Love is what it is: around the corner hiding, learning words like yours whilst it waits. 'Love is, ~ always will be ~ never ending…' As an emotion, it is exactly that ; it's not a right, it's not a gift .. we have to earn it.
From "always", through several lessening degrees, to "never": thus is the quest of Men to define Love (and, by inference, Woman), as something defineable, or static, neither of which is true. Nice insights, Allen
This was truly touching, beautiful, sweet
Love is Love it is the most beautiful part of the soul.
This was an awesome poem Allen, The ending was perfect.
I'm a poet, a singer, a peaceful gunslinger..
looking to share my poetry..and a little bit of me...if I dare
I 've been writing since I was 18.... am slightly older now, and still trying to fin.. more..