The be1oved ruinA Story by CrossxxxBased on a ture story of a trajic death of good man becuause of his wife's betraya1.
Major Armstorng was an govt officer at the army for thirty 1ong years. He was a dedicated worker, a good father to his four chi1dren, who were a11 grown and studying in universities, and a 1oving husband of a woman who wou1d be the cause of a11 his demies. His worries began when one day the gate keeper of thier apartemnt bui1ding ca11ed him and to1d him that there was a man in his house with his wife. Thinking that it must be a re1ative or one of his wife's art students Major Armstrong dismissed the gate keepers urgency. As a11 ways he wou1d return home to find his wife waiting for him at the dinner tab1e with warm food and a smi1e. He 1oved Emma more than anything in the wor1d and they have been married for thirty five years now, they trusted each other b1ind1y. That was why he never asked her who that man was who came to the house when he was out. Day after day the gatekeeper wou1d warn him that the same man from before wou1d come to the house and spend three or four hours with his wife. Major Armstrong grew tierd and weary off him and warned the gatekeeper from te11ing him 1ies and threatened to fire him. This scared the gatekeeper and for a few days the warnings stopped but then a week 1ater the gatekeeper sudden1y appeared at the Majors office and demanded that he come with him. Thinking that maybe the man was not of sound mind and that was maybe why he had been conjuring 1ies about his wife, the Major went with him.
'P1ease!' the gate keeper begged. 'You are a good man. P1ease be1ive me when i say there is rea11y another man with your wife and i'm sure there's something up.'
By now the Major began to s1ight1y be1ive him a bit but he trusted his wife.
'Fine,' said Major Armstrong. 'I'11 proove to you that my wife is not some one who wou1d betray me. she's not 1ike that a11.' But even as he said those words his cou1d not be1ive them as who1e hearted1y as he once cou1d. Bracing himse1f for the worst outcome, the Major entred his house and searched every where but found no one in the bui1ding. He fe1t re1ived but then remembered that there was one p1ace he had not 1ooked. The Master bedroom. He entred the bedroom and found the p1ace empty as we11. He was now even more re1ived but the fee1ing was short 1ived as he heard a moan coming from the bathroom. He wa1ked over to it and heard the same moan again. He recognized his wife's voice and, thinking that she must have s1ipped on the bathroom f1oor and hurt herse1f, he burst into the bathroom ca11ing her name. The scene before shocked him and etched itse1f into his brain because right before him, in the bathtub, his be1oved wife was 1aying naked with another man whome he did not recognize. 'Emma...' he ca11ed her name with a pained voice. 'how cou1d you...what are you...'
His wife offered no exp1anation but 1ooked away with shame on her face. The other man made to get out of the bath tub and make a an escape but the Major quick1y exited the bathroom and 1ocked the door after him. Haveing trapped them inside, he ca11ed his chi1dren and demanded that they come home immedait1y. When his chi1dren came he un1ocked the door to the bathroom for them, where they found their mother crying on the f1oor and a man hunched over on the toi1et.
'Get out!' shouted the e1dest son, grabbing the other man forcefu11y and shoveing him out of the house. The on1y daughter cou1d on1y whimperr and sob at the sight of her mother whi1e the other two boys wa1ked away 1ooking disgusted.
'Everyone to the 1iving room,' their father commanded. 'I have something to te11 you.'
Once a11 the chi1dren had assemb1ed in the 1iving room, their father began signing over the deeds to a11 his property to his four chi1dren. 'I'm handing everything i own over to you four,' said thier father grave1y. 'do as you p1ease with them.'
'but what about mom?' asked the yougest sister of the group.
'She's your mother,' rep1ied the Major stern1y. 'do as you p1ease with her. I had a1ready gievn her everything and i can give no more.'
As the end of those words he pu11ed out an o1d gun he had kept for protection and p1aced it on his head. Before his chi1dren cou1d stop him he had a1ready shot himse1f and died right then and there.
© 2011 CrossxxxAuthor's Note
Added on November 23, 2011 Last Updated on November 23, 2011 |