![]() First Love: Acts 1 and 2A Screenplay by Amanda Spencer10 years later Annie is working on her screenplay in her bedroom. She lives with Mina, her best friend, and Mina’s teenaged younger sister Mei who stays with them during the week because it is closer to her academy. Annie’s screenplay is about a young woman who trades her soul with a demon in order to get her idol to fall in love with her. That is where the next scene opens up. INT. MEDIA COMPANY- NIGHT Scene opens up to Hana, a young popular idol, running with white sneakers down a long office corridor. She has short wavy black hair that reaches her neck and is very pretty, between 18-25 years old. She is wearing a hot pink jumpsuit. She is breathing harshly and gives a soft scream when the lights overhead go out. Close on: a man's black boots, his unhurried footsteps echoing on the tiled floor. Close on: the back of the woman as she runs and searches over her shoulder for her pursuer in terror. There is no one else in the building after the television special she starred in. She pushes into a dark room at the end of the hall and closes the door gently, running to hide behind a storage cabinet. The echo of footsteps makes her cover her ears and sink to the ground, cowering. The sound of a clock ticks and gets faster and faster. HANA Please... God please help me! A soft masculine laugh echoes. Close on: her pursuer’s mouth crooks up in a devious smile. DEMON You knew this day would come. A deal is a deal- Demon is cut off at the sound of muffled music, frowning. MIDNIGHT SEVEN Disasters and Delusions And all your confusion Making me lose myself Dragging me down to hell DEMON What the- ANNIE V.O. hell? The sound of a record is stopped. Close on: Annie looks murderous while sitting in an office chair with her hair thrown up in a messy bun and wearing large glasses. ANNIE (Seething) Someone is going to die right now. She hops from her computer chair and storms to her bedroom door, ripping it open and going into the living room across the hall from her room, stopping in the doorway. Pans in to her crossing her arms, yelling. ANNIE: HEY! Close on: the back of Mei goes rigid in the middle of the sparse living room. She wears low pigtails and a black and white school uniform. She spins around. She looks at Annie startled, the remote in her hand. MEI (Yelling) why are you yelling like that? Mei is a 17-year-old high school student with a pretty and youthful appearance. She is sassy and not afraid to speak up. Close on: Annie crosses her arms and narrows her eyes. ANNIE: Do you want to die, brat? Close on: Mei copies the same stance of Annie. Looks unapologetic. MEI It was just one song... Close on: Annie looks at Mei in disbelief. ANNIE: Just one song. . .! Annie breaks her crossed arm to raise a threatening fist. A brief close on of Mei flinching as if already getting hit. They are interrupted by Mina. MINA (O.S.) Why are you yelling so early in the morning? Mina is shorter than Annie and has pixie like features. She has short black hair and thin bangs. She is currently wearing a long white t-shirt. She and Annie have been best friends since middle school and are more like family than friends. Close on: Annie still has her fist slightly raised as Mina comes around the doorway looking disheveled and sleepy. She yawns and blinks a couple of times before seeing the tv. Her eyes widen. MINA (Gasps) Why is this playing? Mina rushes into the living room. Close on of Mei flinching just as Mina reaches her and whacks her arm. Close on: Mina growls and rips the remote from her. MINA You’re lucky I worked out yesterday or I’d hit you harder. Close on: Mina tries to turn off the tv but turns it up instead. SEVEN (Singing) Run as fast as you can, can, can, can, can MIDNIGHT SEVEN Whoa- run as fast as you can. MINA (Panicking) why won’t it turn off? Is this thing busted? Close on: the tv screen shows a close up of Seven (Kiro) who looks intimidating on the screen before it goes black. Close on: Mina holds remote, briefly shutting her eyes and sighing in relief. Then she turns her wrath on Mei. Hits her in the arm again. MINA Do you have any brains at all in that head? How did you get into the academy when you’re so dumb? MEI That’s funny considering I am smarter than you- Mina hits her in the arm again. MEI Ow! MINA (Mutters to herself) The mouth on this brat is something else. (To Mei in a harsh tone) Apologize to Annie and then go to school. Close on: Annie still stands in the doorway, but her face is troubled after seeing Midnight Seven on TV. ANNIE Why are you still here anyway? Doesn’t school start in twenty minutes? Close on: Mei and Mina stare each other down. Mei rubs her arm while Mina holds her fist in warning. MEI (In a defiant tone) I could ask you the same question about you needing to go to work-ow! Mei stomps her foot. MEI Stop hitting me! MINA Stop saying stuff that gets you hit! Each stare each other down. Mei concedes. MEI (Mutters) Sorry. Close on: Annie leans forward. ANNIE I’m sorry what was that? Close on: Mei stomps her foot again. MEI I am not repeating myself. I know you heard me. Goes to pick up her backpack off the couch and shrugs the black straps on. MEI What do I have to say sorry for anyway? It’s not my fault she hates good music. Close on: Mina hears and spins to hit her again. Close on: Mei runs from the living room to the front door, hastily opening it. Front door slams Close on: Mina growls with her fist in the air. MINA Wow...I swear I’m going to beat her when she comes home for that mouth. Where she gets that attitude is beyond me. Close on: Annie stands in the doorway. She smirks. ANNIE Probably the same place you get your bad temper- Side shot of both Annie and Mina. Mina advances towards Annie as if she is going to hit her, making Annie flinch and hold her hands up in surrender. ANNIE I take it back! I take it back! MINA (Looks triumphant) Hmph. That’s what I thought. Close on: Annie lowers her hands and shudders. ANNIE So scary... Close on: Mina lifts her fist to her mouth and blows on it like it is a gun. MINA That’s right. And don’t you forget it. Side view of Mina and Annie. Mina walks from the living room and stops at Annie, suddenly looking serious. MINA Speaking of scary... Mina nudges her head towards the tv. MINA Are you okay? Close on: Annie looks at the blank television screen with a troubled look. Breaks her gaze away to smile at Mina. ANNIE You mean that? Trust me...it’s going to take more than seeing his face to scare me. Close on: Mina crosses her arms. MINA Okay. If you want to play dumb then whatever. Mina trudges from the living room and presses the remote into Annie’s stomach. Annie winces and shoots her a dirty look. MINA (Brightly) You want coffee? Mina doesn’t wait for a response but trudges into the hallway and down towards the kitchen. Annie finally breaks from the doorjamb and walks int the living room, sighing. ANNIE (Mutters to herself) Out of all the songs they could have performed it had to be the one he wrote to me... A loud crash echoes from the kitchen. Annie jumps from her daze and rushes towards it. Mina swears as Annie enters. MINA (Gesturing to the cooking pan on the floor) I swear this house is designed against people like me. Annie looks relieved and laughs. She goes to the cabinet to put the coffee can back for Mina. ANNIE You think everything is designed against you. MINA That’s because it is! Mina hands Annie the pan from the floor and she places it back in their overstock cabinet where the coffee is kept. Their kitchen is small. MINA I hate this apartment. When are you going to get those big named clients so we can move to a nice loft? Annie opens another cabinet and pulls out two black coffee mugs. ANNIE Should be today, actually. Close on: Mina looks surprised. MINA Whoa...no way. Pan out to show both Annie and Mina. Mina whacks her arm in irritation. Annie carefully places down the cups and shoots her an annoyed look. MINA Why didn’t you say anything? ANNIE You’re lucky these cups aren’t already filled with coffee- MINA (Sounding excited) Who is it? Who is the client? A brief close on of Annie still looking annoyed. A close on of Mina blinking sweetly and looking excited. ANNIE Stop that. You look like a dog about to get a treat. Pan out to show both of them again. Mina’s smile falls and she stomps her foot. MINA Come on, tell me. I won’t freak out I promise. Mina holds out her pinky. Annie hesitates but breaks, linking her pinky with hers. ANNIE Fine-but just remember it’s not a done deal yet. Close on: Mina looks really excited again and nods vehemently. Pan out to show both Annie and Mina. Annie leans forward and Mina does the same. ANNIE It’s Eric Lee. Close on of Mina’s face going slack. This is when it is established she is a huge Eric Lee fan. MINA E...E...Eric Lee? Pan out to show both of them as Mina grabs the front of Annie’s t-shirt and brings her face close. MINA You’re going to work with Eric Lee? Close on: Annie disentangles herself from Mina’s grip. She takes a step back and looks annoyed. Then she looks regretful telling Mina the news. ANNIE It is not a guarantee yet- and you promised not to freak out! Zoom out: Mina stomps her foot again in agitation. MINA That was before I knew who it was! Close on: Annie laughs begrudgingly before she heaves a sigh. Annie points with the hand that was used for the pinky promise, warning. ANNIE You have to keep this to yourself, Mina. Not a word of this to anyone at your office- Close on: Mina rolls her eyes. MINA (Pouting) Who the heck would I tell, huh? You know no one there likes me. Mina is the manager for a food production company. She is tough and a stickler for the rules. Because of this all of her employees are terrified of her. Zoom out to show both of them again. Annie glares and holds out her pinky. Mina makes a dramatic gesture before giving in. MINA Alright, I promise. They pinky swear again. Mina breaks it and hastily leaves the kitchen. ANNIE Hey, where are you going? P.O.V: Annie watches Mina leave the kitchen and head down the hall to her bedroom. To put on my cross necklace. We need all the help from Jesus today that we can get! Close on: Annie shakes her head, flinching when Mina yells in excitement MINA (O.S.) I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE WORKING WITH ERIC LEE! Annie heaves a sigh. ANNIE (Mutters to herself) You knew better than to tell her. Now look what you did. She shakes her head again and clicks her tongue. Then goes back to pouring coffee, resigned. END ACT 1 ACT 2 INT. CAR - MORNING Kiro is in the passenger seat of the black van used for Midnight Seven. He looks bored and is wearing a black baseball cap and a long beige pea coat. Yohan, a member of Midnight Seven and Kiro’s best friend is driving. YOHAN Look at this traffic... I can’t believe so many people are out this early in the morning. Yohan is a 27-year-old man and overly peppy. He is the sexy one of the group with light blond hair. He is not a morning person but was forced to drive Kiro to his meeting by Kiro. YOHAN (whines) Couldn’t they have scheduled your meeting at a decent hour? Like 4pm? Kiro gives him a side look. Yohan swiftly turns his head to meet it. YOHAN What? Tell me I’m wrong. KIRO Pay attention to the road before you kill us both. Yohan returns his attention back to driving. YOHAN (Mutters) You hate mornings more than I do...(To himself) I can’t believe you’re meeting the CEO like that. Yohan shudders. Kiro glances out the window to hide his smirk. KIRO I’m sure the CEO already expects me to be exactly like all the rumors say. YOHAN Rumors? I think you mean the truth- Kiro turns to glare at Yohan, his stare intimidating. Yohan blocks his head with his hand to protect himself. YOHAN I’m kidding! Of course they’re all rumors. You’re not cold, intimidating, or scary at all. Kiro continues staring making Yohan beg. YOHAN Please direct your devil look out the window. I can feel you trying to steal my soul. Kiro keeps his eyes on him for a few extra seconds before turning his head out the window. Yohan slowly lowers his hand and lets out a sigh of relief. YOHAN (Mutters to himself) The poor CEO. I think I will say a prayer for him right now. KIRO (ignores his comment) Take this right. Yohan follows the direction. YOHAN You got it leader. Zoom out from the car to see the car pulling up at the sidewalk in front of a sleek and modern building. Close on: Yohan and Kiro in the car. Kiro goes into the interior pocket of his grey peacoat and pulls out a black mask. Puts it on as Yohan looks like he wants to say something. KIRO (Pauses putting the mask on) Say what you have to say before you give yourself indigestion. Yohan looks embarrassed. YOHAN That happened one time and you just won’t let it go- KIRO You have ten seconds to spit it out- YOHAN Alright, geez! Yohan clears his throat. YOHAN All I want to say is I think you’re going a bit overboard with the disguise. Kiro is about to put the mask on but stops. Lowers it and slowly turns to give Yohan a look. YOHAN (Sheepish) I mean this IS a media company... they see people like us all the time. I doubt you’re gonna get mobbed here. KIRO (curt tone) I’m not taking any chances. . . YOHAN (Drawls) After that one time? Yohan turns his head and meets Kiro’s dark stare. Kiro breaks the silence by straightening and putting his mask on. KIRO If it happened once it can always happen again. And with the day I’ve already been having I’ll end up running into that lunatic again. YOHAN Bro, that was over ten years ago. The chances of you seeing her are like 1 in a million. Kiro turns to glare at him again. Yohan adds in a hasty tone. YOHAN (cont'd) you'd get struck by lightning first. Kiro picks up a black baseball cap from the middle console and shoves it on top of his head. He opens the car door and Yohan leans towards him getting out. YOHAN (Yells at Kiro) You'd have a better chance at winning the damn lottery! The door slams. P.O.V: Kiro walks away from the van. Close on: Yohan looking defeated. YOHAN (Winces) I am going to pay for that one. Close on of Yohan rolling down the window to yell at Kiro. YOHAN What time am I picking you up? P.O.V: Kiro’s continues to walk away without answering. Close on: Yohan waits expectantly. Sags in defeat. Then looks back out the window. YOHAN I’ll just wait here then! P.O.V: Kiro stops and turns slowly to glare. Close on of Yohan jumping, scared. He straightens and grabs the steering wheel. YOHAN Never mind. I’m out. Show Yohan peeling out. P.O.V: Van peels out of the spot. Close on: Kiro shakes his head before spinning on his heel, heading to the door. Zoom out: Annie walks towards the same door as Kiro while she looks down at her phone screen. Annie is dressed in a light blue blazer and a pressed white collared shirt. She no longer has her glasses on and her hair is half up. She has an iced coffee in her hand and her phone in the other playing Candy Crush. Angled shot to show them about to cross paths. They both head for the same door. Close on: Kiro reaches the door first and opens it, stops from entering as an old man comes up. Kiro gestures for him to go in first. The old man smiles at Kiro and thanks him. Before the old man can go in he is cut off by Annie, too absorbed in her game to realize her rudeness. Annie walks into the door, her eyes still on her phone. OLD MAN (Angry) Excuse me! ANNIE (Distracted) Thank you. Kiro glares at her as she passes by. P.O.V.: Seeing her play a game on her phone. Close on: his eyes narrow as she slowly walks into the building. Zoom out: Kiro still holding the door and the old man glaring at her. OLD MAN The disrespect is unbelievable. Zoom out to show her walking towards the gates to get into the main part of the building. P.O.V: The game and her losing. Close on: Annie looks irritated ANNIE (mutters to herself) Damn. I was so close. Pull out to show the front of her. She puts her phone away and hears two young women gushing behind her about the man at the door. YOUNG WOMAN 1 Did you see him? YOUNG WOMAN 2 He’s definitely someone famous. Zoom out to Annie watching them pass by her. Looks behind her. ANNIE I wonder who they’re talking about... Close on: she shrugs and places her phone away. She pulls out her wallet in her back jean pocket and scans her ID. She goes through the automatic gates and walks to the elevators. She hits the button and places her wallet in her back pocket of her skinny jeans, checking a silly flower watch Mei had given her for her birthday. (Annie is an agent for a media company. Her clients are actors and actresses that star in commercials and tv shows.) Close on: Annie looks up and looks surprised. Close on: The elevator is empty. Close on: Annie looking happy ANNIE Whoa, this never happens. That must be a good sign today’s going to be a great day. Nods in triumph and then steps into it. Close on: Annie in the elevator. P.O.V: Annie hits the number 15 button for her floor. Transition to her readjusting to stand against the back of the elevator and pull out her phone to start a new game. Show the elevator door’s shutting and showing her disappear behind them. Close on: a male hand pushes between the two doors and stops them from closing. Close on: Annie glances up and her mouth parts in surprise. A slow pan of the man who stopped the elevator from closing from his hand upward to his face. It is Kiro. Close on: Annie is startled from looking at him and moves as he goes to stand next to her. ANNIE (Inner Monologue) Whoa... such an intimidating aura. Annie gives him a side look. ANNIE I wonder if this is who those two women were talking about. Kiro moves to hit the elevator button but freezes when he sees it is already lit up. Straightens and pulls out his phone. Annie follows his movements which makes him look her way. Annie senses it and clears her throat, quickly glancing down at her phone. ANNIE (Inner Monologue) It must be if he is going to the same floor as me. She sucks air through her teeth ANNIE (Inner Monologue) The only one I’m expecting is Eric Lee... but I doubt he’ll show up here. She narrows her eyes. ANNIE (Inner Monologue) Then who is he? Close on: Annie stares at him in the reflection of the sleek elevator doors. His face is mostly covered but she is still trying to figure him out, like a puzzle or a math equation. He is looking down at his phone but lifts his gaze up to stare back at her in the reflection. Annie notices him staring and is startled. Clears her throat and offers him an awkward smile. Close on: Annie turns her head away from him, wincing. ANNIE (Inner monologue) You idiot! You work with celebrities all the time! How could you still make such a rookie mistake? Close on: Kiro watches her wince and berate herself in the reflection of the elevator doors. He then glances down at his phone and looks annoyed. Close on: Annie and Kiro in the elevator. A quick close on of the elevator reaching the 15th floor. Close on of the doors opening. Annie looks relieved. ANNIE (Mutters) Thank God. She ducks her head and goes to exit the elevator quickly. She is stopped by Kiro who also tries to leave at the same time, bumping into him. He looks down at her. KIRO (Annoyed) This must be a habit of yours. Annie looks confused and contrite. ANNIE What? Kiro does not explain. He straightens his coat as if she ruined it and strides out of the elevator. Annie watches him, dumbfounded. ANNIE (Repeats looking bothered) Habit of mine? Notices the elevator is closing and jumps to awareness. Dashes out before the doors close. Close on: She glances to her right and then to her left, her eyes finding what she is looking for. P.O.V: Kiro walking down the hall as if he owns the place. Close on: Annie shudders. ANNIE He looked like he wanted to kill me. LUCY (O.S.) (Excited) Annie! There you are! Annie turns her body to see Lucy, her frazzled yet hardworking 24-year-old assistant coming down the hall towards her. Close on of the side view of Lucy and Annie. Lucy comes to a stop in front of Annie looking agitated. LUCY I’ve been trying to call you all morning! Close on of Annie looking surprised. She pulls out her phone and checks the screen. ANNIE Really? But I don’t have any missed calls... Close on: Lucy looks excited LUCY No wonder the bossman has been calling me every five minutes looking for you. Zoom out to show the two of them and other employees walking by them. Annie leans forward and lowers her voice. ANNIE Lucy... did he use his quiet voice when he called? Close on: Lucy shows understanding and shakes her head vehemently smiling. Leans forward. LUCY He used his loud voice. Every single time! Zoom out to show both of them. A silent understanding passes between the two of them before they look excited. ANNIE Today is going to be a good day for sure! (Mutters to herself) minus the cold man in the elevator. . . Close on: Lucy looks confused LUCY Huh? What cold guy? Close on: Annie gives Lucy a blank look then waves it off. ANNIE Ah, nothing. (Changes subject) So what did the bossman say? Close on: Lucy shrugs off Annie’s mutter and beams. LUCY He wouldn’t say. Just told me you better call him once you’re in. Zoom out to show both of them. Annie makes a fist in triumph. Close on: Annie looks smug. ANNIE It has to be about Eric Lee’s contract... there’s no doubt about it. Close on: Lucy nods excitedly. Zoom out to both of them. LUCY It has to be! Who else deserves it more than you? Close on: Annie sighs, nodding in agreement. ANNIE Yes, this is true. I am the hardest and best agent here after all. . . A bark of male laughter behind Annie makes her turn around. Close on: Annie and Lucy focus their attention on the interruption. Both expressions sour. Annie crosses her arms with the coffee cup resting on top of her arm. ANNIE Is something funny, Alan? Alan is a tallish 32-year-old man who is always impeccably dressed. His hair is fluffy and he has large round glasses he wears for style not for sight. He is Annie’s nemesis at the company. He is cocky. Close on: Alan leans his arm on the doorframe of his office door and points at her. ALAN You are. Lying to yourself that you’re the best agent--ha! Close on: Annie bares her teeth at him. Lucy jumps forward and points back at him. LUCY You were eavesdropping! Zoom out to show all three. Alan looks uncomfortable for a brief moment being called out and clears his throat. Points at Lucy. ALAN I don’t have to eavesdrop when you two are practically screaming outside of my office door. Close on of Annie and Lucy exchanging a look. Zoom out to show all three. ALAN And because you’re so loud I decided I should correct you on believing you’re the best. Close on of Annie and Lucy. Annie smiles while Lucy growls at him. Close on of Alan taking a slight step back, looking nervous. ANNIE I don’t believe I’m the best. I am the best. Something I can say with complete confidence. Unlike you. Lucy nods in agreement. Alan clicks his tongue and shakes his head. ALAN Delusions of grandeur are detrimental to your health. Close on of Alan looking sad for Annie. ALAN Delusions like getting the Eric Lee file when it has already been given to me. He points at his chest and looks smug. Close on of Annie’s arms uncrossing and her mouth parting open in disbelief. Lucy stares from Alan to Annie in shock. ANNIE You’re lying. ALAN Go ask the bossman if you don’t believe me. He gave it to me last night, because I proved myself to him after staying past clock-out time- Close on: Annie narrows her eyes and stares murderously at him. Hands Lucy her coffee who takes it in confusion. She storms past Alan and into Alan’s office. Alan yells at her. ALAN Hey...that’s my property. You can’t touch that...! Annie passes him without a second glance, a manila folder in her hand. Alan lifts his hands up over his face and cowers but drops them once she passes by him. Show Annie storming down the hall with Alan and Lucy watching her leave. ANNIE We will see who gets the Eric Lee file once I’m through with the bossman. Close on: Alan turns and yells after her. ALAN You’re wasting your time! Mr. Lee already turned me down five minutes ago. Close on of Annie’s back as she stomps down the hall towards the President’s office. Close on: Alan looks defeated and annoyed. Lucy comes to stand next to him and mocks him. LUCY That’s what you get for eavesdropping. Alan glances down and grits her teeth as she “hmph’s” and turns to head back into the office she works in. ALAN (Mutters to himself) Like she will have any luck with Lee’s file anyway. Alan fixes his silk blue blazer and heads back into his office. END OF ACT 2
© 2021 Amanda SpencerAuthor's Note
Added on May 26, 2021 Last Updated on May 26, 2021 Tags: Korean drama, romance, comedy, strong female characters, idols, drama Author![]() Amanda SpencerEVERETT, MAAboutHello! I am an anime and Korean drama nerd who loves to write young adult fantasy novels. I am currently working on a vampire series that I am hoping will get published. I have spent several years wor.. more..Writing