![]() Just a DreamA Story by Amber_A![]() After my best friend was sick, this nightmare plagued me for several years. Even now it still sometimes gets to me.![]()
The elevator door opens in front of me. I don’t remember the
drive to the Children’s Hospital; it was a blur. Time seemed to stop as I
drove. Only one thought ran through my mind the entire way, David.
David and I went all through school together; we have been best
friends for as long as I can remember. I had only been home for a few minutes
before I received the call. I had just gotten home from being at the hospital
all day with David before his surgery. The doctors said that he'd be in surgery
for a while, so Jackie and I took turns sitting at the hospital while the other
went home for a shower and a decent meal. I was there for 6 hours before I left
for the 2 hour drive home. I had only drifted off to sleep for fifteen minutes
before Shane called.
I have been hoping and praying through this entire ordeal that I
wouldn’t get this call. All I was told was to get back to the hospital, now.
David has been very sick for a while. His cancer continues to advance, even
after extensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The doctors just cannot
pinpoint the cause. By far, this is the worst it has ever been.
I half sprint to the nurse’s station on the correct floor, and there
is no one there. I do not have time to waste standing around dinging a bell
waiting for a nurse to give me the room number and let me in. So, I reach
across the desk, grab the key card that is sitting there, scan the card to open
the door and toss the key back on the desk; I’ll just walk around until I find
the correct room.
I get inside, and race to all the rooms with charts and check
then names; none of them say David Riley. I move on to the other corridors,
finally standing in the last hallway I see only one room with a chart. It had
to be David’s. I start towards the room. Time seems to have completely stopped,
and the air was thick and dense. I was having trouble breathing; and it took
all my energy to walk to that lone room at the end of the hall.
Then I hear him, in a weak and unsteady voice, “Shane, where is
she?!" His voice brings time up to speed, and makes it easier to breath.
I run into the room, very afraid at the tone in David’s voice.
I stop dead in my tracks, David is lying in his hospital bed
looking so fragile and pale; I can see that he’s been crying. David’s brother,
Shane, and his mother, Jackie, are sitting next to him. His grandparents are in
chairs next to his bed. It's obvious that all of them have been crying. Shane
is the only one not crying at the moment. He runs over and pulls me out the
door, "Kelly," he says, "listen to me. David isn't doing
well." He swallows back tears, "He's been waiting for you."
I start to cry
hysterically. I look through the door at David lying there holding his mother.
We lock eyes for a moment before Shane spins me around facing away from the
door. “He loves you more than anything else in this world, Kelly,” he chokes
back more of his tears. "The doctors don't think he's going to make it
through the night, they didn't think he would even make it this long. He has
been waiting for you." he starts crying. "He's waiting for you
I hug a now bawling Shane and kiss his forehead. "Be
strong." he whispers in my ear. I turn back towards the room, the place
where my worst nightmare has manifested itself into reality, David, is dying.
Once Shane was able to compose himself, we returned to the room.
I walk over and hug David and Shane's grandparents, and Jackie; avoiding
looking at David. Finally, I approach him. I am done crying. I tell myself, be
strong for him. Tears fall but now I can at least talk. David hugs and kisses
his mom and grandparents one more time; he hugs Shane with all of his might and
playfully hits his arm. He tells them he loves them and gives some words of
comfort and encouragement. Then they leave; now it's just me and David.
He moves over on the bed, so there is room for me. I get up on
the bed. Tears are flowing down both of our faces; I have to keep telling
myself; Be strong for him.
He hugs me harder than he ever, he feels so fragile and cold. He
whispers into my ear, “Don’t cry, Kelly.”
“I can't help it.” I
whisper back.
“I love you Kelly, I always have, and I always will.”
“I love you too.” I start to cry now, no longer able to hold it
back. He pulls away and dries my tears with the corner of his blanket.
"Don't cry over me." he takes hold of my hand,
"It will be alright. Don't think of it as goodbye forever, we will be
apart for only a while."
"But David, you don't understand; it will be an eternity
for me. I don't know what I will do without you. You have to fight this. If I
lose you, I do not know what I will do."
"I can't stay Kelly; Dad and Pap have already come for me
once. I had to stay; I couldn't go without saying goodbye to you. The next time
they come, sweetie, I have to go. You know I would give up anything to stay
with you, but it's my time. There is nothing that I can do to change that
I cry, hugging him again. We are both crying uncontrollably
again. We cry for what seems like hours, but is only a few minutes. When I am
able to speak again I lean back to look up at his big blue eyes, but his eyes
are closed, and his jaw is set. "You're in pain." I say more of a
statement then a question.
"Yes," he replies, "only a little."
"I love you, David Riley." I declare a second time.
"And I love you Kelly O'Neil."
“Lie back, you look tired.”
“I am, but if I lie down. . .” he leaves off the end. I push him
down anyways; I take his fragile hand in mine and I lie next to him. We lie on
our sides facing each other, our arms and legs twisted and folded together between
us. We talk for what seems like ever; we laugh, we cry then we laugh again. We
talk of old times, and things we would have done together given the chance. He
had so much life in those beautiful blue eyes while we are talking. But I know
that sooner than I want, that life will fade. An hour or two goes by, and we
are both so tired, but we cannot stop now. We have a lifetime to fit into these
last few minutes. “Kelly,” David cries, weak and tired. “I don't know how much
longer I can hold on.”
“I am tired too, but please only a little while longer, I could
not stand to say goodbye now. Please, you can’t.” I plead.
He looks over into the corner, “They are back Kell. They say it
is time, I have to go, love.”
“Please David, no. It's not fair! Not fair!” I yell into the
corner where he is looking.
David turns my face back towards his, and he kisses me. He has
all the strength in the world right now in that last first kiss. I latch my
arms around his neck, hoping that it would hold him here with me, if I can just
hold on for a bit longer. We lay back in the bed again, my arms still around
him, and he whispers my favorite quote, "'If I had to choose between
breathing and loving you, I'd use my last breath to tell you I love you.'"
he pulls away, “I am so sorry, my love.” He says so low I almost don’t hear
I kiss him again. “I love you.” I cry.
He pushes the hair back behind my ears and dries my tears. “I
love you Kelly.” David says, with his final breath. His hand drops from my
face, the hand squeezing mine, let’s go. His eyes close, and a single tear
falls. I kiss the tear as it trails down his face. The last time I will ever
dry my David’s tears.
The heart monitor goes wild, from a somewhat steady beat to a
single, long, and drawn out, high pitched beeeeeep.
The doctors and nurses rush in with a crash cart, his family on their heels. I
hold tight to my best friend, darling, my love.
“He’s gone,” I tell them, “let him be at peace.”
His mother and grandmother screams and cries, Shane hits the
floor on his knees crying uncontrollably clutching the end of David's blanket,
his grandfather falls into the nearest chair crying silently but fiercely; even
the nurses and doctors who have known and loved him for so long cry. I hold
David, but I cannot cry anymore, all of my tears are gone; my eyes are dried
out. I get up on wobbly legs and walk out. I make it as far as the nurses’ station
before I am unable to stand it any longer. I fall to the floor in racking sobs,
I hold myself and cry. This isn’t fair! David NEVER did anything to deserve
this!! He was the kindest most respectful man I ever knew! He went to church,
obeyed the law, and everything. Why did he have to die? I am never going to
understand this; it's just not fair. I just loved him so much.
“WHY?!” I scream.
I stand up and stumble to
the elevator. I want out of this dreaded hospital! I need out! All I want is my
Davie and I can never have him back. I go down the elevator to the lobby and
out into the parking lot. I need out, I will just drive; I have a full tank of
gas a pocket full of cash and nothing to come home to. Halfway to my car, I
can’t move any longer; exhausted and defeated, I collapse in the middle of the
parking garage.
I lay for a time, eyes closed, replaying his final moments over
and over when all of the sudden I see light. Bright lights. I realize too late
they are a car's head lights. It's dark in the parking garage so the driver
doesn't see me lying on the ground, and so, they hit me.
Blood is rushes into my ears and I begin to feel as if I am
falling. Gladly I welcome the release of unconsciousness. I pass out, hoping
when I awake I will be in my Davie’s arms again.
I wake screaming and crying. Pete my older brother rushes in the
second I woke up, and pulls me into his arms. I stop screaming but I am still
crying. I bury my face into my too big of a brother’s shoulder, crying like a
mad woman. He comforts me and asked what was wrong. I explain the whole ordeal
to him, shocked that no one told him, about David. Then I looked around and
realize that I was in my room.
“It was just a dream, Kelly.” He told me. “David is fine and so
are you. His surgery went great. The doctors got the cancer, and found the
source of the cancer as well. With a few more rounds of chemo and one last
possible non-evasive surgery he should be as good as new. He woke up about
fifteen minutes ago and they moved him from recovery to a room so he can relax.
Jackie just called and I was on my way to tell you when you started screaming.
It was all just a dream, Kelly.”
It couldn’t be. I he died
in my arms. It was all so real. It couldn’t it have just been a dream. Could
it? I leap out of bed to get dressed. “What are you doing?” Pete asked, “It’s
one o'clock in the morning."
“I have to see him Pete.”
He sighs and chuckles to himself. “I’ll drive.”
I called Jackie on the way to the hospital to get the room
number and floor; since I was coming she was going to head home to try to get
some sleep. Pete dropped me at the door when we got there, and I passed her
coming out, she hugs me and tells me to fill her in later. I race past the
secretary and security guard. Instead of the elevator, I take the stairs; he
was only on the second floor.
I stop outside his door to catch my breath. I was so scared that
I would walk into that door and not find him there. But the knowledge that he
would be there drove me forward. I walk in the door. The first things I see
upon entering are his big blue eyes staring at me. I launch myself into his
arms. “Ouch, well, hello there beautiful. What are you doing here so
“I love you.” I declare.
“I love you too Kelly.” He says, chuckling a bit at my
I kiss him.
Finally everything is right with the world, I am here with
David, and he’s happy and alive. No cancer, I didn't get hit by a car, and we
are together. It was all Just a Dream.
© 2013 Amber_AAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 11, 2012 Last Updated on October 2, 2013 Tags: Love, angel, worst nightmare, best friend AuthorAmber_APAAboutI'm a newer writer. I wrote a lot there for a while, but after a terrible encounter with an evil Creatvie Writing teacher at school I got away from it. But I'm ready to start writing again, and I woul.. more..Writing