So I think this is it. Not the end of the world of course, just that moment where I think I have completely lost my mind. I am officially leaving my minimum wage job, selling my brand new car, and heading to Alaska. Let me say that again…ALASKA. I expected to be overcome with excitement, with pure joy. But no, I feel numb. And I do not think that is good. I am okay though, I know God is with me. I have never been through this kind of heartbreak before. I feel sad, one because of my ex, and two, I will soon be leaving everything behind. I no longer check my phone for long-awaited texts, and I can finally look at pictures of him without hurting so bad. I miss him, and I love him, yet at the same time, I don’t. Make sense? Nope. I built my future around him, and now those dreams are shattered. Where do I go from here? I do not know how to handle everything I am feeling inside. Am I running away from my problems? Am I just running into more problems? When I come back, I will have to start over. I am just recapping all of those long waits for the bus, working all of those hours, going to class…just trying to get somewhere in this life. I worked hard for that car. But I am so tired of this place, and part of me never wants to come back. This place never felt like home. Is traveling really worth it? It is more than just about the traveling anyway. You only live once. What a strange place to be in my life right now! Is this what happens when your heart is broken?