![]() 4. ZeikA Chapter by AlyshaThe ride home on the bus was pure torture. Callign sat a few seats back and each time the bus stopped, her scent was thrown up to the front seats making me lose track of what I was saying, as I spoke to my friends and sister.
“Mumbler!” Mary shouted to pull me back from one such occasion when I found my drifting in my speech.
Eventually I stopped talking altogether to avoid embarrassing myself. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she sat, looking uncomfortable, she acted as if she were reading a book. I saw that she was also looking at someone.
Richard sat in the seat across the aisle from her, his face was buried in a crisp, new book but I could feel the air around him stirring with his emotions and quick thoughts. I briefly wondered if she could feel his agitated state as well, for her aggravation seemed to rise and fall with his awareness of her.
I waited in torturous silence until she walked off the bus and even then, I stayed silent, regretting that such a sweet scent was gone, it was like nothing I had smelled before. It was not floral or fruity but fresh and crisp, like a clear full moon night after a cleansing rain. A smell that brought out the wild feelings right before the change.
Upon returning home the pups pounced me as usual, I pushed them away saying 'not now.' They persisted jumping around my feet and begging for play. I was losing my patience rapidly and when Jonny, the youngest pup, snapped at my hand I jumped on him and growled, with my teeth pressed into his neck until, he whimpered and apologized. I stood and glared down at him as he crawled away, his eyes glistening with tears.
“Sorry,” He whimpered, trying to nuzzle my hand in apology. I huffed and he ran off to his room.
"Ezekiel!" My mother shrieked in shock from behind me. I braced my shoulder against her alpha authority, growling defiantly as I stalked to my room, trying to figure out this knotting in my stomach. After a few hours, a knock sounded on my door, when I didn't answer my mother entered her hands on her hips and her lips pursed into a tight line. I sat straight on my bed trying to fight herauthority as I felt her alpha pressure weighing on me until I finally slumped down.
"Yar sister tells me ya have a date for tonight?" She stated. I stared at the ceiling, while I lounged on the bed. I knew it would be useless to fight with her, no matter how high in the ranks I was she was still alpha and she was still young enough to beat me in a fight for dominance. A fight that, no matter how agitated I was, I would never want to engage in. Leading a pack was too much trouble at the moment and though I thought highly as a leader amongst my friends the only thing I would accomplish as alpha would be to lead the wolves into destruction. I sighed at my thoughts and looked back to my mother.
"It’s true." I answered with a shrug.
"With whom?" She pushed. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to divulge the information, but knowing that if she demanded I would have no choice but to tell her.
"The new girl, Callign Night," I admitted. My mother nodded slowly and carefully sat on the edge of my bed, losing some of her authoritative edge.
"She is a rather extraordinary human," She said, her voice thoughtful. I clenched my teeth, knowing where she was heading with this conversation, and nodded, prompting her to continue. "But she is human, can you deny that?" I shook my head knowing that, no matter how sweet her scent was, it was purely human, but there was something in the back of my mind telling me that there was more to her then what met the eye (or nose in this case).
"Come down and eat. I made ya favorite, corned beef and potatoes?" My stomach growled at the mention of food. "Then we'll go for a run." When she mentioned a run, I jumped up and followed her down to the kitchen. Every wolf loves to run, the freedom of the night brushing against the fur of your coat and to see the moon as it should be seen. My heart began to pace out the quick beats before the change. This night was sure to be a wild night. © 2010 Alysha |
Added on May 16, 2010 Last Updated on November 15, 2010 Children of Nox
1. Callign
By Alysha
2. Richard
By Alysha
3. Baldric
By Alysha
5. Callign
By Alysha
7. Callign
By Alysha
8. Richard
By Alysha
9. Callign
By AlyshaAuthor![]() AlyshaSan Diego, CAAboutHello everyone I am Alysha Raelene. I live a simple life with my husband we are experienceing the joys and pains of pregnancy at the moment and we're loving the chance. I love writing and all that go.. more..Writing