Bound by Blood ch.3

Bound by Blood ch.3

A Chapter by Amanda Spencer

Chapter 3




Your master is waiting. 

Lord Jain’s warning slammed into Evie’s head, over and over, like a bullet ricocheting. She pressed her short nail beds into her palm and squeezed. Lord Jain’s words had stunned her more than another slap. 

She couldn’t move. Couldn’t stop from listening to every step that he took down the stairs, the soft press of his shoes into the luxurious rug unhurried and precise. Carefully taken just like he carefully constructed his remark, hitting where it hurt her the most.  

Evie gritted her teeth and blinked away the tears burning her eyes. 

I don’t have a master. I am not property.

She was a companion. She had rights and privileges and protections. So long as she didn’t break the rules in the contract that wouldn’t change. 

But what Lord Jain hinted at not only stripped her of those rights guaranteed as a companion but degraded her to the worst position a human could be at the Lamia mansion: 

a feeder. 

Evie had never seen one in real life but she’d overheard from other companions what their fates had become. She’d learned a lot about Nightrealm while doing her chores, the other companions not realizing she could hear their whispers and hushed conversation whenever she was with them.

From what Evie gathered a feeder was a human who broke their contract and was stripped of all of their protection and rights. Their riches promised for their service were taken away from them. Dragged to some undisclosed place in the mansion imprisoned until their contracts were up. And if that wasn’t bad enough then being at the mercy of not just one but all of Nightrealm was the cherry on top. 

The soft burn running up her arms hitched in intensity. Evie took in a deep breath and slowly released her clenched hands, letting them fall back to her sides. 

It doesn’t matter what he says.... I am not a feeder. 

She didn’t know why what he said bothered her so much. After all, she was used to the scorn of the others, some who have said much worse to her face and behind her back. But there was something about Lord Jain’s cold smiles and his eyes filled with disdain when he looked at her that hit deeper and felt personal. 

Like he was set out to always knock her down. To always remind her of her place. 

It wasn’t the same way that September or August did it. All humans to them were trash and should be treated that way. 

And it made her believe his hate for her was different. 


She was sure of it. As sure as Hatchet wouldn’t hurt her like Jain had hinted at. 

Remembering her dark prince helped to unlock her legs and recall she had someplace to be. She shakily walked down the hall until she reached the familiar black rose etched in a wooden door. The insignia of the Lamia clan. 

The prickly feeling in her arms and legs didn’t subside and the words of Jain taunted her. 

Young master is in quite a mood today. 

It wouldn’t surprise me if this is the last time I have to speak to you. 

Evie’s heart thrummed against the snug bodice of her cotton dress. She swallowed. Don’t let him win. 

She wished she could tell Hatchet about the feeling something bad was going to happen. About her run in with Lord Jain. 

But what she really wished was that she didn’t have to keep so many secrets from him. 

Evie’s hand raised to knock yet she couldn’t bring herself to do it. If Hatchet saw her the way she was now he’d ask questions. Questions she didn’t have the courage to answer. 

Would he even believe me if I told him? 

Would he care?

Both questions hurt her and filled her with unease. She didn’t have long to think on them as 

his door pulled open and a hand grabbed her wrist. She let out a tiny squeak while being pulled into a large room sheathed in shadows and the scent of musty old books. 

Before she could suck in another breath, the door closed and she was pressed back into the cool wood, looking up into none other than Hatchet’s unhappy face. “You’re late.” 

Evie placed the hand not still trapped in his grip over her thrumming heartbeat and averted her eyes from his hardened look.  “It’s only by a couple of minutes.”  

She caught him narrowing his charcoal gaze. For only being two years older than her he still exuded the same trickle of intimidation as the other Nightrealm, and she couldn’t stop the slight flinch when his hand landed next to her head, boxing her in. 

His tone was filled with reproach as he countered, “Late is late, Evie.” 

The prickling worsened. Maybe Jain wasn’t just trying to scare me... he really is in a bad mood. But bad enough to harm her? 

Evie swallowed down her desire to argue back and attempted to look contrite. “It won’t happen again?” She raised her hazel eyes up to him, feeling the shock of his beauty nearly make her take in a small breath. Today Hatchet had left his midnight black hair unkempt, and the strands curling by his temples highlighted the glint of purple undertones when it hit the slivers of sunlight sneaking past the heavy black curtains covering the window. A wayward strand swept against his smooth, pale forehead and brushed his slender nose as he tilted his head down at her. She wanted to place it behind his ear yet refrained, not willing to give him any more reasons to be upset with her. 

She was glad she didn’t when he rose a thin, black brow and his bowed mouth twitched, mocking. “Interesting...I’m almost positive you’ve already said that before. And yet here you are, still breaking the rules even after the talk we had this morning.” 

Evie exhaled sharply and began to lower her head when she felt his fingers tug on one of her frizzy loose cinnamon curls, making her look at him. His eyes gleamed as she watched in growing apprehension, his raspy drawl making the sense of danger just around the corner add to the crawling over her skin. “What are we going to do about that, hm?” 

He slowly inched his head forward and she had nowhere to go, feeling like the mice who made the mistake of coming to the Lamia estate when there was a shortage of companions.  “H-how about nothing?” she suggested a bit breathless, her cheeks burning as her mind cruelly reminded her about what happened the last time he’d been in a really bad mood. 

It was nowhere near as bad as Lord Jain’s correction but it was unbearable in a different way. Her heart thumped. Please...not that. Not again.  She clamped her eyes shut when she found herself in the same position as the other time, her heart hammering in her chest. 

She felt the brush of his cool breath as he murmured, “you look scared, Evie... I wonder why that is.” 

Lord Jain’s words came back to her, but they were quickly brushed off as her mind was too busy replaying Hatchet’s more calculated ways of showing his displeasure with her. 

Evie’s heartbeat stuttered as she felt him close in. Her mouth opened but no sound came out. 

Then he pulled back- and she opened her eyes to see what he was planning next, her exhale a little too loud. 

Her reaction made him smirk. “Are you scared I’m going to punish you?” 

Her stomach somersaulted at his uncanny ability to always read her thoughts. “Y-yes.” 

He leaned his head close to hers again, drawing out the anticipation. “hmmm... Perhaps I should. It might teach you to be on time from now on.” He looked contemplative as Evie’s heart raced, her gaze begging him to not go through with whatever plan was forming behind his shrewd look. 

The same look he’d worn when he’d leaned over her on the couch, his smile smug as he’d said- “let’s see how long we can keep your cheeks that red today-“ her head shaking no, pleading, knowing it was futile. 

Hatchet might not be like the other Nightrealm in their cruelty...but it didn’t mean he was merciful. 

He smiled and revealed his white teeth, the upper fangs glinting. Then he lifted the wrist still captive in his hand and brought it to his lips. She was still waiting for him to repeat the other punishment when he asked, “where should I do it?  Here?” he brushed his mouth at the place where her hand and wrist connected. 

Huh? Evie was stunned by the sudden change in direction she didn’t catch onto his meaning. Then his lips brushed the place where Lissa, Evie’s human caretaker for the week, had hit her with a wooden spoon after she’d accidentally dropped the basket of towels on the floor. 

“W-wait, wait!” Evie winced when his mouth brushed the raw skin, regretting it immediately. Especially when he looked at her through his thick, black lashes, his mouth crooking up in a devious smile. 

“Here it is then.” 

Evie saw him open his mouth before she shut her eyes and waited for the sharp sting that would come. Even if it was better than the punishment she’d expected, she couldn’t stop herself from tensing at the scrape of his teeth. Waiting for the familiar pinch to come.  

Hatchet once again surprised her, his husky laugh falling over her. “Silly make it too easy.”  

What? She didn’t have a chance to adjust to the abrupt mood change as she peeked one eye open to see him right before he tugged her forward, grinning at her look of trepidation. She barely inhaled when she suddenly found herself sitting on his black velvet couch, Hatchet perched right next to her. Evie attempted to jump back up, but he still held her wrist captive, keeping her trapped next to him. 

He met her surprised look with a mischievous smirk. “Oh, if only I could get a picture of your expression right now.” 

She blinked, backing away when he inched a little too close. “Wha- I don’t understand...” 

All traces of him being unhappy were gone. His smile lifted his high cheekbones and made him look more like a regular kid than the scary eldest prince. 

If it wasn’t for the navy blue slacks and dark grey button up- and the fangs still showing- she could pretend they were the same. That he wasn’t above her. 

Which she was reminded of as he tugged her close with absolute ease. “You look like you thought I was really going to punish you,” he explained, amusement lilting his voice. 

Evie laughed uneasily, fooled by his display, her heart hammering in her chest. His charcoal gaze slightly narrowed, and she knew he’d heard it, too.  He leaned forward and peered closer at her. “Is that why your heart is beating so fast?” Although he asked casually his expression sharpened. 

Evie swallowed. And then lied. “It is.” 

He hummed, and Evie knew he’d seen through it, wincing when he continued in the same tone, “You know, it was beating this hard when you were walking to my room, too.”

Her heart thudded. Crap

He went on, the shrewd look darkening his amused gaze. “Did something happen? Something that also caused you to be late?” 

Evie shook her head, but her pulse betrayed her. She couldn’t tell him about Lord Jain. If Hatchet hated his father he hated Lord Jain even more. She averted her gaze and denied his accusation. “Nope, nothing happened.” 

“If nothing happened why are you looking away?” 


“And why do you look nervous?” 

Evie had no answers for him. She was still trying to think of some lame excuse that might explain both of his accusations when she heard him sigh. “ stubborn.” 

Before she could wonder at his warning look he brought her still trapped hand to his mouth and bit down on one of her fingers. Hard. 

“Ow!” Evie stared at him with a look mixed with shock and betrayal. 

Hatchet watched her indifferently as he licked the droplets of blood blooming on her fingertip and gripped tighter when she attempted to rip her hand away. “I’ll ask again...why did you look so scared when you got here?” 

“I...I already told you--I thought you’d be mad!”

He arched his brow. “5...4...3...2...1-” 

“Wait...ah!” Evie cried, his teeth already sinking into the next one. 

He stopped.  “Go on.” 

Evie gave him a beseeching look. She had known Hatchet well enough that when he said he’d do something, he always followed through. Even now he watched her closely, his mouth hovering over her finger, waiting. 

I have to tell him something...or he’ll run out of fingers and move on to somewhere else. “I heard a...a rumor that you’re in a bad mood,” began Evie with a quickening heartbeat- praying he took it as her being afraid and not lying.  

She didn’t break eye contact in case he’d think the latter. Lying was one of Hatchet’s greatest pet peeves next to tardiness. One that made him scary. One she had to do all the time at the risk of her own life thanks to his brothers and Lord Jain. 

For a moment she panicked when he said nothing and prepared to come clean- about everything- when his brows lifted, his head moving away from her hand. “So what? I’m always in a bad mood.” 

Not with me. Only with everyone else. 

She let out a pent up breath. “That’s not true.” 

“Hmmm...” he gave her a suspicious look but he lowered her hand away further from danger. She thought she was in the clear until he remarked drily, “and what exactly did you believe I would do to you in this bad mood?” 

Evie’s face heated under his scrutiny. The memory of his last punishment resurfaced. Inwardly, she shook her head to clear the thought away. No way was she going to tell him that. Then he’d do it again. 

His eyes searched hers and she felt the window closing in before her response would seem fabricated. Think, Evie, think! What would he believe I am scared about-aside from the truth

Hatchet ruined her chance to come up with something by clicking his tongue and muttering, “nevermind...I think I can already guess by the look on your face.”  

Evie paled. “Y-you can?” 

He gave her a look that said- I’m not stupid- before continuing in a drawl. “You thought I was going to kill you,” he said with such finality she could merely blink at him, her mouth gaping open. 

His response was much better than the ones she had been trying to come up with on the spot. Dark, but good. 

Evie closed her mouth and saw his gaze narrow before she gave a subdued nod, deciding to go along with it. “I’m sorry, Hatchet.” 

For a moment he didn’t move. She prayed his silence didn’t mean he’d seen through her terrible acting and was going to make her tell him the real reason. 

And when he growled and bit her next finger, she nearly came clean about everything she’d kept from him- the attacks from his brothers, Jain’s degrading comment, being starved, having the sense something bad was coming. Then she realized his teeth didn’t prick past her skin and he was smirking. And she stuffed all of her secrets back into the guarded places of her mind.  

Hatchet released his hold and pressed her head down so it rested against his shoulder. She struggled against the hand on her head but he was too strong for her to move. “H-Hatchet...w-what are you doing?”

He busied himself by picking up the book he’d left on the armrest. Evie pushed at him but to no avail. She might have a larger frame than Hatchet’s lean body but that meant nothing when the Nightrealm were involved. Hatchet-and all Nightrealm- were much stronger than humans. 

A few seconds of her futile struggling she finally gave up. He looked down, his strands of hair tickling her cheek, answering her. “Apparently our lesson on trust didn’t stick the last time, so we’re going to have a repeat--just this once.” 

Evie’s face burned at the memory of her first day as his companion, shuddering. She’d been so scared after the first time he’d bitten her, not having any idea that was the reason he’d made her sign a contract with him. Hatchet had picked her up like she weighed nothing more than a doll and had put her on his lap, her head pressed against his collar bone, his arms wrapped tightly around her. 

Her heart gave a violent thump remembering the closeness. “I...I do trust you!” 

She felt him give a breathless laugh. “Perhaps we also need one on lying after this.” Evie’s heart jumped wildly at the lingering threat, making him add, “since I’m in such a bad mood and all, seems like the perfect time.” 

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at how childish he sounded. Now he’s just being a brat. “But I’m not lying-”at least not about this. A fact that filled her with guilt. 

He removed the hand on top of her head and used his other one to lift her chin up with a gentle finger, frowning. “Really? Because your blood says otherwise.” Heat rushed into her cheeks as the smirk he wore said got you. “You forgot about that one, didn’t you?” 

She had. Evie had completely forgotten he could tell based on the taste of her blood when she was upset or happy. Something about the chemicals released from her brain he’d once said. 

“Is that why you bit my fingers?” she asked, sullen. He brightened and she wanted to move away from him. “You could have just made me tell you the truth,” she grumbled, turning her head so she didn’t have to see his triumphant look anymore.  

“You also could have told me the truth from the beginning,” he countered, picking up his book. Evie puffed up her cheeks at him winning, yet again. Indignant he tricked her, she straightened, scooting away and crossing her arms. 

“And you could have given me a chance to tell you...stop that!” Hatchet challenged her by poking her in the ribs. She uncrossed her arms and tried to stop him, so he used his other hand. 

“Look at this,” he said, his fingers now moving over her stomach making her giggle. “So defiant even after you thought you were a dead girl walking. Who said you could laugh, huh?” he asked, her peals of laughter becoming louder. “So disobedient as always.”


“I don’t want to.” 

She grabbed his hand but she wasn’t strong enough to stop him. “Please...stop,” she giggled breathlessly. 

He hummed. “Do you think you’re still in danger?” 


He asked more pointedly. “Do you still think I’m going to kill you?” Evie answered with a violent shake of her head unable to get out a word. Out of the corner of her eye she thought his expression showed worry before she shook her head, finding it as smug as before.  

That’s odd...Hatchet doesn’t get worried. He had no need to.  Before she could recuperate from being tickled and wonder if she really saw what she thought she did he grabbed her around the waist tightly, pressing her into him. She was still giggling and breathless when he placed a kiss on the top of her head, murmuring. “That’s better.”

Evie couldn’t stop the flip in her stomach. Was he trying to cheer me up? He returned to his book and she stole a look up at him, finding a tug of a smile playing at his thin lips. For a second she held her breath as she took in his playful expression. Pleased he was concerned for her he’d do all of that to make her feel better.   

Even if it wasn’t necessary since she didn’t think he would kill her. 

Still unsure if she was imagining things or if he really was in a good mood she tested the waters by cautiously raising the hand that he hadn’t bitten to place a strand of his hair behind his left ear. 

Before she could remove her hand he quickly grabbed hold of it. And pressed his cool mouth to the pulse in her wrist. 

Their eyes connected. She flushed as she admitted quietly, “you always know how to make me feel better.” 

Warmth radiated from his gaze and she felt herself flush from it. “I’m glad,” he said, and Evie nearly relaxed until he added, “but I didn’t cheer you up just for that reason...” 

Evie’s smile withered on her small mouth. “What?” She followed his charcoal gaze now swirled with red to the subtle thump of her pulse close to his fingers. Reality crashed down on her like icy hail. “Oh...” Then, to keep him from wondering at her reaction she pasted on a smile, finishing with, “right.” Of course he had a reason for it. After all, I’m here for a purpose. 

Stuffing down the prick at her disappointment she looked away as he commanded, “breathe in,”  digging her nails into the palm of her free hand when his teeth bit into her skin, breathing out when she felt him take her blood. The reason she was made his companion in the first place. 

To be his food. 

Something she was stupid to ever forget.

© 2021 Amanda Spencer

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Added on May 12, 2021
Last Updated on May 12, 2021
Tags: Vampire, Vampire romance, young adult, anime, revenge, great villains, complex family relationships


Amanda Spencer
Amanda Spencer


Hello! I am an anime and Korean drama nerd who loves to write young adult fantasy novels. I am currently working on a vampire series that I am hoping will get published. I have spent several years wor.. more..

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A Screenplay by Amanda Spencer