Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by AllAmericanGirl

i stopped updating this on here for a while but im going to continue updating again on here so i hope you enjoy =]


I was working on finding the cafeteria when I realized I wasn’t going to find it without asking someone or looking at the map of the school. So I chose the latter. Ha. So here I was, staring at a map of the school, when someone came up behind me.

“Anywhere in particular you looking for?” A guys voice sounded behind me. I jumped, making him laugh. I didn’t recognize him.

“Uh, yeah actually,” I felt myself getting a bit red and kept my gaze on the map. “Do you know where the cafeteria is?” He laughed again. This time I turned partway around and saw him. He was leaning on the wall next to the map. He had light honey colored hair and dark brown eyes. His eyes reminded me of someone’s but at the moment I couldn’t place it.

“Yes I do,” he said, laughing again, “How ‘bout you walk with me and I’ll show you?” Well, I wasn’t too keen on walking with a guy I didn’t know, but there were still people around and I didn’t feel anything bad was gonna happen so I took him up on it.

“Alright,” I said, and we started walking out of the dorms and back into the main building.

“I’m Carter,” he said after a minutes silence.

“Kailey,” I said. “Sometimes Cami.”

“Which one do you prefer?” he asked. I laughed.

“I’ve never had a preference. I like them both,” I said and looked at him. Something in his mind must have clicked because he started giving me a strange look.


“You’re the McAdams girl?” he asked. I nodded. Good news travels fast don’t it? “So you’re rooming with Jason? How’s that working out for you so far?” I groaned and he laughed.


“What?” I asked. He continued laughing.


“Any girl, Any girl, would kill for your situation and it sounds like you don’t even want it.” he replied.

“I don’t.” He seemed to think this was funny.


“What’s the problem?” he asked.


“Aside from the fact that he’s got a temper issue and doesn’t seem to like anybody?” He just laughed.


“Well, he does have some anger issues, but he does have his reasons.” Carter said. I remembered coming back from the Administrative Office and Jason telling me he had his reasons.

“Like what?” I asked. Maybe Carter would know. I was only asking because I thought maybe knowing something about him might work to an advantage until the semester ended and I could get a new roommate. He looked at me.

“It’s not that I think you’d go around telling people, but that’s the thing. Some things are better kept secret. You wanna know about him? Ask him.” I broke his gaze and looked away. Easier said than done. He laughed. “He’s not that hard to get along with once you get to know him. And you have how long with him? This semester? You’ll find out.” Doubtful.

Okay, why was I even worried about Jason? It’s not like I was attracted to him or anything, I mean he was hot, but I had Jarrod. Jarrod had been in my life for a while, and I wasn’t going to ruin that with one semester. So, it looks like I’m going to make an attempt at friendship with Jason, if it don’t work out, it don’t work out.

Jason’s POV


After Kailey had gone to make her phone call, I had bolted out of the room. I don’t know what it was about her, but I didn’t like it, didn’t trust it. Lance and Justin, my two best friends here, followed me. Ami followed Lance. Obviously she liked him, and he was clueless. I laughed out loud.


“What’s so funny?” Lance asked me. I shook my head. We were in the cafeteria at a table towards the back. There were about ten of us at the table, though I only talked to less than half of them. It surprised me how much the girls went crazy over me. Not that I minded, but I didn’t see the big deal about me.

Ami was sitting next to Lance, who was sitting next to me. Justin sat on my other side. I knew some of the other people at the table were trying to make conversation with me, about my new roommate, of course, but I shrugged them off. That was one subject I wanted to avoid. I decided I was going to ask my dad what was the deal after I got out of here. Out of everyone to share a room with her, it was me, the headmasters son. I wanted to know if he had anything behind that.


“Oh,” Ami sighed. “I feel kind of bad. About leaving Cami. She probably doesn’t even know where to go.” I raised my eyebrows a bit and she noticed. “What?” she asked.


“I think that’s the first time I heard you feel bad about something.” I said.


“Well she’s already going to be hated by most of the girls in this school, because of her roommate,” she said, staring at me. I looked away. “And she doesn’t know anywhere else.”

“Then why don’t you go looking for her?” I suggested. She quickly glanced at Lance then looked away. She shrugged. Basically, she didn’t want to leave her spot next to Lance and come back to find it taken.

I thought about Kailey. She was pretty, sure, and she was about the first girl I met here who didn’t flip out every time she saw me. I think I pissed her off and I smiled at that. And she has a boyfriend, which means she’s not going to be interested in me. Or well, hopefully. My last relationship took a turn downhill and it crashed. Wait, was I actually thinking of Kailey in a girlfriend way? I shook my head. First off, I just met the girl. Second off, I didn’t even know anything about her. Third off, I wasn’t going to.





Speak of the devil. I spot Kailey walking in next to a guy. The guy looked up and glanced my way and I recognized him. Carter Graham, my cousin. Why was she with him? Of all people she could run into, she ran into him. Carter was known as a player, basically, as people who go from girl to girl seeking only one thing are called. He played with girls hearts and always got what he wanted. Most girls knew this about him, but they still played his game. To them, he was hot. Carter grinned at me and grabbed Kailey’s hand, startling her but she didn’t let go. He pulled her towards the line and I felt myself getting angry. Why should I be? It’s not like I care about her. But I think at that moment I knew that I was starting to feel something, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to feel it.

© 2009 AllAmericanGirl

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems. Just tell me what you think is good so far or what you like about it =]

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Added on May 12, 2009