Whenever we write, we aren't simply putting words on a page. We are pulling thoughts from deep within us, thoughts that we may not have considered before. Then, once they appear in our minds,
we solidify them in characters. Once they're there, they never really go away, do they? Tell me you've never written a sentence, erased it, replaced it, and moved on with your train of thought. You still remember the other idea, the one that almost was. All that remains is eraser dust, but it is still alive in your mind. Tell me you've never typed an email, text, or status, then thought better of yourself and deleted it all before it was too late. Oh but it is too late. It always is. The thought is still there in your mind. You're thinking of a specific example right now. Now, tell me that writing doesn't scare you. That the idea of something being caste in stone intentionlly or unintentionally doesn't give you the creeps.