Episode 7: Secret Police

Episode 7: Secret Police

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

My name is Gumi. Seven years ago the human race left Earth and made home on a nearby planet. No one knows why its here, or why we can live on it. We established a government and soon it became known as planet Utopia. I live in the capitol city, Hidor Utopia. I was an orphan seven years ago but I met a man and a girl with pink hair who took me in. When the mn died mysteriously, i was an orphan again and so was the girl with pink hair. One day we teamed up and decided that it would be good for us if we came up with a disguise and a plan so that when ever we went out to steal something that was necesary for us orphans to survive, we couldn't be recognized. The plan fell through though when i found out that my pink haired friend was none other than Sharoket, the most evil and powerful person on Planet Utopia. She had resourses and was the reason that Earth was now a lazy asteroid shirting through the void of space. My name is Gumi, and I am the Panda Hero.


Mortified, Gumi took three steps back. "Perhaps this was a bad idea." She gulped.


The girl in the black suit stepped forward. "My name is Miku and I have the feeling that you and I will meet again."


Gumi gave a nervous laugh. "I thought you were going to kill me? How will we be able to meet again?"


Miku just smiled maliciously and again disappeared in a flash of pure speed. Gumi turned left and right but she couldn't follow her adversaries movements. The girl came at Gumi easily and slashed at her face. Luckily Gumi avoided this atytack, but only out of luck. Gumi staggered back and into someone. When she turned to see the person, she was surprised to find another girl who wore a sarashi and black jacket.


"Its pointless!" The new girl said as she grabbed Gumi." No matter where you try to run, you are being watched. No group scheming to overthrow Sharoket will escape us."


Miku walked over to them. "From morning to evening, we are watching you."


The girl holding Gumi smiled coldly. "I'm Meiko, and we are Sharoket's Secret Police. We litter the streets, we are your neighbors, co-workers, and friends. We are always observing you." Meiko pulled out a knive and was about to slah gumi's throat what suddenly she froze.




"What is it Meiko?" Miku asked, a hint of worry was in her tone.


"I cant move! Its like I'm frozen."


"Yes. Thats the effect of my Tōketsu technique." Kaito said as he stepped out from behind a shaddow. "And as stubborn as she is, I'd appreciate it if the scum of Sharoket would the the Panda Hero go!" He ran up to Miku who gave him a wide smile. She was enjoying the action. The pair sparred a while, neither landing hits but you could tell how non-chalont Miku was being while she dodged. Finaly she got serious and pulled a knife from out of her sleeve and went to stab Kaito. Meanwhile, Gumi sat on the ground and bled while she thought of a strategy. Meiko cursed behind her.


In a few swift movements Miku was ontop of Kaito. she had a crazed look in her eye as she held the knife in the air, positioned above Kaito's heart. The air around her seemed to swirl and turn a light green color. Or was it blue? Meiko saw the look of Gumi's confusion on her face and laughed.


"You really have no clue, do you Panda Hero? There is alot more to you than you know. For one thing, her name isn't Arane, if you want to find her, look for the name Luka."


"Meiko! Don't tell her that." Miku said without looking away from her prey.


"I'm sick of this job anyways. I used to be a princess damnit, then I became a military sergant and not I'm an undercover cop for the person I personaly killed."


Gumi and Kaito both looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Gumi asked.


"I me-" was all Meiko got out of her mouth. That and a small steam of blood. Her eyes grew dark as she fell to the pavement. Miku put down the gun that she had used to kill Meiko.


"We will overthrow all who try to plot agains Sharoket." Miku said and stood calmly. "I suppose I will see you later after all Panda Hero." With her last remark, Miku surned and left the alley that they had stood in. With another burst of her visibly blue- green speed, she was gone.


Kaito stood shakily and helped up the wounded Gumi. She winced as she took a step forward. "Don't push yourself." Kaito said. Gum i held her head up high in determination.


"I have a name now Kaito. Lets go home."


Kaito looked down and gave a heavy sigh. "I can't do that Gumi. You are too wreckless and I have to turn you in. If it weren't for you, the city wouldn't look like this."


Gumi turned and looked at him in shock. "Then why did you save me?"


Kaito didn't say anything in reply, but lowered his gaze. Gumi felt a solitary tear roll down her cheek. The wind around her seemed to turn an electric green but she didn't notice.


"Then this is goodbye." She stated plainly and left. Once out in the street she was subject to the torment of crying bloody faces and burning building and violence. People shouted things at her but she bravely walked forward and let them use her as an outlet to release their anger. Once back at home she went over to a small laptop that was a super computer, or so she had benn told and typed in the name "Luka". One result came up. It was a small newspaper article.


"Three years ago today a girl by the name of Luka was named the dawn of a new age. She created what is known to us as the perfect human. She can make people stronger, faster, and smarter than ever before. The price is steep and it is a painful operation, but it is worth it. Her lab at Sharoket was destroyed along with the Earth colonies, but she was able to find a small piece of crutial research." Gumi read aloud.


There was no adress but she now had an explaination of the visions of pain and torture that she had experianced earlier before Miku had launched her attack. Gumi was a super human. She supposed that the heads of Sharoket were as well, Miku, Kaito, Meiko, and Luka. How many other where there though?


Gumi realized that she was no longer bleeding but she still was sore where she had been stabbed and there were some huge scars. With a sigh of exhaustion, Gumi flopped herself down on the couch and fell asleep. She dreamt of all the operations performed on her while she slept as a child. She silenlty cursed Luka and her older known as Father.

© 2011 Amber Tasch

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Added on October 23, 2011
Last Updated on November 1, 2011


Amber Tasch
Amber Tasch

Not in one!, RI

i would rather draw but my friends wanted me to get one of these look me up at [email protected] more..


A Story by Amber Tasch