So come on and tell me if it fits
Does the excuse make it seem
Like you had been missed
You little confused play thing
The lie is what its always been
A deceptive line put through a smile
Just there to sit and fester
Like a wound in your mind
Where maggots will crawl
Just try and find the proper
Your like a puppy thats been kicked
Scared to look at her because of this s**t
I told you onced, and ill tell you again
She never loved you one bit
But bite down harder, smile a lot
Maybe if you just forgot it would be easy
But your memory isnt at fault
No not for this
Its a storm of never ending s**t
And you are in trouble
But its not my job, to rescue you
Things like that, are not what i do
For im just an advisor
So you go on and on
You wont change a thing
In your perfect delusion
Nothing but she exists
Keep on that trail
You sick confused kid
Just do what you do
And ill carry on
Giving out my advice
Watching the sick ones
And the dice, that theyll roll
Laughing while i do so
Its just fine with me
And ive got no words so leave me here
Nothing to say my dear
Ill live on in song and prosper