May spell doom for Russian reign
It means more than political gain
We refuse to let hatred sustain
Fear the indifferent, for they allow
The worst atrocities to happen right now
We cannot turn a blind eye
To the suffering of those who cry
Let us stand up for what we believe
And do our part to ensure that we achieve
A world where justice and peace prevail
And where every human life can truly avail.
I agree dear Alla.
"Let us stand up for what we believe
And do our part to ensure that we achieve
A world where justice and peace prevail
And where every human life can truly avail"
Myself. I believe, it will be a long war. Russia is slowly destroying a people. I hope Europe is watching. Who is next? Powerful and worthwhile thoughts shared.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Thank you for your support, Coyote! All wars are long for those who are under the gun! And yes, Euro.. read moreThank you for your support, Coyote! All wars are long for those who are under the gun! And yes, Europe will be next if not stopped now, agree with you here totally...but who will be stopping?
Have never understood why so many wars throughout history. Surely if war was a successful means to an end, there would only have been one. That said, bombs have ruined the face of this or that country over the centuries.. we might all have family history that has left its scar. At to Ukraine, the hell of that country is proof of Man's Inhumanity to Man.. but due to inbuilt insanity. that is surely showing after all the agonies the incredible Ukrainians have suffered and still are enduring. Here in the UK and in many others, people are doing what they can to give, to support the heroes over there. Their courage is unbelievable., Your post is an absolute credit to you.. thank you, thank you, thank you for nudging those who struggle in their own way but perhaps forget now and again what else is happening in our sad world.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Emma, thank you for your support! I keep shouting....Immense atrocities are right in front of the wo.. read moreEmma, thank you for your support! I keep shouting....Immense atrocities are right in front of the world but most are so consumed by their immediate orbit.... Thank you!
That's built into the male psyche that will go to any length for gaining power, even at the thoughtless, uncaring sacrificial cost of millions of innocent lives, cultures, and futures? I can't begin to image any female leader would resort to such mayhem as Putin has thrust upon the innocent peoples of Ukraine … and, for what? Does anyone (other than him) really know?
Even more confusing is why it is permitted in a world where the countries' leaders in humanity could join to stop it in so many powerful ways that don't even involve violence and death for the masses?
Clandestine assassination was once a viable tool in defeating those dictators and world leaders who went berserk, as Putin has, effectively discouraging this sort of insanity. As far back as 2270 BC, history records that literally thousands of kings and leaders have been put down by secret assassination for going too maniacally astray … sometimes, there is no choice but to sever the serpent's head.
Desperate times often require desperate measures, and what would be more deserving than to rid the world of such a murdering tyrant? I'm astonished one of his sane countrymen hasn't already put a bulletin his head for what he's doing, not to mention uselessly sending his own countrymen to their death for his own self-serving greed.
A soapbox I don't mind being on, fired-up and inspired by such well-struck poetry of compassionate right and might as yours, expressing the hearts and minds of most all of us.
Bless you for speaking out, Alla ⁓ Richard🖌
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Dear Richard, thank you for your thoughts, comments and most important understanding a support of th.. read moreDear Richard, thank you for your thoughts, comments and most important understanding a support of the issue.
I agree dear Alla.
"Let us stand up for what we believe
And do our part to ensure that we achieve
A world where justice and peace prevail
And where every human life can truly avail"
Myself. I believe, it will be a long war. Russia is slowly destroying a people. I hope Europe is watching. Who is next? Powerful and worthwhile thoughts shared.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
Thank you for your support, Coyote! All wars are long for those who are under the gun! And yes, Euro.. read moreThank you for your support, Coyote! All wars are long for those who are under the gun! And yes, Europe will be next if not stopped now, agree with you here totally...but who will be stopping?
Sweet and endearing Lady Poetess ... Your heart speaks truth born of wisdom attained from Neurons firing upon every cylinder of your quite the Intelligent Mind's Brain ... Putin has said it repeatedly over the last 10 years or so: Our world, as we know it, or once knew it, is sustained by a balance of POWER between those dominantly domineering nations of the world: U.S.A., Russian, NATO's members such as France, Germany, & Great Britain, Iran, & China ... we are all brain washed and duped into believe that if such a balance of playing King Of The Mountain should be destroyed that the entire world will be destroyed, and this brainwashing is constructed and orchestrated around truth: The above mention nation's governments would rather incinerate this planet and all who reside upon than give up the positional power which they use to hold sway of power and control over the entirety of Mankind's Humanity known as the Human Race ... None of the aforementioned nations are more to blame than the others, because THEY ARE ALL EQUALLY AND OMINOUSLY TO BLAME, each and every one, and, as an American I must say, The United States Of America is far more to blame, is far more the instigator's perpetrater than is any other nation involved in the Ukrainian Conflict, more so that that which Russia appears, on the surface to be ... Russia is being played for a patsy and fallguy by American devilishly learned and acquired Anglo Saxon trickery of deceit's inverted diplomacy that never meet the metal of where the grinding wheels of War are soon to meet: America is a master of demonizing other nations, their leadership, their peoples, just before launching that next war of invading another nation in the name of God, Freedom, & Democracy ... America is the largest Evil Empire upon this present Earth wherein we all reside ... I love my country, but I shan't ever lower myself to telling lies in order to defend any nation that preys upon other tinier and weaker nations for the sake of power, control, and profit ... Please do read my article, It Takes Two To Tango, Sometimes Three Or More ...
Great writing from the heart ... Never allow you quill to rest ...
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you greatly, Marvin for your thoughts and for your review. Much appreciated as always!
a strong and beautiful poem about fighting for what is right, fighting for your country and not ever giving up; the atrocities will hopefully be brought to justice.... not soon enough. My son works for a non-profit that helps soldiers and civilians in Ukraine.
Thank you for sharing
Best, Betty
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Thank you Betty! Please send my HUGE appreciation to your son who is extending his helping hand and .. read moreThank you Betty! Please send my HUGE appreciation to your son who is extending his helping hand and does the part for humanity! Bravo
We poets don't turn a blind eye. We do our best to open every eye and read our hearts. That is the part that we can play. All we can do. If only our pens could protect the innocent.
Posted 2 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
Solidarity! Thank you and totally agree poets should not be silent on atrocities committed even if t.. read moreSolidarity! Thank you and totally agree poets should not be silent on atrocities committed even if this is not in our back yard. Thank you very much for your connection!
I am an accomplished architect, builder, and artist with a passion for poetry and a desire to make a difference in communities, societies, and the world. Live currently in NYC. Born in Kiev, Ukraine, .. more..