Episode 6: Bullet for Prisoner

Episode 6: Bullet for Prisoner

A Chapter by Amber Tasch

My name is Gumi. Seven years ago the human race left Eart and made home on a nearby planet. No one knows why its here, or why we can live on it. We established a government and soon it became known as planet Utopia. I live in the capitol city, Hidor Utopia. I was an orphan seven years ago but I met a man and a girl with pink hair who took me in. When the mn died mysteriously, i was an orphan again and so was the girl with pink hair. One day we teamed up and decided that it would be good for us if we came up with a disguise and a plan so that when ever we went out to steal something that was necesary for us orphans to survive, we couldn't be recognized. The plan fell through though when i found out that my pink haired friend was none other than Sharoket, the most evil and powerful person on Planet Utopia. She had resourses and was the reason that Earth was now a lazy asteroid shirting through the void of space. My name is Gumi, and I am the Panda Hero.


Gumi awoke the next morning to find that Kaito was throwing a fit. He was pacing back and forth, mumbling madly to himself. "I cannot let myself loose control like that again. I cannot steal. If I steal then I am not better than Sharoket."


Gumi punched the wall and he turned to face her. Her head was down but her could still see her tremble with emotion. "What are you saying Kaito? I have over a hundred sins upon my hands, all of them theft. Does that mean that I am no better than the very thing I want to destroy?"


Kaito simply pointed at the television. Gumi looked at it to see that the casino workers had been out killing and robbing the poor people that she had given the money too the night previous. Because the police were busy dealing with this, crimes had popped up all over what was formerly a pure city. Gumi looked at the television with a bored expression. She was still hurt from Kaito's previous comment.


"Are you happy now Panda Hero?" He said in a trembling. "You can now add homicide to your list of sins."


Gumi ran at him faster than he could blink. In all of two seconds she had crossed the room, grabbed her bat, and hit him with it. She landed the blow in the pit of his stomach. She stood straight infront fo him. Her shoulder were square and pulled back slightly. Kaito looked up at her and was paralysed by her intimidating look. Never before had he seem such power. Kaito had an uncanny ability to see auras and right now, hers was a color so indescribeable, he was unsure if it was good or evil. Gumi gave him a look of disgust and went back into her room. She emerged in her Panda Hero getup.


"I have something to do." Gumi jumped out of the window leaving Kaito all alone. Gumi rand straight down the side of the building and dodged a swarm of cops. Once she was safe in a back alley she sat down and focused really hard to remember her past. What could she use to take down Sharoket? Then a memory sparked like a match. The man who she onced dance with. That was Arane's late brother. She could almost see him walk away from her and into a police car. He was headed to a trial, convicting him of being sharoket, but he would be found innocent. Ibstead a man by the name of Gacha Poi, a small town lawyer would go to jail. Gumi then remembered that she saw Gacha's name in a news paper not too long ago. He was in Hidor Utopia's jail.


The jail was small and dirty despite its large and alluring outer apearance. Gumi strode in and found that there were no cops. However, she did hear a voice. Upon pearing around the corner, she found a girl with medium legnth pink hair, a white and furry hat, a camo trench coat, orange leggings, and brown boots. Arane spoke to a man in the cell.


"She will be here soon. I have no doubt in my mind. That is why I have to kill you. You might know things that will aid the Panda Hero."


Then Gumi heard a familiar and desprait voice. "I-is that Gumi?"


Arane raised a gun but it was obvious that she was hesitating. "You know that this is hard for me Gachapoid, but it has to be done. Thanks for working with me and thanks for being the father of the Panda Hero."


Gumi was too stunned to stop Arane was she tugged on the trigger and created an echo that gave Gumi chills that she wouldn't ever forget. The sound was followed by an explosion and when Gumi turned the corner. The cell that held Gacha Poi, was gone, along with Arane. Gumi couldn't quite comprehend the news. For one thing, she hadn't quite heard the whole conversation. She then was taken back to another memory. Arane and her were sitting in the shack.


"Gumi, I got an idea."


"Arane, if its another Panda Hero idea from this Father person-"


"I trust him."


"I don't. He might be connected to Sharoket."


"Thats why we should join gumi, in order to get closer."


Gumi snapped back to reality once she felt the sharp pain of a bullet in her arm. Her heart beating fast she turned to see a young cop with his gun pointed shakily at her. Gumi smiled and looked at her arm and watched the would close up, leaving the tattoo visable again.  Gumi then looked up at the cop who shook with fear. Calmly and innocently, Gumi left the jail and walked around town. Over night Hidor Utopia went from the new world's capitol to a hell hole.


Gumi barreled through the streets. Father was sharoket, and Arane's brother, now Arane was Sharoket, right? Fighting off confusion, she barreled through the streets. There was a sharp pain in her arm but she ignored it. Then Gumi began to feel reckless. Horrible images flooded her vision. She saw Gacha Poi standing over her and Arane with a wicked smile next to him. Gumi ran and ran. They were cutting her and replacing her insides with wierd things. Gumi ran harder and faster. Arane was putting the Panda Hero tattoo on her and promising its power. Gumi was almost flying now.


"Panda Hero."


A blue figure stood infront of her, it had appeared so suddenly that she nearly fell over

trying to stop. Gumi looked at this person. She had long blue hair in two pigtails. The girl wore a green kimono. As the girl stepped forward Gumi noted that her hair waas green in the light, not blue.


"I have orders," the girl said, "To kill you!" The girl looked up to reveal that she had no face, just a fox mask. She ran at Gumi with amazing speed, so fast that not even Gumi saw her move. Blood etupted from Gumi's side as she was thrown back. Staggering and struggling to stay upright, Gumi looked for the girl. There was another gash in Gumi's back as she fell onti her hands and knees. The girl stood infront of her now.


"My name Miku, and I am from division three of Sharoket Corp."


Gumi stood on unsteady legs and watched as the girl changed her mask to a completly black one and removed her kimono to reveal a black suit.


"I wish we had met under different circumstances, Panda Hero."

© 2011 Amber Tasch

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Added on October 11, 2011
Last Updated on November 1, 2011


Amber Tasch
Amber Tasch

Not in one!, RI

i would rather draw but my friends wanted me to get one of these look me up at [email protected] more..


A Story by Amber Tasch