I could get a variety of thoughts from this piece,religion,love,spiritual or something that wants to take me in a pleasurable way,very bright words,great job
This seems to me as if you are talking about our creator, our God. He is vast and limitless. I love the way you describe Him in this piece and you do it without being in your face over the top about religion and what is right or wrong.
I've never really considered myself a very religious person, but I always find the beauty in Nature. I know something had to have created all this life, who ever it was did a great job at it. Beautifully written!
I am a lover in the Keepers palace. I am a poet, a musician, an artist, and a Change Agent. I live life for a cause, for a purpose: to fulfill my destiny. Ambition is my drug, fulfillment is my high. .. more..