![]() AlissaA Story by All From A Pen![]() Wrote this fictional story only to entertain. I hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed writing it. -Thanks![]() I know not of the hour, nor the day that I fell in love with a Ms. Alissa Shovins. I must say I do, however, recall the series of events leading unto her passing. I do not wish to share such private matters of the heart with mere strangers but seeing as I will be greeted with the rugged grip of the hangman's noose come morning, I feel I must relieve myself of the burdens of which I speak. I believe the cost of love was far beyond my possesion, for never had I felt such a indismissable feeling before meeting Ms. Shovins. I only hope not to stain the radiant silk of her name, for this is my final token of love for her. I now present to you, the intertwined events of my life with the life of Ms. Alissa Shovins. I remember the first time my eyes ever beheld Alissa, for it was a memorable moment indeed. I was at the town hall (as was everyone that particular evening) awaiting the arrival of my dear friend Mr. Henry Billings. He had aroused my spirits the week before, speaking of a lady he had accquainted in parts unknown to me (for I was presently new to London, just arriving from Baltimore in the states). He spoke of her with a cheerful tone, and I acquired much details of this certain lady as he rarely changed topics in conversation unless forced to otherwise, with the subject of his newfound love surely returning within the approaching moments. As he entered the room I happened to be occupying, I saw on his arm a lady of beautiful and delicate features and immediately I felt as if I had known her in a previous day (surely from the hours of his discussing her). I met her eyes across the party floor and made my way through the crowd to approach my newfound angel and her escourt. The room was very crowded, much to my dismay at surpassing to reach my destination, on account of the birthday of a very important person belonging unto a family in the major clique, of which I had no knowlege for I was new unto these parts as I have previously stated. With the success of reaching the opposite wall unto where she made her presence, I approached my friend with the casual conversation expected, as to not arouse suspicion of my desire to formally meet his company. "Ah! My dear Henry, how are you this evening? I do hope the change of weather had not left you a chill?" I spoke calmly to him as though she stood not at his side. "No my dear friend, I am in good health, but your concern pleases me!" Said he with an expression of true pleasure. "Might I introduce Ms. Alissa Shovins, the same to which I have given my heart." He added as he turned to gaze upon the beauty of his fiance. "Then she has accepted your request of marraige?" I asked with the sickness of jealousy and complete distaste flowing just under my skin. The average spectator would have been convinced my question as nothing but casual- as did Henry. "I most happily reply she accepted and we are deeply in love. She and she only will ever have my heart!" Henry spoke with such enthusiasm that sickened me. Months approached only to flee into the forest of time, lost to all but those who lived within it. I spent each night pacing my room, for I lived in quarters set apart for me by Henry himself, within his own estate. During my nightly rounds I imagined the ways I could rid myself and Alissa of Henry, leaving Alissa only to be alone unto which I would comfort her, to love her for the rest of our days. I knew not that husband and wife bickered every night in the opposite wing of the estate. I recall the first time I heard the arguements, I was entertaining the notion of a walk of the private estate, surrounded by acres of forest inherited from his father and he his father and so on. I had stumbled upon the conversation as I retraced my steps to front entrance, hearing the distaste in the voice of my lovely Alissa trailing from the window of their room. I hesitated and listened only a moment before returning to my dwelling. Upon realizing the furiocity of which they bickered, my thoughts ran wild with the plan of Henry's demise. I spent night after night in my room, restraining myself from the notion of his murder. Only until the night he rapped upon my door did I then entertain the idea. I clearly remember the concern in his voice, calling unto my name as I raced to answer. "The lady Alissa...s-she is dead." He hearkened unto me through sobs and shaking screams of panic. "I struck her accross her delicate face with my hand only, but as in so much rage I must have..I must have broken the neck of my beloved!" Henry fell into his pit of pity, shame, and disbelief as I fled from the room. I approached the corpse of my secret love, falling to my knees as I gaped through teary eyes at her soft hair sprawled upon the wooden floor. I saw in the candlelight the mark of his hand upon her rosy cheek, the sight fueling anger inside me. In defeat I dropped my head and sobbed, hiding my face with my left hand, letting my right rest upon her neck...where I felt a pulse. "She's alive!" I screamed inside, the anger supressing and joy abounding unto my very soul. It was true! The pulse was slow but strong, in Henry's rush of terror of the thought of killing his wife he had fled without feeling for the beat of her precious heart. In an instant, my thoughts ran wild as I turned and faced Henry who had now reached the doorway. "Henry, we must bury her, we must put her at peace. I only wish she had not perished, for I was with great happiness at the sight of your love for each other." I said sadly, hiding the truth within myself. Therefore, we took upon the task of carrying her to the outside, into the forest, dark and damp with the dew of early morn. I made little effort to speak of anything, listening only to the sobs of Henry, as we made our way to the Billings cemetary on the eastern area of the estate. Upon reaching the cemetary, he withdrew himself to the shed thereof and reapeared with two spades which we then dug quickly into the soft earth, the desire to rid ourselves of this task heavy upon our hearts. Although the desires strong, the tasks upon which we focused were very diffeent indeed. At the completion of the freshly dug grave, we layed the casket therein, a new wave of sorrow apparently flowing over Henry as he sobbed. It was then that we turned to Lady Alissa, for it was time to lay her in her wooden tomb. As Henry stood gazing teary eyed at his loved one, I produced every ounce of hatred of his taking of Alissa from me into one solid swing of the spade unto the back of my dear friend's head, his limp body falling immediately to the earth. I dropped the spade, stained with fresh blood, and drug his being into the coffin, and upon doing so sat wide eyed staring at my dear friend of so many years. Just as I reached for the lid to seal his imprisonment, a thought occured to me. "Why is it, if Alissa loves me, that she accepted Henry's request of marraige?" The thought awoke rage within me I had never before known, and upon the sudden surge of hatred for life, Henry, Alissa, and at most my own self for having been so blind, I took up my precious Alissa, who had now awoken, and cast her into the coffin as well. As I sealed the coffin shut with nails and hammer Henry himself had collected from the shed while retrieving the spades, I wept only in anger as I buried them deep hoping only that suffication was a sufficient punishment for her. I had loved her, and she had not loved me in return. I was captured early that next day as I sat upon their grave, listening to the muffled sounds that was Alissa's screams, whether I heard them or my mind produced them, I know not. I believe not that I am mad, in opposition to the belief of the peoples who have heard my case. I fret not for the hangman's noose, for I look towards the moment that I join Alissa. As I have stated, I am not mad, I was only, and always shall be...in love. © 2010 All From A PenAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on July 30, 2010 Last Updated on July 30, 2010 Author![]() All From A PenJonesville, VAAboutI'm 19 years old, I've been a Christian since I was 13. I'm a guitarist mainly in the 50s-80s classic rock range, although I also play piano and harmonica. I read works by Stephen King and Edgar Allen.. more..Writing