Lovely poem, romantic and emotional. definitely based on true life experience and emotions. Very sentimental and touching of long time lovers meeting again. Well rhymed and timed. I enjoyed it especially its rhythm and flow plus timing. the syllables are well arranged bringing this quiet yet powerful poem to full bloom with the rhyming ending. Well done again.
I really like this and the fact of the words "belated Valentine's Day" in the poem just like the title, and the date the poem was written. Nice. I like the imagery in this.
I would like to offer an alternative to the first stanza, so that the pattern of "same end sound to all four lines" could be consistent:
"Befitting a King, anatomically sound
"In the waves is where my soul's fulness abounds
"When at sea, does my heart, though wearied, yet pound
"Within the walls of my chest, it strongly resounds."
I know. Really, I do: Presumptuous as hell of me. It's not like it's not already a beautiful piece. It IS! But where I see a pattern with a chink in it, something sweeps over me NEEDING to fix it. Sorry...
I'm a poet, a singer, a peaceful gunslinger..
looking to share my poetry..and a little bit of me...if I dare
I 've been writing since I was 18.... am slightly older now, and still trying to fin.. more..