A Story by Border

A powerful book written by me that will make failed students taste success.





          You are holding in your hands a powerful book that will unleash Hanuman’s divine bounty on weak students, who have failed to reach their full potential. There are many underachieving and under-confident students with high untested potential who set very low goals, much below their actual capabilities, and are slotted by society in an ancillary rungs , that definitely does not do full justice to their actual acumen. This book is primarily intended for these underachievers. You do not realize your own strength. There is a need to unlock the dormant potentials of students and make them aware of their hidden strengths.  If you are a confident individual who is aware of your strengths, then this book is not for you. Shut this book and give it to a struggler. Hanuman only rescues the laggard, the failures, the downtrodden and the under-confident individual who is unaware of his untapped potentials.

Hanuman is the only living God who exists in actual physical form, who is primarily committed to give a helping hand to laggards, who surrender themselves to Him. Hanuman is the helper of the hopeless. Hanuman is the redeemer of the dammed. This book will ignite a desire in the academically challenged to seek Hanuman’s morale boosting helping hand.

Hanuman is the loser’s God. It is said that ‘God helps those who help themselves’. But Hanuman is unique due to the fact that ‘He helps those who can’t help themselves’. When all hope is lost, when defeat is staring at one’s face, when you are down and out, Hanuman will personally come in the physical form to help you and save you from total unmitigated failure.

Even if you have failed in an exam, Hanuman affirms that this failure is not final. He will create a silver lining in the dark clouds of disappointment and will sweeten the loss by giving at least some victory in unexpected fields that will take the born loser to even greater heights of success than he would have had, if he had cleared the initial exam where he faced failure. 


          Career and success, for which every student strives, cannot be achieved solely by the dint of hard work or individual brilliance or talent. There are many other factors at play. These tangential variables will determine if the academic efforts put in by an individual will bear fruit or will fizzle out in a damp squib. There are numerous examples where brilliant individuals have lived and died, stuck to an average job and were consigned to their graves after an unremarkable life, unsung or uncrowned. On the other hand, history stands witness to the fact that there are many below average students who have gone on to take up leadership roles in their chosen fields and made a mark for themselves with their footprints etched on the sands of time. These unfathomable tangential variables which affect the career of the student can be harnessed so that these factors can influence all other quantifiable factors, synergistically.

After spending their entire life contemplating on the Lord, Sages from the high altitude areas in the Himalayas, who do not want to be named, have been bestowed with one very powerful doctrine. This is called as the Hanuman Synergism Doctrine (HSD). This theory states that the sum total of all the efforts put in by the student can be greater than their arithmetic sum, if the catalyst is in the form of divine providence. This is proved by the undeniable evidence that there are geniuses languishing as clerks; students labeled as ‘dunce caps’ by teachers are in leadership roles, purely due to the fact that they got a lucky break and had ‘learnt on the job’ to reach stratospheric heights in their careers; students who failed coveted examinations turn out happier in life, than those who cleared them.  It is extrapolated, taking into account the eddies and currents of life that, not getting what you want, is the best thing that has happened to you and you should be careful in what you wish for, since you might get it. Therefore it can be stated that it is better to go along with the flow of fate, while making sincere efforts, entrusting your last penny on the HSD, stated above, to lead a happier, healthier and socially productive life.  The unleashing of the power of the synergistic action of all the variables, that are brought to bear on the student’s performance, will be potentiated on reading this book, with trust, sincerity and above all humility.  As per the Hanuman Synergistic Doctrine (HSD) explained above, there are no so-called weak or dull students. There are only students who do not realize their full potentials and it is the powers of Hanuman that assists sluggish academic performers in coming out of their vicious cycle of failure.

Hanuman is the protector of the weak. He exists in this world in his actual physical form primarily to extend a helping hand to those failed students who repose their trust in him. It is an unmixed truth, which has stood the test of time, that He will never desert the weak individual. Why do you weep, my friend? He is famous as the ‘last minute God’ (LMG). Do you know why He is called LMG? This is because He is known to rescue laggards who have faith in him, when they are at the brink of utter failure and destruction. He is the only power that will pull you out from the jaws of sure defeat, at the very last minute, just seconds away from total career annihilation. Surely, there are other divine powers that help the weak, much before they are at the cusp of failure, but these forces are not as dependable as the LMG, as they may or may not come to the rescue, depending on the intangible tangential variables. Invoking these other divine powers requires accurate procedural rituals which have straightjacket rigid rules and regulations, and even a small error in the ritual will yield negative results. But the invocation of the mighty Hanuman, the LMG, requires no mantra. No elaborate rituals. No rules and regulations. It is better to repose faith in Hanuman, who is a guaranteed redeemer of the dammed, who will come each and every time to rescue the believer albeit at the very last second, than other divine powers who will save you much in advance before disaster strikes, but are not all that dependable. To invoke His assistance, all one has to do is to ask for his help.  And a human will not ask for divine help, till he has tried everything himself, and is left with no other option than to seek Hanuman’s help. That is why Hanuman is chided by help-seekers, to be a ‘last minute God’, little knowing that the SOS call is made to Hanuman only at the very last minute, when everything was tried and  at the verge of failure. And so he is stuck with the name of LMG. So be it.


Since he is the LMG ( last minute God), for the Hanuman devotee, it will seem as though nothing is going right and everything is about to be lost, but somehow by hook or a crook, the loser will be pulled out from ‘beyond economic repair’ failure status, which would seem completely unexpected to the individual concerned and onlookers. Therefore it is clear that for weak students, who trust the LMG, things will get worse before they get better. Yes you heard right, -things will get worse before they get better!! For this one should have adequate trust and patience in the powers of Hanuman.  There would be many situations when it would seem that Hanuman has forsaken you; when it would appear that you are alone in your struggles; when nothing seems to be going right; when you think you are just one step away from complete failure.  These are exactly the situations in which our Hanuman specialises in.  When you are at the penultimate step from defeat, various sub-cellular pathways are ignited in the believer and the pivotal cosmic bodies are made to realign a just a wee bit, to convert destructive career demolishing defeat into sterling success, that was least expected and cannot be analysed by cold scientific scrutiny. It is once again reiterated Hanuman will not help the believer before he is staring at failure in the face and has lost all hope. It is rightly said that he is the saviour of the hopeless. He is the only “last minute rescuer” in the universe. This is his style statement and modus operandi.  Hanuman is the only divine power who literally exists in the world in actual touchable physicality. He has a body that is indestructible and he lives on earth, but can traverse at photonic speeds across continents and time zones. He has mastered all technologies, which humans are still researching at the nascent stages, be it quantum physics, subatomic nanotechnology, intergalactic panspermodial dynamics, neurobiological particulate chemophysiosynaptic energy transmutation and many other esoteric fields still unknown to man.  In simple terms Hanuman is equivalent to a graded super- specialist in all subjects, be it in medicine, veterinary, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, technology, military sciences, diplomacy, administration etc,   that we can label and those still unidentified and nameless to man.

The only issue with Hanuman is, even though he is a reservoir of all powers, He will not change the course of events in the life of a believer, unless he is specifically requested. Many a times He forgets his own powers and has to be reminded about his capabilities. Ages ago, when he was entrusted with a specific task that involved flying across the ocean, he had to be reminded about his gravity defying powers by a bear. He has many doubts about his own abilities. That is the very reason why all structured poems written by great devotees like Shri Tulsidas etc first narrate all of Hanuman’s abilities and powers. If one understands the Hanuman Chalisa or reads the English translation, it would be clear that almost the entire recitation emphasises on reminding Hanuman about the special powers bestowed upon Him by various Gods and demigods.   When he was requested go as a one-man medical search and rescue team to bring back a life saving drug, even though he could identify the biologically active molecule that was to be extracted from a herb, he carried home the entire mountain, just to be sure. He doubts his own expertise.  This is Hanuman’s basic problem. He will not help until requested. He will not use his powers until reminded about them. He will over-correct and give more than you asked for, by bringing you the so-called ‘entire mountain’. 



          Seeking help from Hanuman can be done by thought or words which are audible or inaudible. The words can be in any language and the seeker can be of any man-made religion. Hanuman does not discriminate between followers of various sects, classes, creeds, nationalities and faiths created by man to separate one man from another man.  No Sanskrit, Hindi-dialect, Persian, Latin, Greek, Hebrew mumbo-jumbo, which yourself cannot fully understand, is required to come under Hanuman’s protective umbrella. All you need is to just think of Him and ask him to help you. The synaptic force that is transmitted from one neuron to another neuron in your brain releases enough energy for successful reception of signals and for Him to read your message loud and clear. No language is required for seeking help, thoughts alone are sufficient. There is no procedure or does & don’ts to call for help. Any time of the day, any location, any apparel is apt to seek help from Hanuman. The only rule is that there are no rules to pray Hanuman. He is the simplest of all Gods and it is very easy to seek assistance from Him. He is the only divine power who is full of so much goodness that even people who abuse Him are in no way harmed, on the other hand, since abusing Hanuman requires you to take His name, something good comes out of even rebuking Him. His powers can be harnessed only for positive outcomes. He neither can be invoked to harm any living creature nor will He tolerate those who cause suffering to other forms of life. The Hanuman Synergistic Doctrine (HSD) can be harnessed only by those individuals who do not cause misery and pain to species placed lower than humans in the zoonoitc table.

The Sundarakanda chapter is a powerful tool to dispel the darkness of defeat for students and inspires them with the truism that even when all seems to be lost, actually all is not lost, and the natural order of things conspires with the loser who never gives up, in opening a very small but distinct window of opportunity to make good the loss and convert a soul numbing defeat into an unexpected victory. One does not have to recite it in seldom understood Sanskrit, like a brain numbed moron, or sing it like a canary in various languages. Just contemplating on the essence in this chapter is enough to herald the descent of grace.


O auspicious beacon, who inspires our soul,

To achieve our heart’s desire, is your goal.


Dimwitted, compared to your wisdom, I am,

Beseeching you, to rescue me from this sham.



Vim, vigour and knowledge , from you I seek,

Remove kinks from my body, which is meek.


Victory to thee, oceanic knowledge unbound,

You illuminate the cosmos, earth and beyond.


You are the harbinger of good tidings, very sound,

Son of noble mamma, and dad, very renowned.


Very brave and valourous , you will live forever,

Slayer of negativity and igniter of mind’s power.


Fantastic personality and great body, is alluring,

Sparkling ear-studs and cute curly hair, all shining.


Hands of alloyed steel and body like reinforced armour,

Smiling glowing face and sacred thread, prim and proper.


Beloved of all divine beings, respected by all and sundry,

Your blinding brilliance , puts the demons  in a quandary.


Safely protected the divine insignia  in your mouth,

Valiantly flew over the ocean towards direction south.


A super specialist in science and technology, avant-garde,

You bring hope to kings and paupers, when they are scared.


Nanotechnology by cellular miniaturisation , you formulate

Take on small form to bless and terrifying avatar to annihilate


An expert in emergency critical care medical therapy,

You rush to provide aid, irrespective of geography.


When all is lost, you are the helper of the hopeless,

By flying in lifesaving news you save  the clueless.


You have the keys to the golden gates of wisdom,

Without your permission, no entry in your kingdom.



All ecstasies and bliss lie at your lotus feet

You are our unfailing protector, why fret?


If you are upset, the galaxies shiver with fear,

Uttering your name, ghouls don’t come near.


All maladies and diseases are kept fully at bay,

Reciting your name is the best medicine, they say.


Troubles and obstacles, in a jiffy, just disappear,

The very sound of your potent name, they fear.


You are bestowed with expertise in octo -sciences too,

This boon has been given to you, by you know who?


The defender of secret formula to energy source, boundless,

You will live on in your physical form for years, countless.


Contemplating on your beautiful face is my ardent desire,

That will make the pains of eights births, burn in hell-fire.


Whoever will read this book even once, before any task,

In unalloyed success and unparalleled glory, will he bask.


Tulsidas affirms under the seal and guarantee of divinity,

That this book will vanquish all failures, till eternity.


Why fear,

He’s near.


There are times when words just flow, without thinking, without apparent effort, as if these thoughts, taking the shape of sentences, are coming from another source. The writer is just a medium to convey a certain message to the needy. During inspiring moments such as these, the words that get imprinted on paper seem to be originating from a higher non-human plane and appear to be beyond the cognitive abilities of the medium. A similar experience has been recorded by sages and seers, in the earlier eras, who penned similar words on Hanuman, without any commercial angle or attempts to gain cheap popularity. 



          To make the HSD work for you by marshalling all elusive variables of fate in your favour, certain practical suggestions are tabled for effective academic success, which will synergise all factors to give you that slight nudge towards the finish line.

All studies will be examination oriented. Knowledge will come automatically. Having deep enlightening knowledge in a subject without marks in examination is a waste of talent. It is said that that knowledge never goes waste. This is wrong. Knowledge without passing the requisite exam is of no use, similar to a medical student who has the world’s best surgical insight into heart transplant but cannot put his skills to practice just because he failed an exam or the best legal brain who cannot practice law since he could not pass the bar exam. What use is knowledge if it cannot be used? Without practical use, knowledge will slowly dissipate with the gradually fossilising unused brain.  Therefore it is clear that all studies will be geared to garner marks in examinations.

Studying is like a penance. What do you think all those sages and hermits were doing during penance to get a boon from Gods for longevity, or a weapon , or a boon for other powers? Their penance deep inside a jungle was actually a research endeavour to unlock secrets by performing scientific trials to attain their goals. For the sake of simplicity, all scriptures and epics have euphemistically called their hardcore scientific research in a remote laboratory facility in isolated forests as penance, meditation etc . All students are directed to be like the sages and seers of yore. Studying is indeed a penance. Take your subject book and get lost into it. Even if you do not understand, read, read again and again. Slowly but surely new networks will be created in your brain to understand basics of the subject. All human brains are the same. Some are used and others die without being used. More you study, more dendrite connections will be formed in the frontal lobes of the cerebrum. Gradually understanding will dawn on you. Steep into the book ; understanding will steep into you.

Efforts to conquer the exams will begin from day one. Frolicking for 10 months and picking up books during the last days before the exam is foolhardy. Clearing the test should be your only goal. Single minded devotion will commence from the very first minute you enter the academic sphere. The time devoted for intense study should be devoid of all distractions. It is a lonely job and is to be endured alone. You have to pull your own solitary plough through the mine fields; nobody else will do it for you. Studies cannot be done with music on. Remember all those singing in the album have already made it in life, they will not help you to make your career. Studies cannot be done with a sports commentary on. Remember all those playing have already made it in life, they will not help you to make you career. Hope you got the message, loud and clear. The human mind can hold one thought at any given point of time. When you study, you only study. Earmark slots where you can loosen up. Study while you study and play while you play.

Never learn anything new one night before the exam. Never open up a new chapter. Whatever you already know, know it better. This should be the only aim on the eve of the exam. Don’t try to cram any new topic. Brush up the topics that you have already read and gain strength in known areas. It is futile to try and gather as many falling leaves in the basket as possible, at the very last minute. Savour and befriend all the leaves already collected. Don’t chase shadows.  It is again stressed- whatever you know, know it better.

During studies, be slightly under-confident about your abilities. If you are cautious, you will make that much more effort to retain concepts, facts and figures. Under-confidence will make you take paper and pen to write down what you study. Writing down all that you study is a powerful tool to train the mind to write the test paper. Come to terms with the fact that what you memorise or read orally, may seem fine during studies but when it comes to writing the exam paper, there is a big difference between verbal retention and actually translating that verbal memory on to paper. There are many a slips between the cup and the lip due to this folly. For a written exam one should study by putting pen to paper. The very act of writing down what you study will make it easier to reproduce it in the exam, since ganglionic neuronal pathways, soaked in your nourishing cerebrospinal fluid, are already familiar with experience of writing down those very words, formulae, figures and details. This will make your attempt to put down the answers on the test paper, that much simpler. In addition to this, use the pen-mind bond as a powerful tool. Before starting to prepare for a subject, clearly write down your goals for that particular subject. Do you want to just pass or be average performer or do you want to top. Amorphous studies without preset goals are a waste of time. Write it down.

A turkey can’t dance like a peacock. Consider yourself to be a turkey and don’t try to copy overconfident toppers who party away the night and study when nobody watches. You are a laggard. Don’t try to imitate the high-flyer. Know your limitations and study ten times harder and longer. Remain humble and let the others brag. You are your only rival. Maximise your abilities. Have faith in Hanuman, he always helps the humble. After the dice are cast, just see who will have the last laugh.

You are competing only with yourself.  You may not make it to the merit list, but if you have bettered your previous attempt, then you have won. This is a clear-cut  sign that you will definitely make the cut in the next attempt, if there is one left. Even if it was your last attempt, derive satisfaction in the fact that, you have done better than your best, but if your best was not good enough, so be it. Better things are written for you. As already clarified, not getting what you want is sometimes the best stroke of luck. Remember that you can only control what you can control. What you can’t control is anyway beyond your control. Have faith in Hanuman and keep trying other options. 


          By failing any exam, you endear yourself to Hanuman. Remember he is the loser’s God. Surrender your fate completely to Him. He will show you the way. It should be kept in mind, that after reading this book, if any student succeeds in achieving his goal, he should not let success go to his head. Remain grounded. Never forget that only hard work cannot beget success. There are other variable factors that have been influenced by Hanuman, to make you taste success. If hard work was the only criteria then all beasts of burden would be ruling the world. Never become haughty and boast about your success. What has been given can be taken back also.

It had been claimed by the secretive enlightened hermits, residing permanently in the extreme high altitude areas of the northern border of India, that a very powerful but simple technique has been revealed to them that would potentiate the dormant potentials in students who do not know what success tastes like. Their firm request not to disclose their names or location where they live will be honoured. They stress on the seldom comprehended but extremely simple fact. Success starts with the mind. Even when all the cold facts staring at you prove that you will fail, shut down your logical thinking for 5 minutes every day. Daydream for five minutes. Dream with your eyes closed about your success. Daydream for just 5 minutes. Even when your logical mind tells you to stop this ridiculous thought process, do not stop. Do it just for fun. Think that this is a charade and indulge yourself in at least imagining that you have attained your heart cherished goal. Imagine in vivid detail. Think about the test paper and how it feels. Imagine the hard wooden chair and desk you are sitting on in the examination centre. Imagine with all your senses. You can smell the printed test paper. You can feel the smooth surface of the paper. You can hear scratching of numerous pens of other students on paper in the room. You are smiling in the mind movie you are watching. You are smiling because you know all the answers. With childish ease, you answer the paper. All answers hit the bull’s eye. Cut scene. Results are out. The huge result sheet is pinned to the notice board. Your eyes scan for your roll number. You keep searching the large result sheet. Your finger is moving from top to bottom along the margins of the sheet. And then you see your roll number. Recall each numeral of your roll number. 111105807, or whatever your number is. Your finger moves horizontally. Your marks. You have not only passed but have topped the exam. Just imagine it just for fun, even though your logic tells you to stop this joke. All your friends shake your hands. Now the movie is in slow motion. The news sinks in. You look at the skies. It is blue with clouds like candy floss. You bow your head in reverence in your reverie. You thank the ‘last minute God’, the ‘loser’s God. Thank you sir, Thank you sir. End of movie. Open your eyes and go on with your routine life. Indulge yourself with this day dream for just 5 minutes a day and throw in all your imaginations, with as much creative thinking, as you can. This is a very powerful tool. Within just 7 days of this activity, your entire being will be transformed. Powerful enzymes will be secreted by all organs of your body. All the neurotramsmitters that your body was deficient, due to constant bashing you got in life, will start flowing. Your entire mind, body and soul will be reprogrammed for success. The result will be that you will actually achieve partially of what you daydreamed about. Therefore dream big, bigger than you think is actually possible. Make a promise, for the sake of the ‘loser’s God, that you will give it a try. Just 5 minutes a day. The results will be before you.  After this, do spare a thought for the ‘helper of the hopeless’.



          The believers will be unconditionally helped. Many a time assistance will be rendered from unexpected quarters. Sometimes you would be sure that He has helped you and other times you may just have a vague inkling that it may have been His powers that have rescued you from failure. All His miracles will not be evident in a pyrotechnic special effects display. They are more subtle and nuanced. The recipient can guess that probably some other forces are at play, other than the individuals own efforts, intelligence and talents. This is how He functions. He does not want fame nor does He want you to shout from roof-tops about his role in your success. There is no quid pro quo here. You can’t give Him anything in return. A silent thank you will do. The most dignified way to acknowledge his bounty is to be kind to nature and its flora and fauna. Conserving the delicate ecology, mitigating the suffering of animals would be the best tribute for his help. Visiting temples, circumambulating stones painted dripping red and garlanding these stones as a thanksgiving is a good way of expressing feelings for Him, but don’t really matter, in the actual scheme of things. He does not reside in stones. Closing your eyes for a few seconds and expressing your gratitude from the core of your soul is the best way to reciprocate his gift.

By taking refuge in Hanuman, the non-performing or under-performing student will feel a surge of enthusiasm to make an effort to study, keeping in sharp focus his performance in future exams. There will be a perceptible change in the neural-networking that will adapt itself for result oriented studies. The previous amorphous directionless efforts of the individual will be channeled in the most productive direction that would yield the desired results. An intuitive ability will gradually develop in the under-performer to discern the mandatory questions asked in the examination. During intense quasi-séances with the book in front of the student, when the intensity of concentration is at its peak, the fleeting presence of Hanuman can be sometimes discerned. Once the pupil is able to feel the presence of the benevolent God, nothing can stop him from achieving his aim. Many students will attest to this unique experience, while studying for the most crucial make-or-break examination, of feeling the benign presence of Hanuman in the room. There will be a hint of the smell of camphor mixed with sandalwood combined with rose water.  Science may call it an olfactory hallucination but ask the hopeless student who has passed important examination due to His blessings , in response he will silently bow his head to the ‘last minute rescuer’.


          Comparison. The entire human race is obsessed with it. They have to compare one thing with the other, one event with the other, one individual with the other. This is a genetic kink that the creator forgot to resolve. Everything with man is based on comparative analysis. One child’s abilities are compared with the other, without realising that both are unique in their own right, since their genetic sequencing  will never ever be repeated, even if the human civilisation carries on many more eons. Academic analysis also trains the mind towards comparative study, like comparative anatomy, comparative physiology, comparative architecture, comparative sociology, comparative economics, comparative strategy etc. When there is comparison, then the concept of superiority and inferiority comes into play. And when the concept of superiority or inferiority is seeded in our minds, then it is a never ending ride on the slippery slope towards misery, hatred and chaos. Comparison leads to futile competition and competition precipitates misery. Never compare. You are unique in your own way.  The entire cosmos is programmed to move towards chaos and confusion. It is only the His power that is bringing some semblance of moderation in this utter pandemonium. Left to its own devices the entire universe will implode. Can you imagine the number of meteorites blazing through space? The size of these meteorites range from the size of a small rock to many times the size of earth. What would happen if a large meteorite collides with earth. All your ego, competition, pride, ambition, jealousy, cruelty would just go phuff, in a jiffy. The statistical probability of a celestial sucker punch from the heavens in the form of a meteorite is very real. There is some power which prevents this from happening. We just need a sense of perspective. 

Why do you run after success? The answer is that it is pleasurable. Man is a slave to sensations. He will try to gravitate towards pleasure and avoid pain. Both pleasure and pain are sensations. Therefore if pleasure is a sensation then success is also a sensation. It is also evident that sensations are temporary. The entire human civilisation has been in the pursuit of the sensation of pleasure since Adam & Eve. Since the sensation of pleasure is fleeting, all our efforts are geared towards prolonging this sensation. Success is a pleasurable sensation and failure a painful sensation, and therefore as with any sensation, pleasure or pain, it cannot be permanent. As a species, we have elevated our techniques to prolong the pleasurable and euphoric sensations into a rarified art form. However long we stretch these sensations, there is a break-point and it has to end. Let us proceed further with this interesting discussion.  We have accepted that both success and failure are sensations. And sensations are never permanent. What is permanent then? The inner state of happiness, irrespective of external sensations, is permanent. If the core of any being is happy, then the mere external stimuli of pleasure will cease to matter. Happiness is not a sensation but a state of existence. All Hanuman followers move towards the golden mean of attaining the inner state of happiness. Once there is inner contentment, then even failure becomes success. Since ‘Hanuman Logic’ is a complex concept for you to understand, read this paragraph again. This permanent inner bliss can be achieved only if you choose to do what you enjoy not what others want you to do. It is a loss for society to be stuck to something that you got into just because people will think highly of you. Do what you enjoy and prosperity, security and happiness will automatically follow.  Every human in the world has at least one ‘defining talent’. A talent that defines his existence in this world.  Some come to know of it during their life time others meet their maker without knowing what they were good at. Life will be a breeze if you discover what gives you happiness. Many potential geniuses have been stunted because they could not pursue their passion. This does not mean that you chuck your job that is giving you your daily bread. Indulge in your passions with the safety net in a secure environment. This book is not prone to give rash ideas. Find your happiness quotient by feeding your soul and nourishing it. You will get everything you ever desired. But there will be a time lag. Nothing instantaneous in nature is pleasurable. There should be some amount pining before the goals are attained. The feelings should brew and ferment and after adequate pining for unrequited desires, if  there is satiation of  your thirst for success then victory is all the more sweet, all the more enjoyable, all the more valuable. Hanuman Doctrine delivers success but after an appropriate hiatus between your first request and final result. The results are guarantee, but never ever instantaneous. All  those who put their faith in the Hanuman Doctrine, will definitely bloom one day, but will bloom a tad bit late. They will be sure shot bloomers, but “late bloomers” in life.


          When you taste success, have you ever realised, as to what it is to be successful in academics or have a high-flying career.  You feel that you have finally achieved control over yourself that others don’t have, you feel that you have hit on the right formula to harness all your talents that others could not achieve, and primarily you feel happy that you have succeeded when others were left behind. This leads to feeling of superiority; that you are better than somebody else; that you have tasted success while others are still struggling; and that you have become a role model for others to emulate. When you start thinking about this then the ego takes precedence over everything else. The ‘I’ and ‘me’ overshadows everything else. This brings in vanity. And vanity leads to narcissism , conceit and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. I am better because I passed and others failed. I am superior. This will bring misery, pain and disappointment in future. There will be a constant pressure to maintain that superiority. As already clarified in this book, your own competition is with yourself only. The endeavour should be to perform better than your best. Don’t gloat over your triumphs and be excessively self-critical about your failures. You can only put in efforts, but the result is influenced by the vagaries of circumstances. Therefore you are not responsible for your successes and failures. Never bring the ‘I’ and ‘me’ factor into it. Let us clarify this by a small example. When you apply to appear in an examination, your request is processed by a battery of office clerks, runners, officials etc. Your application is scrutinised and accepted by a faceless bureaucracy and your call letter reaches you through postal department passing through hundreds of hands. Then the mail is carried by the railways, for which scores of people are responsible. Then finally your friendly neighborhood postman delivers you the admit card for the exam. Just try to imagine the intricate and complicated system made up of nameless individuals who have been responsible for it, not taking into consideration  mother nature, who could have brought unseasonal rains or a natural disaster or an accident, that could have prevented the call letter from reaching you on time. Even if you apply online there could be many cyber glitches.  These are the tangential variables that are being talked about in this book. If you did not get the admit card, how could you ever have given the exam and how could you now gloat over your success. You are not responsible for your success. There was a complete eco-system that was working overtime to ensure your success. If even a small link had been broken during the entire process, you would have been left twiddling your thumbs. Therefore it is desirable to bring in a measure of humility in yourself. That is why this book is important. It guides you to take things in your stride and leave the rest to the Hanuman Synergistic Doctrine (HSD).  Humility and equanimity is the key to happiness and if you are happy, success will never abandon your side. The antonym of victory is not defeat. It is running away. It is quitting. Remember just as the success is not yours, the failure is not yours too. Remain humble during whatever success He gives you and maintain equanimity during the failures, since various other factors are responsible for the failure. You are not failure personified. Failure is a part of life. Failure is just outcome. Failure is just a result of the skewed eco-system, which would surely be set right, if you keep trying and never give up equanimity, humility and trust in HSD. Other options will come up in due course. Life is all about alternatives. If not this, then that, if not that, then something else. Options never cease.

Powerful inspirations come in small packages. This small book will inspire strugglers and the academically challenged, to view their past failures through the prism of tangential variables, beyond their control,  and ignite their untapped potentials to attain long delayed success, so that they can come out with flying colours whilst maintaining humility and equanimity, in the ups and downs of this roller-coaster ride called life. 

© 2015 Border

Author's Note

This book is primarily intended for these underachievers. You do not realize your own strength. There is a need to unlock the dormant potentials of students and make them aware of their hidden strengths. If you are a confident individual who is aware of your strengths, then this book is not for you. Shut this book and give it to a struggler.

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You are a fantastic writer, Border!

This piece is so well organized and formatted. You also offer a perspective I've never been exposed to before. This is a very eye-opening work, and I do hope you continue to write books like this and offer direction to those who need it.

Best regards,


Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thanks Ma'am,
I appreciate you efforts in going through the entire book.
This book wi.. read more


Hi ur sure are a Hanuman bhakt! I do agree with u that there are many students who are not aware of their hidden strengths or confidence and can achive their life's embition if they r guided to the right way to use their strength and wisdom.

Regards. June

Posted 9 Years Ago

You are a fantastic writer, Border!

This piece is so well organized and formatted. You also offer a perspective I've never been exposed to before. This is a very eye-opening work, and I do hope you continue to write books like this and offer direction to those who need it.

Best regards,


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thanks Ma'am,
I appreciate you efforts in going through the entire book.
This book wi.. read more
What a fantastic book! I want to read it to my students. Great job, Border.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

The best part was the humor in it. But still, so true.
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9 Years Ago

I am honoured that you could understand. Not many writers are able to understand my writings. Please.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on June 29, 2015
Last Updated on June 29, 2015
Tags: Hanuman, failed, student, success



Delhi, delhi, India

I like to read good writing and am in the process of self improvement by the therapeutic process of writing. I am a struggler and also a fighter. more..
