"The soft illusion that it was ordinary to recall your ghosts never faded away. I called you Summer when you were my cloudiest autumn. I ripped the shadows out of the walls to make you the only one passing my footprints. Leave the skill to blind me behind you or I will never see again. Make it stop. Or I will." Mr. Robinson wrote these lines before the storm came and all the ink kissed the sky instead of the paper.
Mr. Robinson kissed the gates of lucid dreams after he lost his beloved chameleon Summer.
Summer was a mentalistic breakthrough. He reflected the colours of Mr. Robinson's lucid dreams.
Mr. Robinson would always shut the door hystericaly after seeing the sky in a wrong shade of blue.
Mr. Robinson could steal the patience of a therapist but the cactus tapestry in his toilet can listen too.
Mr. Robinson ignores humanity, because humanity is a stubborn leech.
Mr. Robinson hates ukulele players that don't offer him a pinacolada.
Mr. Robinson should embrace the order in every chaos.
After dealing with this nature you should beware. Mr. Robinson loves to confuse. He loves to contrast and to deliver you nonsense. However it doesn't matter anymore. Mr. Robinson lost his footprints and got instead the zest that brand new wings bring you.