My Soul Has Gone InsaneA Poem by Illumina
My soul and your soul have known each other,
I knew it when around you I felt at home, When kissing your hand felt so natural, Like I had done it a hundred times before, When my body unconciously moved closer to yours, When I had to restrain myself from kissing your lips, I knew it wasn't the first time my soul stood next to yours, My lips touched your hand and my soul fulfilled it's kiss, My soul yearns for you, it desires you, But we can not be, you are too far from me, Is it bleeding because it is in need of you? But it's not upto you to set my soul free, My soul is trapped, it has been suffering, It can not love your soul like this, it can not, So perhaps it shall now stay eternally bleeding, Being locked up for so long, has spread the rot, Let this gentle and timid kiss be my goodbye then, Your heavenly face I don't know if I'll see again, I love you. I love you so much it drives me insane, My soul is now a tortured animal that can only wail, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you, This world that won't let me be with you, Has turned me into an animal who has lost it's mind. © 2019 IlluminaAuthor's Note