, but like yourself, i just went where the thought took me.
It will most likely change like the tide on next reading too, which i look forward to, to see where this wonderful piece takes me again.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
I've open heart surgery Tuesday - just when you'd think you have a clue ...you don't. Go figure.
5 Years Ago
Oh Chris I hope everything goes well for you! 🙏🤞🙏
5 Years Ago
Sorry to hear that Chris, puts all our little trivialities into perspective.
Looking forward .. read moreSorry to hear that Chris, puts all our little trivialities into perspective.
Looking forward to a full and speedy recovery and seeing you back to what you do best.
5 Years Ago
How did your surgery go, Chris?
5 Years Ago
Hope everything went well Chris? Wishing you a speedy recovery. 🙏
5 Years Ago
The four hour surgery became 8. Life and recovery continues. We deal as only we can - as we can. .. read moreThe four hour surgery became 8. Life and recovery continues. We deal as only we can - as we can. I look forward to the opportunity to interact with all the writers here at WC.
5 Years Ago
Thank you for letting us know..Chris it Sounds like you’ve gone through an ordeal
and a h.. read moreThank you for letting us know..Chris it Sounds like you’ve gone through an ordeal
and a half.. wishing you
no more complications
and a speedy recovery
Take care and we’ll hopefully see you here
again soon! Positive thoughts and vibes being sent your way Chris...
Take your time Chris. Not what anyone wants, overtime surgery, but good to be philosophical about it.. read moreTake your time Chris. Not what anyone wants, overtime surgery, but good to be philosophical about it and great to have you back.
5 Years Ago
Good to be here, we are in trying times - all of us.
The way this was written opened my mind up. Loved your primer as well. You're an amazing soul. Every question asked and word repeated leaves me feeling more and more like I need to find the answer within myself. Thank you for a lovely and mind opening experience -Anna
"Life is a terminal disease." All the doctors have basically told me so.
"Life is an adventure... Pain, well you deal. Thanks for being here. 06/21/2020
I'm back and working on. I've been.. more..